The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 243: Destroy the Trolls

Chapter 243: Destroy the Trolls
Just as Ye Mo Yexiu was fighting with Gui Sha Shen Yao, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, piercing through the abyss troll like lightning.

That electric light was none other than the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God. After the sword was conceived, it had the ability to control itself automatically.

Xian Wu can remotely control the Thunder God's Meteor Sword just by using his thoughts. He can not only carry out long-range attacks, but also fly with the sword.

What surprised Xian Wu was that the abyss troll's body was obviously penetrated by a huge hole, but it healed in the blink of an eye.

"Return!" He controlled the Thunder God's Meteor Sword to return, and then Xian Wu stood on the broad sword body, standing in the air, observing calmly.

Although the Abyss Troll recovered from its injuries, the sword just caused a huge amount of damage to it, and it was so painful that it almost fainted.

"Roar, ka, ka, ka..." The abyss troll twisted its huge body, gave up attacking the magic circle, raised its giant sword, and slashed at Xian Wu.

Its Abyss Demonic Sword is 24 meters long and is extremely hot. It can melt anything it strikes into magma liquid.

The giant sword was like a broken telegraph pole, burning with raging fire and making a harsh sound of breaking wind, as it struck Xian Wu head and face.

Xian Wu stood with his hands behind his back, his face unchanged and his heart not beating. His short silver hair was dancing in the wind, and his handsome face was illuminated red by the flames.

Feeling the terrifying temperature coming from the Abyss Demonic Sword, Xian Wu's face moved slightly, he raised his palm and said: "The art of doubling!"

In an instant, his left hand enlarged dozens of times, like the Tathagata Buddha's big hand, pushing from bottom to top towards the slashing giant sword.

"The Secret of Flame Palm - Black Flame Palm!!" As Xian Wu spoke, a pure black flame suddenly rose from his big hand.

The red flames of the Abyss Demonic Sword and the black flames of Tathagata Buddha's Hand first started to clash, and the red flames were swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

"Bang!" The Abyss Demonic Sword struck the Tathagata Buddha's hand hard, making a huge sound and violent shock waves spreading in all directions.

When Xuan Yan Palm is activated, Xian Wu's hands will turn into black jade and have extremely high temperature resistance, even lava cannot hurt him.

"Chaos Soul Devouring Technique!!!" The moment the Abyss Demonic Sword touched the skin of his palm, Xian Wu activated the "Chaos Soul Devouring Technique".

The magma energy contained in the magic sword was sucked out in an instant, turning into pieces of burnt rocks that scattered "crackling".

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Abyss Troll turned around and tried to escape. It was integrated with the Abyss Demonic Sword, and could feel the energy disappear instantly.

A trumpet-shaped vortex shot out from between Xian Wu's eyebrows, and as the shot distance increased, the vortex became bigger and bigger.

The flames on the abyss troll were sucked violently by the vortex, and within a few seconds, all the flames on it were extinguished.

"Huh? Why is there more and more energy?" Looking at the abyss troll that had turned into a stone statue, Xian Wu was puzzled.

Even though the abyss troll has been killed, why is there still energy flowing into the soul sea?Without any time to think, Xian Wu prepared first aid.

The soul sea continued to absorb energy, and Xian Wu continued to inject energy into the Thunder God's Meteor Sword. The sword's body glowed brightly and thunder flashed.

The sword spirit fetus continued to devour the energy injected by Xian Wu, and grew and developed at an extremely fast speed, and the sword fetus burst.

A little girl was born. She opened her small mouth and swallowed the sea, instantly absorbing the energy pouring into Xian Wu's soul sea.

In the city lord's palace, all the raging flames were extinguished, and the little magma demons causing destruction everywhere instantly turned into balls of rocks.Following the underground cracks that summoned the abyss troll, all the way down, the magma turned into hard stone and fell into the abyss.

In the abyss world, the surging magma river quickly solidified and turned into gray quicksand, and abyss trolls turned into stone sculptures.

The entire abyss world became desolate and dilapidated at a speed visible to the naked eye, all the magma disappeared, and all the trolls died.

"Who is it? Who is devouring my abyss world?" The demon god of the abyss world groaned in pain, and its godhead was disappearing.

"Hey!" The demon god's godhead was completely shattered, turning into streams of orange light, rushing out of the cracks in the ground and sinking into Xian Wu's eyebrows.

The demon god died, and the abyss world lost its pillars and began to disintegrate and collapse. The huge stone statues were smashed into powder by the rocks.

At this time, the girl who had swallowed up all the energy in the abyss world within the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God grew into a dignified and elegant royal sister.

She has mesmerizing eyes, delicate fair skin, cascading black hair and a sky blue queen's dress.

Sword Spirit wears a crown on his head, has a pretty face with a little western flavor and impeccable demeanor, just like the Queen of Frozen.

The Thunder Sword of the Meteor God slowly descended with the weak Xian Wu, and his tens of millions of soul power were completely squeezed out, leaving nothing behind.

"Chaos Soul Devouring Art..." Xian Wu stretched out his hand to the sun to replenish the lost energy, and the sea of ​​souls quickly filled up.

Xian Wu was confused and didn't know what happened just now.After practicing the "Chaos Spirit Devouring Technique", when the absorbed energy is full, it should stop automatically. How could it be out of control?By the way, why did a river of magma appear in the soul sea?

"Ling'er pays homage to the master!" A sudden voice sounded, as clear and crisp as a lark, soft and melodious.

Xian Wu looked up and saw a beautiful woman with long black hair and straight legs, holding the Thunder God's Meteor Sword in her hand, kneeling on one knee, cupping her fists and saluting.

"who are you?"

The sword spirit raised his head, showing his beautiful face, and opened his eyes like shining stars in the night sky, and answered with a smile: "Master, I am the sword spirit of the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God. It is you who used your vast soul to Force created me, thank you Master~"


"Come here, let the master be healthy." Xian Wu smirked and hooked his hands at the sword spirit. It seemed that this little girl was the culprit for his abnormal soul sea.She can actually interfere with the "Chaos Soul Devouring Technique", which is a god-level technique. Isn't this sword spirit too powerful?
"No! Master, please be more respectful!" Ling'er suddenly stood up, with cold eyes and a cold face, very embarrassed and angry.

"Respect? If I don't respect you, what can you do?"

Suddenly, Xian Wu stopped his figure and slowly backed away, because the tip of the Thunder Sword of the Meteorite God was on his throat.

Xian Wu swallowed his saliva and said nervously: "No, don't be angry. Master is just joking with you, don't take it seriously."

"Never again!" Ling'er snorted and turned into a ray of blue light, which penetrated into the Thunder God's Meteor Sword.

Hey, little wild cat, it's quite spicy. I like spicy food. Xian Wu touched his throat.

He has sucked so much of his soul power and won't let him touch it?There is nothing so cheap in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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