247 Public Execution
With Nie Li's help, Xian Wu disassembled the limbs of the combat spirit puppet intact and made them into prostheses for disabled warriors.

As long as the energy ore is embedded in the energy slot inside the prosthetic limb, the warriors can use their soul power to flexibly control the prosthetic limb.

In addition to the prosthetic body, Nie Li also imitated the mechanical puppet and installed prosthetic connecting components on the disabled parts of the soldiers.

The connecting components are deeply embedded in the flesh and blood of the warriors. After being nourished and tempered by the soul power, they gradually become integrated with the warriors.

The time it takes to complete the fusion varies from person to person, ranging from a few days to a few years. It all depends on the physical quality and soul talent of the cultivator.

However, with the large supply of Xian Wu's Red Flame Body Tempering Pill and Soul Nourishing Pill, the warriors were able to completely complete the fusion in just a few days.

Warriors equipped with mechanical prosthetics are exceptionally powerful and can be said to be mechanically ascended. Not only are they extremely powerful, but they can also walk as fast as flying.

More importantly, weapons can also be loaded on the mechanical prosthetics, whether they are melee weapons or long-range weapons.

Since the energy of long-range weapons is supplied by energy ores, energy shells can be fired instantly without charging.

It is worth mentioning that due to the installation of mechanical arms, the warriors are extremely strong and can use more powerful weapons.

Xian Wu forged heavy weapons for each of their mechanical warriors, including gold-plated phoenix wings and gold-plated hammers.

Not every mechanical warrior has a new weapon, not even the ones with leg injuries. Their advantage is speed.

For those mechanical warriors with wounds on their legs, Xian Wu forged dexterous light weapons for each of them, each with a dark iron dagger.

The black iron dagger was engraved with a gold-level battle inscription by Xian Wu, which not only cut iron like clay, but also caused the wound to bleed.

Mechanical warriors with heavy weapons were assigned to the Xuanwu Camp by Xian Wu, and those with light weapons were assigned to the White Tiger Camp by Xian Wu.

The remaining intact soldiers were left in Qinglong Camp by Xian Wu, preparing to train them into wolf cavalry and griffin cavalry.

As for the Zhuque Battalion, Xian Wu plans to recruit some female soldiers to be responsible for long-range physical output and long-range magic output.

The battalion commander of the Suzaku Camp is Huyan Lanruo. Xian Wu knows her thoroughly and directly omits the stage of acting battalion commander.

The day after the monster wave was wiped out, the Fengxue Family held a city-wide residents' meeting in the open space outside the city lord's mansion and publicly executed them.

Those who were punished were naturally the traitors of the Holy Family. They wore shackles and were escorted to the execution ground one by one to accept trial.

"By God's blessing, the city lord issued an edict: The Holy Family colluded with the Dark Guild to attack the city lord's mansion, abandoned the city and failed to defend it, and released monster beasts into the city to massacre the people. The crimes were numerous and heinous, and they deserved death. The mastermind Shen Hong was beheaded by the city lord yesterday. If you kill him, his people will be spared death.”

"But the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped. All members of the Holy Family will have their noble titles stripped off, all property confiscated, and deprived of political rights for life. All men, women, and children will be branded slaves as a warning. The men will be sent to the army, and the women …”

The one who read out the decree on the stage was a handsome and handsome young man.He was wearing a white robe, his body was like a jade tree, his face was as clear as a sculpture, and his angular face was extremely handsome.A tall nose, moderately thick lips, and thick black hair.

"Who is this person?" Xian Wu asked Yang Xin beside him doubtfully. This person looked very familiar, and he was sure he had never seen him before.

Yang Xin frowned slightly, stared at the young man on the stage, and said with a serious expression: "He is Ye Han, Ye Zong's adopted son." Damn it, Ye Han is still alive?I haven’t returned to the Glory City for so many years. I thought he died outside, but I didn’t expect...

"What the hell? Aren't I the only adopted son of Ye Zong? From which crack did this man named Ye Han pop out?"

Hearing Yang Xin's answer, Xian Wu felt that his position as Young City Lord was under threat, and army construction must be accelerated.

Huyan Lanruo put her arms around Xian Wu's shoulders, pinched him, and explained: "Ye Han was adopted by Ye Zong when he was very young. He is your adopted brother by seniority. He followed the Supreme Elder of the Fengxue Family for the past two years. It’s normal if you don’t know him when you go to the Holy Ancestor Mountains for training.”

When she was thirteen or fourteen years old, she expressed her love to Ye Han, but it was just a girl's hazy first love that soon disappeared without a trace.

Now she is married and has become Xian Wu's wife. She only loves him in this life and her heart can no longer tolerate anyone else.

"Sworn brother? I hate this title the most." Feeling the heat coming from his arms, Xian Wu frowned.

Although Ye Hong was dead, he still couldn't forgive him for what he had done, not to mention that Ye Hong was not completely dead yet.

Xian Wu lowered his head and glanced at the Thunder God's Meteor Sword lying across his knees. The souls of all those who died in the battle yesterday were in the sword.

On the stage, Ye Han, after reading out the edict, hung the city lord's handwriting on the public notice board, then waved his hand and ordered the execution.

One by one, members of the Holy Family were forced onto the stage and knelt down facing the people of Glory City. Everyone was unkempt.

"Execution!" Ye Han gave the order, and the executioners pulled out the red-hot iron from the stove, picked up the prisoner's hair and began to execute him.

Shrill screams rang out one after another from the execution platform, and the onlookers on the platform all smelled the smell.

First it was the elderly, then the middle-aged, then the young, and finally it was the turn of the young children of the Holy Family.

"Stop! Stop! Stop it all!" Just as the executioner was preparing to execute the execution, a scolding sound rang out from the crowd.

In full view of everyone, a figure dressed in gray rushed onto the podium and kicked the nearest executioner away.

Coincidentally, the red-hot soldering iron just flew towards Ye Han, and it was about to burn Ye Han's handsome face.

"Bold!" Ye Hanhan snorted, casually pushed away the flying iron, summoned the golden-armored earth dragon demon spirit to possess him, and jumped up.

The golden-armored earth dragon belongs to the demon spirit of the mad fighting type. Among the many demon spirits of the mad fighting type, its combat power is only inferior to that of the real dragon clan.Moreover, the true strength of the golden-armored earth dragon is still higher than that of the black-scaled earth dragon, but Ye Han cannot yet fully exert its full strength.

Ye Han's height suddenly increased by more than two meters, his whole body was covered with hard golden scales, and his pair of huge dragon claws were even more ferocious and terrifying.

Under the stage, Xian Wu held his forehead and was speechless. He had clearly drained Shen Xiu's soul power and tied her hands and feet. How could she break free?
Shen Xiu summoned the king-level gray-feathered fierce sparrow demon spirit to possess him, kicked the executioner over, and rescued the crying children.

"Children, don't be afraid. Auntie is here to save you. Follow Auntie quickly!" Shen Xiu comforted the frightened children, unaware that the guards of the City Lord's Mansion had surrounded the execution platform.

(End of this chapter)

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