The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 239 Golden Egg Transformation

Chapter 239 Golden Egg Transformation
In Shen Xiu's shocked eyes, the big white goose in front of her transformed into a plump, graceful naked woman.

"This...this...this...this..." Shen Xiufeng's eyes widened, and the appearance of the naked woman was very familiar to her. It was none other than herself.

Except for the fact that her hair is silver, all other body parts of the naked girl are exactly the same as her own, even the moles on her private parts are the same.

Before Shen Xiu could recover, she received a heavy slap on her almond-shaped face: "Bitch, who are you calling ugly!"

The naked girl spoke human words, her tone and tone were exactly the same as Shen Xiu's. She pinched her waist with both hands and was very angry, her small breasts rising and falling violently.

" actually dare to hit me! How dare you hit me!!! I want my brother to kill you!" Shen Xiu shouted while crying.

Ever since she was little, she has been a star-studded existence. Even her father, who was always strict, never beat her. This woman actually...

Jindanliu frowned, raised his palm again, and slapped the other half of Shen Xiu's face hard: "Kill me? I'll slap you to death!"


After taking about three cups of tea, Jindan heard footsteps in the distance, so she transformed and returned to her appearance as a big white goose.

Ji Feng quickly slipped out of Shen Xiu's room. Jin Dan closed the door with his backhand, flapped his wings, flew over the wall and flew out.

"Autumn has been sad and lonely since ancient times. I say that autumn is better than spring; in the clear sky, a crane is lining up on the clouds, no, an egg is lining up on the clouds." When I walked into Xiu's room, I happened to find a big golden goose egg flying over the wall.

Xian Wu scratched his head. He didn't know why Jin Dan was so crazy today. He always sticks to him when he sees him. Why did he run away today?

"No matter what, let's feed Shen Xiu's upper mouth first." Xian Wu shook his head, hummed a cheerful ditty, and continued to move forward.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, Xian Wu was stunned, the food box was thrown out of his hand, and fell to the ground with a "dang", so he simply didn't overturn it and waste it.

After coming back to his senses, Xian Wu used the "Thunder God's Fury" combat skill and quickly flashed to Shen Xiu's bedside, "Xiu'er, what's wrong with your face?"

Shen Xiu's face was swollen into a pig's head for some unknown reason, as if he had been kicked by the fatal scholar's "unrecognizable feet".

"Goose... goose... goose..." Shen Xiu's mouth was swollen like two fat sausages, her breathing was weak, and she couldn't speak clearly.

Xian Wu quickly took out a Nine-Revolution Pill from the space ring and fed it to Shen Xiu, "How long has it been? You are still reciting poetry!"

Mouth to mouth, Xian Wu returned the swallowed soul power to Shen Xiu, untied the quilt and spring roll, held her in his arms, and guided her to heal.

The blood on the face flowed out from the corner of the ruptured mouth, and Shen Xiu's already white face became even paler and bloodless.

Under Xian Wu's careful operation, Shen Xiu's face returned to its original appearance, and at the same time, the Nine Turns Pill he had swallowed began to take effect.

After regaining her soul power, Shen Xiu's cultivation greatly improved and she was promoted to a four-star silver demon spiritual master. It was just right and she felt that she was capable again.

"Don't touch me, get away!" Shen Xiu struggled desperately in Xian Wu's arms and summoned a flaming demon fox to scratch and scratch Xian Wu.

Xian Wu frowned and said angrily: "Hey, I saved you, but you not only don't thank me, but you treat me like this, you don't need education!"

After pressing Shen Xiu down on the bed and giving him a lesson, Xian Wu patted the non-existent dust on his hands and jumped out of bed.

"Eat!" Xian Wu moved the table to Shen Xiu's bedside and ordered loudly: "If you don't pay attention to the roof for three days, you will not be educated." Shen Xiu didn't seem to hear Xian Wu's order and lay down crying without tears. On the soft and messy big bed, he didn't move at all.

"You didn't hear me when I asked you to eat. Get up quickly. Did you hear me? Otherwise I will let you know how to write the word 'a'."

Xian Wu pinched his waist and looked at Shen Xiu with a straight eyebrow. Don't you know your identity? Do you think that you can be without a husband if you are pregnant?

Amidst Xian Wu's roar, Shen Xiu gritted her silver teeth, endured the pain all over her body, and crawled up, her face full of resentment and resentment.

Shen Xiu secretly swore in her heart: "Die Xianwu! Smelly Xianwu! Just wait for me, I will definitely take revenge."

"Where's the ham on the table? Have you eaten it?" Xian Wu asked doubtfully while placing the food and wine in the food box on the table.

Shen Xiu's tongue is really long. It can be reached even from such a distance. Why haven't you noticed this new skill before?
Shen Xiu wiped her slender hands with a clean wet towel and snorted coldly: "Don't wrongly accuse a good person, I didn't touch it!"

"You didn't eat it? You didn't eat it. It disappeared out of thin air!"

Seeing that Xian Wu was about to rush over, Shen Xiu was so frightened that she wrapped herself in a quilt and huddled in the corner, like a little rabbit frightened by the big bad wolf.

"I'm not lying. It's true. A snow-white goose broke in just now and ate your ham." Shen Xiu explained.

"My ham sausage?" Xian Wu raised his eyebrows. Although Shen Xiu's statement was correct, coming from her mouth was particularly tempting.

After educating Shen Xiu again, Xian Wu held her in his arms and fed her food with chopsticks. Shen Xiu did not resist.

"According to what you just said, it was the ham that that little thing from Golden Egg secretly ate? Blanch it, no wonder it ran so fast after seeing me!"

Shen Xiu didn't tell Xian Wu about the golden egg's transformation. When she was going to escape later, she took the golden egg back along the way.

Her eldest brother Shen Hong will definitely like such a magical monster, and she will no longer be looked down upon by her tribe.

After feeding Shen Xiu, Lu Xian restored the interior decoration to its original state, picked up the food box and prepared to leave. "why are you laughing?"

Xian Wu found Shen Xiu secretly laughing. He slapped his forehead and suddenly remembered something. He walked over and confiscated his soul power.

"You...bastard!" Shen Xiu looked at Xian Wu's retreating back angrily. She must take revenge, she must take revenge!

After leaving Shen Xiu's room, Xian Wu arranged for two loyal maids to serve Shen Xiu, one named Chunxiang and the other named Xia Xiang.

They are all gold-level demon spirit masters, fused with god-level growth-producing demon spirits, and have practiced the god-level technique "Shenhun Dao Jue".

The Divine Soul Taoist Technique was a technique given to Xian Wu by Nie Li. He said it was suitable for everyone to practice and allowed Xian Wu to teach it to others.

Xian Wu didn't know that all those who practiced the "Divine Soul Dao Jue" would allocate [-]% of their soul power to those who practiced the "Divine Soul Binding Jue", and Nie Li happened to practice the "Divine Soul Binding Jue". "Heart Secret".

However, even if [-]% of the soul power is allocated, the cultivation effect of "Shenhun Dao Jue" is stronger than any existing kung fu in Glory City.

After sending the food box to the kitchen and letting the servants clean it up, Xian Wu went to the construction site to check how the construction progress of the barracks was going.

(End of this chapter)

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