Chapter 250
The army's training is in full swing. According to Xian Wu's arrangements, a military competition will be held in a month.

No.1 will reward a god-level demon spirit and a bottle of soul-tempering pill (10 pills), No.2 will reward a god-level demon spirit and a bottle of soul-condensing pill, No.3 will reward a god-level demon spirit and a bottle of soul-condensing pill A bottle of soul pill, the top ten will be rewarded with 1 yuan, and the top 1000 will be rewarded with [-] yuan.

Stimulated by the high rewards, the soldiers began to train crazily. Not only did they complete the instructors' tasks, they also practiced additional training themselves.

Since more than 800 soldiers all practiced the "Shenhun Dao Jue", Nie Li's cultivation also improved as they practiced.

When people who practice "Shenhun Dao Jue" practice soul power, they will give [-]% of their soul power to those who practice "Shenhun Heart Binding Jue".

When a martial artist apprentice with zero foundation has cultivated to one star bronze, Nie Li will be allocated 10 soul power; when he has cultivated to one star silver, Nie Li will be allocated 100 soul power; , Nie Li will receive 8 soul power.

What is the concept of 8 soul power? Nie Li directly passed through the golden three-star Du Ze and reached the golden peak state.

Once all of Xian Wu's soldiers have reached the gold level, Nie Li can easily reach the peak of black gold and catch up with Xian Wu.

Unfortunately, the training speed of "Shenhun Dao Jue" is quite satisfactory, it is an inferior god-level skill, and it slows down when you reach Baiyin.

Nie Li estimated that it would take at least a year for all the soldiers to reach Gold Level [-], provided they did not borrow the pyramid.

If the soldiers were allowed to practice on the pyramid, it would only take a month or two to reach the gold level, but the places were limited.

The more people who practice on the same pyramid, the slower the overall practice speed will be, which will affect Du Zelu Piao's practice speed.

Du Zelu Piao's cultivation talents are excellent, and his strength is higher than that of ordinary soldiers. Nie Li can't pick up sesame seeds and throw away watermelons.

However, in addition to the pyramids occupied by Du Ze, Lu Piao, Wei Nan, Zhu Junxiang, Zhang Ming, Ye Ziyun, Xiao Ning'er, and Nie Li, there are still seven pyramids left in the Haoyu family, which can be used as rewards for some talented people. , diligent and hard-working soldiers practice.

Nie Li, who had "cultivated" to the golden peak, approached Xian Wu, wanting to try the Heavenly Meteor God Thunder Sword, but was almost electrocuted in the end.

Nie Li, who was covered in burns, completely gave up on the idea of ​​owning the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword, and was going to find the Zilan Sword from his previous life.

Time flies, and another month passes in the blink of an eye. The Shengzu Mountains have entered late autumn, and fallen leaves are everywhere.

Although Xian Wu asked Shen Xiu to destroy the soul sea of ​​the remnants of the Holy Family, Shen Xiu's attitude towards Xian Wu was much better than before.

In the past, Shen Xiu completely resisted the husband-and-wife ceremony with Xian Wu, but now Shen Xiu half-assumes it and sometimes asks for it.

Xian Wu also returned the favor and rewarded Shen Xiu with a god-level demon spirit - the Holy Flame Demon Fox, a pure holy fire demon spirit.

The task of mass-producing "Gray-Feathered Fierce Sparrow Eggs" was handed over to Wo Xueshen.Since anyone can fuse the gray-feathered ferocious sparrow egg demon spirit, Xian Wu gave an egg to Wo Xueshen to fuse with the mentality of giving it a try, and unexpectedly he was able to fuse it.

I thought that the soul sea in the form of a white hole, like my own soul sea in the form of a black hole, could not fuse with demon spirits, but could only devour them. I didn't expect that the soul sea in the form of a white hole could actually merge.Then I thought about it, black and white are opposites, so it’s not surprising that they can be integrated.

As long as Xian Wu is within one meter of Wo Xue, the soul power in the soul sea will be sucked dry by Wo Xue and transformed into the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

But after Wo Xueshen fused the eggs of the gray-feathered fierce bird, those soul powers were automatically fed to the gray-feathered fierce bird without wasting it.

In other words, Xian Wu no longer needs to be an emotionless pile driver. He can produce gray-feathered ferocious sparrow egg monsters just by being close to Wo Xueshen.

With the help of Wo Xueshen, the soldiers of the four beast battalions of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu all fused with the ferocious bird demon spirits.One day, Xian Wu and Huyan Lanruo were making a love affair in their room, when suddenly the maid knocked on the door with a message.

Ye Zong, the lord of the city, invited all the aristocratic families of the City of Glory to attend the banquet at the mansion of the lord of the city. He didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Xian Wu didn't just bring Xiao Ning'er and Huyan Lanruo there, the rest of the female family members stayed at home to raise their babies with peace of mind.

Wo Xueshen also joined the army of pregnant women. Although Xian Wu favored her only once on their wedding night, it was such a coincidence.

City Lord's Mansion, reception hall, dinner party.

Ye Zong and the senior officials of the Shengming Family and the wealthy family were chatting in low voices above the hall, while the young people were chatting freely with each other in the middle of the hall.Young masters and ladies from various aristocratic families came, there were as many as five or sixty of them, and the most dazzling one was none other than Xian Wu.

The noble ladies all surrounded Xian Wu, Yingying and Yanyan, their beautiful eyes looked forward to the streamer, swallowing their saliva from time to time.

They surrounded Xian Wu, not because of how handsome he was, nor because of his status as a young city lord, but because of the barbecue.

That's right, the fragrant legendary demon beast barbecue was cooked using the Holy Family's secret skill - Xuantian's Flame Palm.

Brush honey on the sizzling and fragrant meat steak, sprinkle a pinch of pepper on the surface of the meat steak with the curved arm, and a portion of Xianwu's special Haoyu meat steak is freshly baked.Putting the cooked meat on Huyan Lanruo's plate, Xian Wu took the raw meat from Xiao Ning'er's.

"Want to eat?" Xian Wu asked the beautiful girls next to him with a smile while grilling meat. They nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

"Call 'good brother' and I'll give it to you." Xian Wu said with a bad smile. He didn't do this to make him feel uncomfortable.

Instead, he wanted to embarrass the protagonist tonight. This banquet was a welcome party hosted by Ye Zong for his adopted son Ye Han, who had just recovered from a serious illness.

In fact, this party was supposed to be held a month ago, but Ye Han was seriously injured by Xian Wu's mechanical warriors, so it was postponed until now.

Seeing that his limelight had been robbed, Ye Han gritted his teeth and crushed the glass in his hand into powder.

He rolled his eyes and thought of a bad idea that could disgust Xian Wu, so he picked up the wine glass again and walked over casually.

Huyan Lanruo was dressed in gorgeous attire tonight, looking elegant and elegant, just like a heavenly being.

Her face is delicate and pretty, her noble and elegant long skirt is lingering on the ground, her delicate shoulders are exposed in the air, and her skin is as white as gelatin and can be broken by a blow.

"Long time no see, Sister Lan Ruo!" Ye Han's loud laughter sounded from behind the crowd. Everyone turned around, all their attention attracted by Ye Han.

Hu Yanlan said an inaudible "hmm" with a very cold attitude.

Ye Han smiled awkwardly: "Time flies so fast, sister Lan Ruo has become so charming in the blink of an eye. I really regret that I didn't accept your love back then. Ah!!!" Ye Han screamed suddenly He got up and everyone was frightened.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that a piece of steaming, burnt pork steak had appeared on Ye Han's handsome face.

(End of this chapter)

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