Chapter 241 Abyss Troll
Just as everyone's attention was attracted by the upcoming wave of million-level monsters, the Dark Guild quietly entered the city.

Shen Yue, a Bronze Two-star member of the Sacred Family, poured his soul power into a scroll and summoned a black vortex in the courtyard.

A group of men in black robes walked out of the black whirlpool. The black demon pattern on the back of the black robes was particularly ferocious. When everyone walked out, the whirlpool disappeared.

"Well done, pretty boy." Gui Sha patted Shen Yue on the shoulder. If Long Sha was here, he would definitely like Shen Yue.

Long Sha was a pervert, and he liked little boys with thin skin and tender meat the most. When he thought of Long Sha in prison, Gui Sha lamented.

Hearing the words "little pretty face", Shen Yue was so frightened that he backed away. With a "bang", he bumped into an unusually tall person.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Shen Yue apologized repeatedly, fearing that the other party would snap his neck when he was angry.

This man was about two meters tall, like a little giant, and his body was as strong as a black marble wall, and the impact made him feel more and more painful.

The giant man mechanically stretched out his hand and stroked Shen Yue's braided head. Without saying a word, he slowly retracted his big hand.

Shen Yue was surprised to find that the giant man's hand was exactly the same as Gui Sha's mechanical prosthetic limb. They were both full of mechanical feeling and super cool.

"Let's go!" Gui Sha gave the order, and with more than 30 people, he quickly left the territory of the Holy Family and ran towards the city lord's mansion.

The Snow Dragon Guard, who had been hiding in the dark and secretly monitoring the Holy Family, discovered this situation, gave the information to the carrier pigeon, and let it fly.

After leaving the Holy Family, the Dark Guild went straight to the west of the City Lord's Mansion, killing everyone they saw along the way, including men, women, children, pigs and dogs.

After successfully "sneaking" to the vicinity of the city lord's palace, Gui Sha took out the "Stone of Space and Darkness" from the space ring, and everyone began to carve inscriptions.

Two patrolling guards discovered the members of the Dark Guild who were painting inscriptions on the ground. Just as they were about to blow the whistle, their chests were shot through.

"Well done, Shen Yao!" Gui Sha praised. He was indeed a mechanical puppet praised by the dark demon spiritual master as his lifetime masterpiece.

In addition to sealing Shen Yao's soul into the spirit puppet so that he could regain his ability to move, the spirit puppet was also loaded with a large number of weapons.

Every weapon is filled with soul power energy in advance, and Shen Yao is also equipped with a huge energy storage soul stone in his body, which can replenish energy for weapons that have exhausted his soul power at any time.Shen Yao's current combat power can even kill a legendary demon spiritual master.

As time passed, the inscription summoning circle was finally completed. Gui Sha put the Stone of Kongming into the center of the circle and told the others to retreat away.

The Abyss Troll is a very dangerous creature. It does not distinguish between friend and foe. It will destroy any building in front of it and kill any enemy in front of it.

Injecting soul power into the summoning circle, the ghost quickly moved away like lighting firecrackers, and everyone fled hundreds of meters away.

As the summoning circle lights up from the outside to the inside, the Stone of Space and Darkness is finally activated, and the earth "rumbling" trembles.

Soon, a huge crack formed on the ground. Hot magma kept pouring out of the crack, and a huge head rose from the magma.The magma rolled and fell to the ground, turning into small magma demons, shouting and attacking in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, a monster tens of meters tall squeezed through the crack and crawled out, with wings on its back and a giant sword in hand.

"The abyss troll has come out. Go to the north of the city lord's palace and save Long Sha!" Gui Sha gave the order and left quickly with his men.

The abyss troll roared and swung his sword towards the towering gate tower of the city lord's mansion. The guarding sentries were instantly reduced to ashes.

At this time, on the wall outside the Glory City, Xian Wu had already fought against the monsters coming like a tide, and the battle was very fierce.A large number of city guards died, and members of various major families also suffered a lot of losses. Even Xian Wu's Qinglong Battalion suffered several serious injuries.

Ye Mo was suspended in the air and using the Tianling Ice Sword to kill the densely packed monsters under the city when he heard the roar from the city.

Attaching soul power to his eyes, he could clearly see the abyss troll attacking the city lord's mansion from a distance of dozens of miles.

"Ye Xiu, the city lord's mansion has been attacked. You and I go back to provide support!" Ye Mo landed on the tower and patted Ye Xiu's shoulder.

Without even thinking about it, it must be the dark guild’s fault. They first used a wave of monsters to attract attention, and then took advantage of the chaos to break into the city lord’s mansion.

Shen Hong, who had been fishing nearby, heard the news and rushed over immediately, volunteering: "I'll help too!"

He was not going to help deal with the abyss trolls, but to help rescue the imprisoned Dragon Demon, and then take advantage of the chaos to escape from the Glory City.

Although the Holy Family has a huge property in the Glory City, after Ye Zong found out about tax evasion, all the property was sealed up.

I don’t know where Ye Zong got the real account book. He obviously hid the account book in an extremely hidden place.

"You don't have to go, stay and help Ye Zong fight against the beast tide!" Ye Mo rejected Shen Hong's proposal and quickly flew away with Ye Xiu.

Shen Hong sneered, if you don't let me go, I won't go?Soon after Ye Mo left, Shen Hong took advantage of the chaos and slipped to the west gate.

Seeing Shen Hong leaving, Xian Wu stopped pretending and directly summoned the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, used the tens of meters of electric light sword, and jumped off the city wall.In the astonished eyes of everyone, the monsters were like wheat, easily harvested by Xian Wu, and fell one after another.

Every time a monster is killed, the power of the Thunder God's Meteor Sword will become stronger, and the concentration of the sword's spiritual fetus will be further enhanced.

"I'll go, Xian Wu is too awesome. He can do whatever he wants with his soul power, right?" Nie Li opened his mouth in surprise.

After killing countless demonic beasts, the Thunder God's Thunder Sword groaned softly, bursting out with dazzling lightning, and the sword's spirit fetus was completely gestated.

The hungry sword spirit fetus began to devour the thunder beasts in the sword. From bronze to black gold, all the thunder beasts were swallowed up by the sword spirit fetus.

Although the thunder beast is gone, the power of the Thunder God's Meteor Sword is more powerful, and the blade is more solid, like substance.

On the other side, Ye Mo and Ye Xiu quickly rushed to the sky above the City Lord's Mansion. When they saw the devastated City Lord's Mansion, they were filled with anger.

They thought they were fully prepared, but they did not expect to suffer such serious losses. The guards suffered heavy casualties.

"Ye Xiu, you go summon the Snow Wind Spirit God, and I'll entangle the abyss troll at the other end." Ye Mo gave an order, and the troops split into two groups.

The abyss trolls have broken through the city wall and entered the city lord's palace, killing them wantonly.

The left-behind elders of the Fengxue Family controlled the divisions of the Ten Thousand Demons and Demons Array and firmly protected the family members of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Evil beast, Ye Mo is here, take your life!" Ye Mo condensed the Tianling Ice Sword and shot the sharp sword at the abyss troll.

(End of this chapter)

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