The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 240 The Monster Beast Attacks

Chapter 240 The Monster Beast Attacks
In the southern part of the Haozhen family's territory, a large military camp is being built in full swing, and the construction workers are working in full swing.

The reason why Xian Wu arranged the general camp in the south is because the south is relatively close to the south gate of the Glory City and is convenient for entry and exit.

Xian Wu is already a peak black gold demon spiritual master. Even if he doesn't summon the wind and thunder wings, he can still fly in the air with his soul power for a short time.

Instead of summoning wind and thunder wings or flying in the air, Xian Wu stepped on the little villain's back and let him fly to the construction site.

"No matter how hateful Shen Xiu is, she is still my woman. How can you beat her at will? If there is another time, I will spank you!"

While warning the golden egg verbally, Xian Wu stepped on its broad back, standing with his hands behind his back, his clothes fluttering like a fairy.

Flying nearby, Xian Wu flicked the silver hair that blocked his sight, turned over, and used his soul power to slowly land.

The golden egg flapped its wings, landed on the ground, and followed Xian Wu with a swaggering pace as if he didn't recognize his relatives.

Seeing Xian Wu arriving, Lao Gao, the contractor, trotted over to meet him. He cupped his fists and greeted, "Young City Master."

"How is the progress of the project? How long is the estimated time left for the construction to be completed?" Xian Wu asked nonchalantly with his hands behind his back.

The senior engineer replied: "The military camp is not a palace. It is easy to build. It will be completed in about half a month."

Hearing this, Xian Wu nodded his head and let Gao Gong lead him. He went around the construction site and put forward some suggestions for revision.

The Haozhen family built a total of four military camps, one each in the east, west, and south. Xian Wu named the four military camps after the four mythical beasts.

The Qinglong camp in the east, the White Tiger camp in the west, the Zhuque camp in the south, and the Xuanwu camp in the north, each camp can accommodate 200 people.

The number of martial arts apprentices recruited is already full, no more, no less, a full 100 people, and they are currently being trained at the Qinglong Camp that has been built.

One hundred warriors were all tortured by Xian Wu using his charm technique. All the spies were eliminated, leaving only those from clean family backgrounds.

The military training instructor Tie Kuang is already in place and is training the new recruits' obedience according to Xian Wu's instructions.

Xian Wu's plan was to train the Qinglong Camp into cavalry, the White Tiger Camp into infantry, the Zhuque Camp into archers, and the Xuanwu Camp into sailors.Different types of soldiers use different equipment. Cavalry is equipped with poles, infantry is equipped with shields, and archers are equipped with crossbows.

Xian Wu is currently preparing to train the one hundred warrior apprentices into light cavalry, riding ordinary war horses and using Fang Tian Hua halberds.

After the snow wolf cubs and griffon chicks grew up, Xian Wu trained the light cavalry into wolf cavalry and griffin cavalry.

The eight cubs are currently being raised by Huyan Lanruo. She has experience in raising dogs and is also good at raising monsters.

Fed with legendary monster meat and special feed, the eight cubs grew rapidly and are now as strong as calves.

Huyan Lanruo estimates that in a month or two, they will grow into young adults, and then they will be able to mate and reproduce.

In the next month, Xian Wu would go to the Holy Ancestor Mountains every day to hunt black gold-level monsters and hunt meat to feed the cubs.

As the cubs grow, their appetites grow larger and larger, and they can swallow one or two thousand kilograms of black gold-level monster meat every day.

However, they did not waste the meat, they digested and absorbed it all, and every monster cub was promoted to a black gold level existence.

The training in the military camp is also proceeding in an orderly manner. The recruits have finished their queue and three-step training and started combat training.

The construction progress of the Ten Thousand Demons and Demons Array in the City Lord's Mansion is also halfway through, and the plan to annihilate the Dark Guild has been completely completed.

Patriarch Ye Yan, disguised as a dragon evil spirit, was "imprisoned" in the city lord's palace, and now he is just waiting for the dark guild to surrender.The four military camps have been built, but the number of soldiers has not yet been fully recruited. Xian Wu is not in a hurry and plans to train the 100 people first.

On this day, Xian Wu was reviewing the results of the soldiers' cultivation of "Shenhun Dao Jue" on the school field of the Qinglong Camp.

Suddenly, smoke was seen in the east of the Glory City, which meant that a wave of monsters was coming from the east.

"Raise troops for a thousand days, use them for a while! Qinglong Camp, follow me on the expedition!" Xian Wu waved his hand and set off with a hundred soldiers.

After the gold-level gray-feathered ferocious bird egg demon spirit hatched and practiced the "Shenhun Dao Jue", all soldiers reached the silver level.

Some soldiers with outstanding talents even reached the gold level and were promoted to "squad managers" by Xian Wu.

A squad leader can manage a squad of about ten soldiers.Squad managers not only have to manage soldiers, but also direct battles.

Only Xian Wu, Jin Dan and a hundred soldiers from the Haozhen family rushed to support, while the rest were ordered by Xian Wu to guard their homes.

Every beast tide is a nightmare. On the east wall of the Glory City, all combat units are already in place.

"City Lord, Lord Ye Mo, father-in-law!" Xian Wu climbed up the tower and cupped his fists, greeting them one by one with a smile.

Seeing Xian Wu coming, everyone's brows relaxed. With Xian Wu's participation, the beast horde should be dealt with better.

Everyone smiled and nodded, except Shen Hong, who had a gloomy face. He came over and asked, "Xian Wu, where is Shen Xiu?"

"You ask me?" The smile on Xian Wu's face disappeared, and immediately a black flame rose from his palm.

Shen Hong swallowed his saliva and said with an apologetic smile: "What I mean is that Shen Xiu is pregnant and is not suitable for fighting."

"Nonsense!" Xian Wu said blankly, then turned to Ye Mo and asked: "Grandpa, what's going on with the beast tide?"

"I don't know. It suddenly appeared this morning, and it's millions." Ye Mo's eyes flashed with a vague light.

Xian Wu understood that this was probably the work of the Dark Guild, who wanted to attract everyone's attention with a wave of monsters, and then take the opportunity to rob the prisoner.

The east gate is the main attack direction of the monsters, but this does not mean that other city gates do not need to be guarded, it is just that the east gate has more troops.

Except for the head of the family, Shen Hong, everyone else in the Holy Family was guarding the west gate, which was close to their family's territory.

Xian Wu didn't know why Ye Zong arranged it like this, it was probably a trick to make the holy family show its fox's tail.

"Xian Wu, are these people behind you servants of the Haozhen family?" Ye Xiu, the third in command of the Fengxue family, asked doubtfully.

The soldiers of Qinglong Battalion stood neatly behind Xian Wu, like steel piles and iron pillars, motionless and silent.

Every soldier is wearing silver-level armor, and a few of them are also wearing gold-level armor, like green dragons.

In addition, they all hold gold-level Fangtian painted halberd soldiers, and each of them is stronger than silver-level.

Xian Wu smiled slightly and said, "Yes, as soon as I saw the smoke, I brought all my servants and came to support."

Ye Xiu and Ye Zong exchanged a look. What did Xian Wushen want to do when he unknowingly trained such a powerful team?
(End of this chapter)

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