The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 242 Divine Annihilation

Chapter 242 Divine Annihilation
In the northern part of the city lord's palace, there were two loud "boom" sounds, and the thick wall was blasted with a huge gap by the energy cannon in Shen Yao's palm.

The people from the Dark Guild quickly swarmed into the City Lord's Mansion, killing all the City Lord's Mansion guards who resisted and destroyed their bodies.

The Dark Guild came out in full force this time, with seven or eight black-gold level demon spiritual masters and twenty or thirty gold-level demon spiritual masters.

They must rescue Long Sha before the city lord's palace has completed the construction of the array of demons and demon spirits, otherwise they will never have a chance again.

After reuniting with Nei Ying, under the leadership of Nei Ying, Gui Sha and the Dark Guild quickly rushed towards the Tianlao, causing rivers of blood to flow wherever they went.

"Shen Yao, bomb the door of the Tianlao!" Since there was no way to open the door of the Tianlao, Gui Sha could only use stupid tricks.

Shen Yao nodded mechanically, took off his hood, revealing his cannon-shaped head, then gathered his soul power and fired out a cannon.

"Bang!" After a loud noise, a huge hole opened in the heavy prison door, and Gui Sha and his men rushed in quickly.

Shen Yao walked into the cave with big mechanical strides, and three black gold level demon spiritual masters guarded the exit.

Under Shen Yao's bombardment, eighteen huge gates were blown to pieces one after another, and all the guards in the sky prison were massacred and eliminated.

"Master Ye Yan, they are here, please take care of yourself." Ye Hong, who was in charge of guarding, explained and quickly opened the door.

Just when he was about to leave the No. 18 Sky Prison and escape from the secret passage of the No. 17 Sky Prison, the Dark Guild arrived.

"Want to run away?" Gui Sha flashed in front of Ye Hong in one breath, stretched out his mechanical hand and pinched Ye Hong's neck.

Ye Hong never thought until his death that the people from the Dark Guild would arrive so quickly. From the time the sound was heard, only a stick of incense had passed.

The ghost grabbed Ye Hong's neck and cut off Ye Hong's head with a sharp knife just like he killed Ye Hong's father Ye Shuo.

"Lord Gui Sha, the shackles on Lord Long Sha have been released!" The excited voices of his men came from the prison.

"So easy?" Gui Sha touched his chin. He originally thought it would be difficult to attack the city lord's palace, but it turned out to be nothing more than that.

After much thought, Gui Sha decided to divide his forces into two groups, one to transport Long Sha out of the Glory City and the other to rob the treasure house of the city lord's mansion.

Gui Sha, Shen Yao and other black gold demon spiritual masters, under the leadership of Nei Ying, quickly went to the direction of the treasure house of the city lord's palace to kill them.

On the other side, Ye Mo and Ye Xiu were fighting the Abyss Troll. They really didn't expect that the Dark Guild could summon this thing.

The strength of the Abyss Troll is not too powerful, only at the peak level of black gold, but its infinite recovery ability is very terrifying.

No matter what kind of damage is suffered, as long as it does not die, it can be healed quickly. What is even worse is the terrifying destructive power of the abyss troll.

With a single wave of the flaming sword that was tens of meters long, it could smash several buildings into pieces, turning everything it touched into scorched earth.

Fortunately, only the buildings of the City Lord's Mansion were damaged, and most of the people hid in the formations of the Ten Thousand Demons and Demons War to protect themselves from harm.

"Lord Ye Mo, the Dark Guild is attacking the city lord's palace treasure house, please support!" Ye Xiu suddenly sent a message to Ye Mo.

Hearing this, Ye Mo looked gloomy. He originally thought that the Dark Guild would leave after saving people, but he didn't expect that it would dare to attack.

Ye Mo decisively gave up on dealing with the abyss trolls. Compared with the treasure trove of the City Lord's Mansion, some of the buildings in the City Lord's Mansion were not worth mentioning.

Anyway, everyone has taken refuge in the magic circle now, and the abyss trolls can't do anything to them. It is important to protect the treasure house.

At the west gate of the Glory City, the Holy Family suddenly rebelled and gave up on resisting the monsters. They opened the west gate and allowed the monsters to enter the city.Gong Liangshu, the guest minister of the Fengxue Family who had been ambushing near the west gate and closely monitoring the movements of the Holy Family, gave the decisive order.

In an instant, the streets were occupied by densely packed Snow Dragon Guards, killing all the monsters and deserters from the Holy Family.

Shen Hong summoned the divine fire Kunpeng demon spirit to possess him, and wanted to fight a bloody path for his people, but was stopped by Ye Zong who was following him.

Shen Hong and Ye Zong launched a shocking battle. The divine fire Kunpeng fought against the black-scaled earth dragon, and the overlord in the sky fought against the king on the ground.

Although Shen Hong and Ye Zong fought equally, the members of the Holy Family were vulnerable. The only black gold level demon spiritualist left was killed by Gong Liangshu. Gong Liangshu summoned the blood crocodile demon spirit to possess him. He opened his big mouth and bit off the man's head in one bite.

Shen Yuan and Shen Xu, black gold-level warriors from the Holy Family, tried to resist and used their flaming palms one after another, but they were all killed by Gong Liangshu.

Ye Zong had long expected that the Holy Family, which had all its properties seized, would be in a hurry, so he arranged for the Snow Dragon Guards to monitor them in advance.

Seeing that all the warriors in his clan were killed, Shen Hong no longer wanted to fight, and took advantage of the flight of Kunpeng, the divine fire, to escape quickly.

Shen Hong and Ye Zong were evenly matched, and slightly inferior to Ye Zong. If they fought head-on, it would be difficult to tell the winner. It's a pity that he escaped.

"Drunk Crane, spread its wings in the sky and strike in succession!" A sudden voice rose from below.

Before Shen Hong could react, he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. After a brief moment of unconsciousness, Ye Zong caught up with him and killed him with a sword.

"Uncle Ba, thank you!" Ye Zong thanked him with his sword, but Hu Yanba ignored him and turned around to leave, returning to the Haozhen family.

Ye Zong rubbed his nose in embarrassment and joined forces with the Snow Dragon Guards to kill all the monsters that poured into the city and closed the city gate again.

Leaving a part of the Snow Dragon Guards to guard the city gate, Ye Zong led the remaining people to join the Snow Dragon Guards who were ambushing outside the Holy Family.

When the people from the Dark Guild rushed to the Holy Family and were about to summon the Dark Space Gate and take everyone away, the Snow Dragon Guard suddenly came out and killed them by surprise.

The black gold demon spiritual master of the dark guild did not dare to fight, and decisively gave up on the holy family. He activated the inscription scroll, summoned the door to the dark space, and took the unconscious Long Sha away.

Except for the black gold-level demon spiritual master who was deliberately let go, all the other members of the dark guild were killed.

After doing all this, Ye Zong left a group of people to guard the traitors of the Holy Family, and took the remaining people to quickly go to the City Lord's Mansion for support.

The City Lord's Mansion was already engulfed in a sea of ​​fire, and a large number of magma demons emerged from the cracks in the ground, wreaking havoc in the City Lord's Mansion.

The people of the Fengxue Family were hiding in the fortress in the magic circle, shivering.

At this time, the abyss troll was attacking one of the magic circles, and the elders of the Fengxue Family controlled countless black gold-level demon spirits to fight with it.However, the Abyss Troll, which can rely on magma energy to quickly heal itself, is particularly difficult to deal with, and the magic circle is about to collapse.

In the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion, Ye Mo and Ye Xiu, who controls Fengxue Lingshen, are in a bitter battle.

They were beaten by Shen Yao's energy cannons and fled here and there. Those energy cannons had legendary power, and they would be killed or injured if they were hit by one.

The ghost protects Shen Yao from being betrayed by Ye Mo and Ye Xiu.

Other black gold demon spiritual masters rushed into the treasure house of the city lord's palace and looted it, and the space rings were quickly filled.

(End of this chapter)

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