The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 246 Mechanical Spirit Puppet

Chapter 246 Mechanical Spirit Puppet
"This is... a spirit puppet?" Nie Li's pupils shrank and he was surprised as he stared at the iron man on the ground covered with strange inscriptions.

Starting from the early days of the Holy Empire, a group of dark demon spiritual masters began to appear on the Holy Spirit Continent.They are a group of weird and mysterious beings who often do some very evil things, such as the spirit puppet in front of them.Judging from the appearance, it is still a fighting spirit puppet.

They forcibly sealed the souls of the recently deceased into the spirit puppets, and then used the inscriptions to control the spirit puppets, allowing them to be driven by them.

After the establishment of the Holy Empire, they began to expel dark demon spiritual masters on a large scale, and all things like the spirit puppet blueprints were destroyed.

Nie Li stretched his head to the cannon's mouth above the spirit puppet's head, and asked, "Where did you get this fighting spirit puppet?"

"It came from Gui Sha from the Dark Guild, but Gui Sha's head was crushed by me. I don't know where he got it from."

"In the City Lord's Mansion, this spirit puppet is like a fort. It suppresses the Fengxue Family and fights against it. Even Ye Mo can't do anything about it."

Xian Wu seemed very excited. If he could produce spirit puppets in batches, he would definitely sweep the Holy Spirit Continent and establish an immortal empire.

"Even Ye Mo can't deal with it?" Nie Li was a little surprised, "The Dark Guild actually has such a powerful war machine."

However, the creation of spirit puppets should be very difficult, otherwise the Dark Guild would have sent an army of spirit puppets to capture the Glory City.

After checking the spirit puppet up and down, Nie Li asked doubtfully, "Show me what this thing is for. You don't want to make a spirit puppet, do you?"


"Spirit puppet? Return the army? I advise you to give up on this idea. It is very simple to create a spirit puppet. The difficult thing is how to provide energy for it. I just checked that the energy source inside the spirit puppet is a kind of blood called red blood. The crystal ore is very rare." Nie Li said.

"Red Blood Crystal? Where can I get it?" Xian Wu didn't give up. Couldn't the energy source be replaced by something else?

Nie Li shook his head: "I don't know where you can get red blood crystals in large quantities. Maybe they are found in some ancient ruins."

"Is it possible to make a separate mechanical arm or leg?" Xian Wu took out Gui Sha's mechanical arm.

Nie Li picked up the mechanical arm, poured his soul power into it, scanned the internal structure, and nodded: "Okay."

"If it is just a separate mechanical arm and mechanical legs, other energy ores can be used instead of the energy source."

Gui Sha's mechanical arm is exactly the same as the robot's mechanical arm, but the energy source uses an ore called purple diamond.

He knew that there was a place in the Shengzu Mountain Range that was rich in Zilingshi, where food was scarce, and Zilingshi was easy to exchange for.

"Energy ore? I happen to have a batch of ore in my hand. Do you have any that can be used?" Xian Wu reached for his purse.

Putting soul power into the interspatial ring one by one, Wu Xian took out one ore of each kind for Nie Li to choose.

"These stones look familiar..." Nie Li grabbed one and looked at it, "You kid actually stole the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion!"

Xian Wu quickly covered Nie Li's mouth to stop him from yelling, and explained: "I didn't steal it, I found it from Gui Sha and the others."

"Bah!" Nie Li pushed Xian Wu's big hand away, wiped his mouth with his sleeve and said, "Then the Dark Guild stole the treasure trove of the City Lord's Mansion!"

"I don't care, I only know that what I am taking is the loot captured from the Dark Guild." Xian Wu will never return it.Nie Li is pursuing Ye Ziyun. The city lord Ye Zong is his father-in-law, and the city lord's palace treasure house is his family's treasure house. He wants to go back?

"Don't be nervous, I have no intention of asking you to return it." Nie Li chuckled, rubbed his hands and said, "Let your adoptive father identify the trophies for you. You don't know what they are for, Fang Zheng, right? Besides, you don't know what they are used for, right? You still owe me a big sword!"

"Kang, whatever you want, it's all good!" Xian Wu generously handed over the space ring in his purse, "Kang, if you're tired, just go to sleep."

Well?Xian Wu's words sounded strange. Nie Li couldn't help but feel the hairs on his body standing on end. He didn't know why he felt this way.

The strange feeling went away as quickly as it came, and Nie Li quickly turned his attention to the space ring.

"This is a guardian stone. It is driven by soul power and can generate a small barrier. It can resist secondary attacks by black gold level experts."

"Trash." Xian Wu curled his lips in disdain, black gold-level powerhouses were like ants in front of him, and he could cut peach blossoms with one sword.

"You don't want it? I'll take everything if you don't want it." Nie Li took out the demon blood of the Howling Moon Wolf King, soaked it in the guardian stone, and repaired the worn inscription patterns on the six guardian stones. "If it were engraved with legendary inscriptions, the protective effect would be even better."

Legendary inscription?Xian Wu curled his lips. He could only engrave gold-level inscriptions now. He had never seen black-gold or legendary inscriptions.

"Do you have any books on learning black gold and legendary inscriptions, Dora...Nie Li?" Xian Wu asked curiously.

Nie Li shook his head, and replied: "The inscription patterns of black gold level and legendary level are too complicated and huge, and I can only decipher them, not draw them."

"These are legendary forbidden magic scrolls. Each one has the power to seriously injure a legendary demon spiritual master." Nie Li introduced.

"If you swear to Heaven that you will never use it against me and my women, these legendary scrolls will be given to you."

"You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others, even if our relationship is very strong." Xian Wu said very seriously.

"It's better to keep some words in your heart. Don't say them out loud. It's very hurtful." Nie Li flattened his mouth and put away the legendary scroll.

He thought that his relationship with Xian Wu was so good that he could wear a pair of trousers, but he didn't expect that Xian Wu was still wary of him.

Seeing Nie Li finish his oath, Xian Wu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I have been insecure since I was a child. I hope you won't be offended."

"No need to explain, I'm not that small-minded." Nie Li waved his hand. In the final analysis, he and Xian Wu only have a cooperative relationship.

The reason why he was so kind to Xian Wu was not because Xian Wu worshiped him as foster father, but because he wanted him to help fight against the Holy Emperor.

From the current point of view, Xian Wu has the greatest potential and strength among all the helpers he has chosen, and is worthy of his offer of benefits.

Nie Li then thought about it, Xian Wu was also very good to him, he was so lustful, but he didn't have the idea to hit Ye Ziyun, he should really thank him.With his current position of power, marrying Ye Ziyun would be a matter of minutes.

In addition, he is also very generous to himself. Whether it is the demon crystals and demon blood of legendary monsters, or the black goods from the treasure house of the city lord's palace, he can choose them all.

(End of this chapter)

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