Chapter 251 Three Decisions
Ye Han hurriedly wiped the burning thing off his face, and with a "pop" sound, the thing fell to the ground. Ye Han looked down and immediately understood what was going on. "You bastard, you... how dare you burn me with barbecue!" Ye Han cursed angrily.

"Sorry, sorry, my hand slipped a little. Are you okay, step brother Ye Han?" Xian Wu waved his hand, without any apology on his face.

What a daring bitch, you actually dare to molest your own wife, and in front of you, who else will you burn if you don't?It’s too hot!
Ye Han covered his burned face, walked towards Xian Wu, grabbed his collar, and said angrily: "Do you think I will be fine?"

I originally wanted to tease Huyan Lanruo and make Xian Wu embarrassed, but I didn't expect that I underestimated Xian Wu's courage.

"Speak carefully if you have anything to say. Don't move your hands or feet, otherwise it will be bad if you hurt yourself." Xian Wu grabbed Ye Han's wrist and pulled it away.

His physical strength has reached more than 50 kilograms, and Ye Han's wrists are as fragile as tender tofu to him.

50 kilograms corresponds to the black gold five-star warrior, and one punch can hit 250 tons of force. Ye Han is just seeking death by picking trouble with him.

Ye Han's face turned red. He wanted to resist, but his hand was forced to move away involuntarily, and then was pressed on his chest.

The arrogant force pushed Ye Han backwards. In front of Xian Wu, Ye Han looked like a baby who had just learned to walk.

"Very good, you're very good." Ye Han said two meaningful words and walked away angrily. His face was humiliated today.

The girls did not alienate Xian Wu because of the conflict between the two, and continued to surround Xian Wu, calling him "good brother" one after another.

Xian Wu chuckled, touched this one, kissed that one, and continued to grill the fragrant legendary monster steaks for them.

Above the banquet hall, the senior officials looked away with strange expressions. Xian Wu was too strong and did not give Ye Han any face.

"Brother, let's not join in the fight among young people. Come on, let's drink." Hu Yanxiong held the wine glass to smooth things over.

Xian Wu is his son-in-law, and Ye Han is his adopted son who is sworn to his eldest brother. He can clearly distinguish which one is closer and which one is more distant.

Hu Yanxiong had roughly guessed why Xian Wu and Ye Han were so at odds with each other, except for the conflict a month ago.

The most fundamental issue is the issue of the successor of the next city lord. Although Xian Wu is obviously the next city lord, this identity is determined by Ye Mo and the Fengxue family behind him.If the Fengxue Family wanted to, they could deprive Xian Wu of his status as Young City Lord at will.

Hu Yanxiong thought exactly what Ye Zong thought. Xian Wu's various performances made him very dissatisfied, and he had already had the idea of ​​deposing Xian Wu.However, Xian Wu's strength is very terrifying, and he can kill Gui Sha with one blow, so deposing him rashly may offend him.

Recalling that when he was in the [-]th floor of the heavenly prison, Xian Wu had a fierce conflict with them because of Patriarch Ye Yan's matter.

If Patriarch Ye Yan hadn't woken up in time, Xian Wu would probably have taken action against them. That Fangtian Painted Halberd was so powerful.

"Don't be angry, my lord, I will apologize to you for my brother-in-law." Yang Yankang picked up his glass and drank it down.

He is Yang Weiye's son, Yang Xin's eldest brother, and the new head of the Yang family. Naturally, he looks towards Xian Wu, his brother-in-law.

"Yes, City Lord, young people are very energetic, so conflicts are inevitable." Xiao Yunfeng from the Winged Dragon Family also came over to persuade them.

Xian Wu not only saved Xiao Ning'er from suffering, but also helped him eliminate the traitors in the Pterodactyl Family. Xiao Yunfeng already recognized him as his son-in-law.Ouyang Zhengde from the Hongyue Family also came over and said: "Xian Wu killed three legendary monsters, eradicated a serious problem for our glorious city, and repelled a million-level monster wave with one person. After killing the abyss troll, does the city lord want to punish him?"

"Let the young people resolve their affairs. It's time for us old guys to retire." Chen Zhenglong from the Shengming Family said.

Looking around at the group of senior officials who spoke for Xian Wu, Ye Zong smiled bitterly. When did the Glory City become Xian Wu's world?

Soon, the banquet came to an end, and all the noble ladies were fed by Xian Wu, and they were fed with roasted monster meat in a serious manner.

City Lord Ye Zong stood on the high platform and solemnly said: "Everyone, please be quiet. I have some important decisions to announce."

Everyone looked sideways and looked up at Ye Zong on the high platform, wondering what he was going to announce. It must be something big.

"The first thing is that Ye Han is already a Golden Demon Spiritualist. After two years of training in the Holy Ancestor Mountains, he is fully capable of taking charge on his own. Therefore, I decided to allocate the territory and industry of the original Holy Family to Ye Han. Let him go out and start his own business.”

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused an uproar.Everyone was coveting the fat meat of the Holy Family, but they didn't expect it to fall into Ye Han's mouth.

The major families were discussing in low voices and had strong opinions on this, especially the Pterodactyl Family whose property had been embezzled by the Holy Family.

Xiao Yunfeng felt that Ye Zong should return all the properties embezzled by the Holy Family to the Winged Dragon Family instead of transferring them to others.

"Everyone, be quiet. Next, I want to announce the second thing. Ye Han is not young anymore, and my family Ziyun has also reached the age of marriage. The two of them are childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, and a man can match a woman's appearance, so I decided Let Ye Ziyun be betrothed to Ye Han."

Hearing Ye Zong's words, Ye Ziyun in the hall was immediately stunned. She wanted to marry Ye Han?Why hasn't anyone said anything about this?

"I don't agree!" Nie Li raised his hands and feet to object, "Ziyun doesn't like Ye Han at all, you are messing with the rules!"

Ye Zong turned a deaf ear and continued: "The third thing is to remove Xian Wu from his position as captain of the Snow Dragon Guard. Ye Han will be the new captain of the Snow Dragon Guard. Xian Wu, this is your godfather Ye Mo's decision. Do you have any objections? ?" Ye Zong looked at Xian Wu expressionlessly.

"No objection." Xian Wu shrugged. The Snow Dragon Guards were all related to the Fengxue Family, and he just didn't want to take care of them.

"Okay, the announcement is over, let's disperse."

Nie Li ran up to the high platform, blocked Ye Zong's path, and said angrily: "Ziyun doesn't like Ye Han, you can't do this!"

"I have made up my mind, no need to say anything else." Ye Zong pushed Nie Li away indifferently.

In the hall, Ye Han found Ye Ziyun with a half-red face and said with a smile: "Sister Ziyun, I brought you a gift during this trip. I hope you like it."

Ye Han took out a bracelet with a cold light from the space ring, and there was a trace of extremely pure chill on it.

"Brother Ye Han, I'm sorry, I can't have it. You are a good person." Ye Ziyun rejected Ye Han's kindness and hid behind Xian Wu and Xiao Ning'er.

(End of this chapter)

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