Chapter 244
After destroying the abyss troll, Xian Wu rode his beloved little motorcycle, no, his beloved little meteor god thunder sword, and flew towards the treasure house of the city lord's palace.

At this time, the Snow Wind Family was fighting fiercely with the Dark Guild. To Xian Wu's surprise, Ye Mo was beaten down.

However, his life was not in danger yet. Xian Wu touched his chin and immediately activated his "stealth combat skill" and sneaked over.

Xian Wu did not rush to help Ye Mo and Ye Xiu immediately, but quietly sneaked into the treasure house of the city lord's palace and assassinated the black gold demon spiritual master.

"You're so greedy. All ten of your fingers are covered with space rings." Xian Wu clicked his tongue and swung his sword to kill him.

It is worth mentioning that the stealth combat skill can not only make the user invisible, but also make the items the user comes into contact with become invisible.

Xian Wu didn't know how powerful the Thunder God's Meteor Sword was now, but it could instantly cremate black-gold demon spirits, so its power should be above the black-gold level.

He took out a golden purse from the space ring. The purse was embroidered with two red cherries, embroidered by Ouyang Tiantian himself.

Picking up the space rings dropped by the black gold demon spiritual master of the Dark Guild, Xian Wu stuffed them into his purse.

He did not steal anything from the treasure house of the city lord's palace. What was in his wallet were the trophies he obtained from killing the members of the Dark Guild.

After finishing off a bandit from the Dark Guild, Xian Wu ran to another treasury of the city lord's mansion, watching the bandit steal from behind.

The robber quickly filled up all the space rings. Just as he was about to go home, a space ring rolled to his feet.

"Huh? Where did the space ring come from? Did I just drop it?" The robber had no doubts and turned around to continue loading the treasure.

After filling the ring, the robber happily wanted to leave. When he turned around, a big hand suddenly grabbed his face.

Before the robber could understand what was happening, his soul power was sucked dry, and then his vision went dark and he knew nothing.

Xian Wu licked his lips, put the war loot into his pocket again, and said to himself: "No need to thank me, my name is Justice."

Following the instructions of the gourd, Xian Wu went through the treasure troves of the major city lords' palaces and killed all the dark guild intruders.

When Xian Wu left the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion, Ye Zong and Gong Liangshu arrived. With their joining, the pressure on the Dark Guild increased sharply.

"Shen Yao, activate the ultimate output form, block them, and I will open the teleportation gate!" Gui Sha patted Shen Yao on the shoulder.

They were already surrounded, and Gui Sha could only let Shen Yao delay the people of Fengxue Family and open the door to the dark space by himself.

Damn it, why haven’t those guys who entered the treasure house of the City Lord’s Mansion returned yet?Is there a trap set in the treasure house?

The more Gui Sha thought about it, the more frightened he became. He hurriedly took out the inscription scroll that could open the door to the dark space from the space ring and prepared to activate it.

"Quickly stop the ghost, don't let him activate the inscription scroll." Ye Mo yelled, the inscription scrolls are like killers.

Although I don’t know what the use of Gui Sha’s inscription scroll is, once Gui Sha activates the inscription scroll, they will probably suffer a big loss.

Ye Mo heard the words, held the golden holy sword, summoned the black-scaled earth dragon demon spirit to possess him, and charged at the ghost evil spirit with fierce gunfire.

Gui Sha snorted coldly and pointed his mechanical arm at Ye Zong. The dark magic ball in his palm suddenly fired a laser with the aura of death.

"Bang!" Ye Zong blocked with his horizontal sword, and was blasted far away by the laser. He was immediately covered by Shen Yao's energy cannon fire.

Fortunately, Ye Xiu controlled the Fengxue Spirit God and used the Fengxue body to block the artillery fire, otherwise Ye Zong would have been killed and seriously injured.After successfully repelling Ye Zong, Gui Sha did not hesitate and injected his soul power into the scroll to open the door to the dark space.

The dark vortex grows from small to large, and the door to dark space is formed very slowly. It takes as long as a stick of incense at the fastest.

"Focus on the attack, don't let the members of the Dark Guild run away!" Ye Zong gave an order, and everyone launched an attack at the same time.

Guisha's eyes turned cold, he raised his mechanical arm, and hit Ye Zong with a dark magic ball, then asked in a cold voice, "Shen Yao, how dare you disobey orders?"

To activate the ultimate output form, Shen Yao needs to sacrifice his soul power. At that time, the performance of the mechanical body will be brought into full play, and the legendary combat power will be exerted. It will definitely be able to stop nearby enemies and win the door to the dark space. time.

Shen Yao hasn't turned it on yet, just because he is greedy for life and afraid of death. But just because he doesn't want to turn it on, it doesn't mean that the ultimate output form won't turn on.

"Ultimate output form, activate!" Gui Sha took out a runestone from the space ring and crushed it instantly. Shen Yao froze.

The fierce artillery fire stopped briefly, and the people from the Fengxue Family took the opportunity to bully them, preparing to kill Shen Yao and Gui Sha together.

Unexpectedly, Shen Yao's whole body suddenly emitted red light, and the torn black robe wrapped around him quickly burned into ashes.

Violent artillery fire spewed out again in the blink of an eye, the ferocious firepower was twice as powerful as before, and energy cannonballs poured out like a torrential rain.

Ye Xiu manipulated the spirit god of wind and snow to create a wall of snow and wind, trying to block the barrage for everyone, but the wall of snow and wind was broken down within a second.

Poor Ye Xiu was directly beaten into a sieve by the subsequent energy bombs, and the third person in the Snow Wind Family also fell.

"Ye Xiu!" Seeing his brother die in battle, Ye Zong's eyes were split open. He waved the golden holy sword and rushed to avenge Ye Xiu.

Ye Mo and Gong Liangshu quickly stopped him and dragged him out of the barrage coverage area. The Snow Dragon Guard who had no time to retreat was directly destroyed.

The door to the dark space was about to open. A proud smile appeared on Gui Sha's face and he shouted: "So what if there are many of you? I can come to the Glory City when I want and leave when I want. What can you do to me? Shen Yao, You can go with peace of mind, I will take care of your wife and daughter!"

After saying that, Gui Sha took a step forward and was about to enter the door of the dark space, but for some reason, he suddenly couldn't feel his hands and feet.

"Boom!" Gui Sha heard the prestige and looked over, a headless corpse fell in front of him, and the clothes of the corpse looked very familiar.


Before Gui Sha could figure it out, his head exploded like a watermelon, and the red and white stuff splashed on the back of the robot Shen Yaoyi.

"Ye Shuo's foster father, I finally avenged you. You can rest in peace under Jiuquan." Xian Wu emerged from behind Shen Yao, bent down and took off the space ring on the headless corpse, and took off the gorgeous Mechanical arm.

Sensing the enemy behind him, Shen Yao, who was all red, turned his gun and turned around to kill Xian Wu.

"Secret Technique: Complete Disintegration!" Xian Wu pressed the demon's left hand on the back of the robot to activate his ability, instantly breaking the robot into countless tiny atoms, and Shen Yao's soul was completely annihilated.

He became invisible, used the shadow ball to re-synthesize the robot, and put it into the space ring. After doing all this, Xian Wu appeared in front of everyone again.

The people of the Fengxue Family looked at each other. The robot that they couldn't do anything about together was easily killed by Xian Wu.

Isn't Xian Wu's strength too terrifying?
(End of this chapter)

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