Chapter 249
In the Haozhen family, Xian Wu held Shen Xiu under his arm and fell to the open space of the martial arts field. He threw Shen Xiu to the ground with a "slap".

"You are quite capable. You actually dare to escape from the family privately, and you dare to go to the execution site to rob the law. You are risking your life!" Xian Wu Heng scolded him angrily.

If he hadn't taken action in time, Shen Xiu would have been seriously injured by Ye Han's "dragon tail swing" and then publicly executed.

Shen Xiu rubbed her buttocks that were numb from the fall, bit her delicate red lips, and cried: "I can save my people, can't I?"

Her brother was beheaded by Ye Hong, and her two nephews were killed by the Snow Dragon Guard's guns. The family territory was confiscated, the male tribesmen were sent to the army, and the female tribesmen were turned into prostitutes. She could not stop these things.Can you save the family head's children and keep the family bloodline?
That way, when she dies, she can have the dignity to meet the ancestors of the sacred family who are under death.It's a pity that they were all mixed up.

"In colluding with the Dark Guild, everyone in the Holy Family deserves to die. Letting them live is already a great gift. By doing this, you are driving these children to death, understand! The City Lord's Palace will definitely order these children to be wanted. , they will all die!"

With that said, Xian Wu untied the purse from his waist and released all the children who had been shrunk by the "reverse doubling technique".

"Auntie Shen Xiu! Auntie, I'm afraid! Help our auntie! Woohoo..." The children hugged Shen Xiu and cried together.

Looking at the children around her, Shen Xiufeng's eyes widened. She thought that not a single child could be saved, but Xian Wu actually saved them all.

"Come, children, kowtow to your benefactor, he saved you." Shen Xiu was so excited that tears filled her eyes, and she asked her children to express their gratitude.

Xian Wu waved his hand. He didn't want to be the benefactor of the wolf cubs of the Holy Family. He just wanted to take care of the child in Shen Xiu's belly.

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me." Xian Wu said with a cold face, "Although I saved them, it doesn't mean I will take them in unless..."

Naturally, he was captured to raise tigers to make trouble. In the future, these wolf cubs will probably bite him back when they know the truth.

"What?" Shen Xiu asked nervously, her sixth sense telling her that Xian Wu's exception was not simple, but cruel.

Shen Yue sent people to beat Xian Wu, and she was aware of it; Shen Ming sent people to assassinate Xian Wu and Nie Li who were on an expedition, and she was also aware of it.

Even marrying into the Haozhen family was an ancient treasure plotting against Xian Wu.The Holy Family has harmed Xian Wu in every possible way, can he forgive it?
Having served Xian Wu for such a long time, Shen Xiu knew what kind of character he was. He would retaliate when he had a grudge, and he liked to reason.

I wonder what harsh conditions he would put forward before he would adopt these orphans from the Holy Family. Do they have to be castrated since childhood?
Xian Wu touched his chin and sneered: "My requirements are not high. As long as you destroy their soul sea, I will take them in."

"The female doll is left to work as a maid, and the male doll is arranged to sweep the floor and do the watch. Although it is a despicable job, it is better than death."

As soon as these words came out, the children were stunned with fear. Even the baby in the swaddling clothes stopped crying, and the martial arts arena was completely silent.

"Auntie, don't destroy our soul sea! Without the soul sea, how can we practice!" the children begged.

Amid the children's pleading, Shen Xiuliu frowned, bit her delicate lips, and clenched her pink fists.

After thinking for a moment, Shen Xiu raised his head and begged: "Xian Wu, can you...can you not destroy their soul sea?"

"What do you think?" Xian Wu crossed his arms and asked rhetorically, "If I give you a cup of tea, I will either destroy them or drive them out of the Haozhen family and let them fend for themselves. I have given you enough face, you Don't push your nose or face, the timer starts now."

Shen Xiu gritted her silver teeth and stood up, as if she had made some determination. Even if she couldn't practice, it would be better than dying outside.After a cup of tea, Xian Wu nodded with satisfaction, clapped his hands, and arranged for the servants in the house to take the children down.

After doing all this with her own hands, her soul seemed to be withdrawn from Shen Xiu's delicate body. She fell down unsteadily and was held in Xian Wu's arms.

After explaining the usage of the word "ge" to Shen Xiu for a while, Xian Wu left Shen Xiu's room when he heard Yang Xin and others returning home.

"How's it going, my dears, did Ye Han make things difficult for you?" Xian Wushen greeted him refreshingly.

Yang Xin told Xian Wu exactly what happened just now, which made Xian Wu get angry. That Ye Han really deserves to die!
"Okay, you dare to insult our Haozhen family, how brave you are!" Xian Wu muttered irony, thinking in his mind how to kill Ye Han.

Let Yang Xin and others have a good rest, Xian Wu summoned the wind and thunder wings, fluttered his wings, and flew to the Warriors Association again to recruit troops.

After the last cooperation, everyone in the Warriors Association got to know Xian Wu, so recruiting warriors was no problem.

The City of Glory has a population of nearly 100 million, with civilians accounting for the majority. Xian Wu can easily recruit all the soldiers.

Qinglong Camp has recruited 200 people, Xuanwu Camp has recruited 200 people, Baihu Camp has recruited 200 people, and Zhuque Camp has recruited [-] female soldiers.

In addition, Xian Wu also formed a hundred-man Shenji Battalion, an unmanned unit composed entirely of fighting spirit puppets.

There is currently no Red Blood Crystal, and the combat spirit puppet cannot activate its weapons, but its body hardness is black gold level and it is also very powerful in close combat.

With Nie Li's help, Xian Wu sealed all the souls collected by the Thunder God's Meteor Sword into the spirit puppets and used them as waste.

Most of these souls are from the Holy Family, including Shen Hong, Shen Ming, Shen Fei, Shen Yue, Shen Yuan, and Shen Xu.

Nie Li drew voice control inscriptions on all the spirit puppets. Without Xian Wu's voice command, these spirit puppets could only stay put.

Due to the lack of the ability to speak, even if the spirit puppets recognize their family members, they cannot speak, let alone move.

The Holy Family was wiped out, but not completely wiped out. They survived in another way and were enslaved forever.

Good deeds will be rewarded with good deeds, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil deeds. It’s not that there will be no reward, the time has come!
After recruiting soldiers, Xian Wu went to recruit instructors.Tie Kuang was transferred to Xuanwu Camp by Xian Wu, and the training at Qinglong Camp was taken over by Xian Wu's father-in-law Yang Weiye.He handed over the position of patriarch of the Yang family to his son, and came to join his daughter to enjoy happiness.

What Yang Weiye didn't expect was that within a few days of arriving, his son-in-law would arrange for him to be sent to the military camp, and he almost cried.

Seeing that his old rival Yang Weiye became an instructor, Hu Yanba also volunteered to become an instructor at Baihu Camp, and he refused to accept the offer.

The training of the Suzaku Camp is hosted by Xian Wu himself.

Seeing Xian Wu leading a group of female soldiers sweating profusely, Huyan Lanruo and the others felt very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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