The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 252 The Civil War Begins

Chapter 252 The Civil War Begins

"Ziyun, my adoptive father has betrothed you to me. You will be mine from now on. It is appropriate to give you a gift. Just take it!" Ye Han bypassed Xian Wu, chased Ye Ziyun, and forcibly gave the gift. "Don't worry, Ziyun, I will love you well in the future."

From the first day he entered the city lord's mansion and the first time he saw Ye Ziyun, he fell deeply in love with Ye Ziyun.

He trained hard day and night in order to marry Ye Ziyun and become the master of the City Lord's Mansion in the future.

Ye Zong only has one biological daughter, Ye Ziyun. If he marries her, he can become the new generation head of the Fengxue Family. If he marries her, he can become the future head of the Glory City.Now that more than half of his dream has been realized, how could he not be excited.

"I love you, uncle!" Just as Ye Han was chasing Ye Ziyun and circling Xian Wu, Xian Wu suddenly kicked out.

Ye Han covered his crotch and knelt on the ground, his eyes turning cross-eyed.He pointed at Xian Wu and muttered: "You..."

"What are you doing?" Xian Wu slapped Ye Han's hand away, put his arm around Ye Ziyun's shoulders, and warned: "Ye Ziyun is my sworn sister. In this world, no one can force her to do anything. You are just one If you dare to chase me again, I will break your legs."

On the surface, he was warning Ye Han, but in fact, he was warning Ye Zong and the Fengxue Family behind him that the war... had begun!

Want to support a puppet to compete with him for the position of city lord?The abacus was very loud, believe it or not, he made Ye Han's head fall to the ground in minutes.

Since the Snow Wind family wants to play, then I can play with them. It would be boring to kill them directly, and it would be fun to uproot the Snow Wind family!
No one or any force can stop him from ascending to the position of city lord, not even his own adoptive father.

"Xian Wu, you've gone too far!" Ye Zong walked over menacingly, with his hands behind his back, "Ye Han is your adopted brother, how could you..."

Before Ye Zong finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xian Wu. He helped Ye Han up with a smile, his eyes turned, and he asked with concern: "Brother Ye Han, are you okay? Why were you so careless that you fell down?" The damn floor is too slippery, I'll help you up."

Ye Han was like a puppet, being helped up by Xian Wu, and stood there stupidly, just like the white jade pillars in the hall.

"Xian Wu, you are so presumptuous!" Ye Zong gritted his teeth and was about to reprimand, but he froze in place the next second, just like Ye Han.

When Ye Zong came back to his senses, Xian Wu, Xiao Ning'er, Ye Ziyun and others were gone, leaving only the dumbfounded Ye Han.

"Dad, what happened?" After a while, Ye Han also regained his consciousness and asked Ye Zong with a confused look on his face.

The answer was a loud slap in the face. Ye Zong's face turned pale and he walked away.Ye Han covered his face with his hands, feeling at a loss.

On the way back to the Haozhen Family, Xian Wu, Xiao Ning'er, Ye Ziyun, and Hu Yan Lanruo rode in the same car, and Nie Li and Lu Piao rode in the same car.

Xian Wu originally wanted to put Ye Ziyun in Nie Li's car, but Ye Ziyun was not happy and insisted on riding with Xiao Ning'er.

"What should I do? What should I do? My father wants to betroth me to Ye Han and I don't want to marry him." Ye Ziyun held her fists in her hands and begged,
Ye Ziyun is Ye Zong's biological daughter, but in terms of talent and cultivation, she is far inferior to Ye Zong's adopted son Ye Han.

Ye Zong was very strict in teaching the children. From childhood to adulthood, Ye Ziyun lived in Ye Han's shadow.

Ye Ziyun kept working hard, trying to catch up with Ye Han, but her cultivation was further and further left behind by Ye Han.

She didn't even receive a single compliment from Ye Zong, and couldn't feel any fatherly love, so she cried secretly every night.Ye Ziyun didn't hate Ye Han, but she didn't like him either. She always regarded Ye Han as a competitor, not a brother, let alone a lover.

Xiao Ning'er sympathized with Ye Ziyun very much. She had also been burdened with the fate of marrying an annoying person before, so she comforted her gently:

"Don't worry Ziyun, as long as Brother Wu is here, no one can force you to marry Ye Han, not Ye Mo, not even Ye Zong."

Hearing Xiao Ning'er's words, Xian Wu smiled awkwardly: "Ning'er is right. You can settle down in the Haozhen family with peace of mind. It won't take long before I can let my adoptive father take back his life. He is already old. It’s almost time to retire from the position of city lord and enjoy your old age.”

"Husband, what do you mean..." Hu Yanlanruo hesitated to speak. Could it be that Xian Wu wanted to force Ye Zong to abdicate?
If this was the case, then he would have to prepare in advance and go back to his parents' home to persuade those old diehards to give up supporting Ye Zong.

Ye Ziyun has no objection to this. If Ye Zong is no longer the city lord, then he will have extra time to spend with himself and his family.

Xiao Ning'er held Xian Wu's arm, leaned on Xian Wu's shoulder, and said softly: "No matter what Brother Wu does, I will fully support him."

"Good Ning'er, I love you so much." Xian Wu hugged Xiao Ning'er's shoulders and let Xiao Ning'er put her cold little hands into his arms.

Xiao Ning'er rubbed a short scar on Xian Wu's hot chest, feeling very guilty in her heart. This scar was left by her.

Ye Ziyun pouted her little mouth and stared angrily at her two big, deep, clear green eyes, not sure if she was angry with Xiao Ning'er or Xian Wu.

At the same time, in a carriage behind, Nie Li, Lu Piao and Du Ze were having a heated discussion about what happened just now.

"Ye Zong went too far! He knew that Nie Li liked Ye Ziyun, but he actually betrothed Ye Ziyun to that guy Ye Han!" Lu Piao waved his fist and complained for Nie Li, "Nie Li, don't help build that Ten Thousand Demons The demon spirits are forming!"

Nie Li waved his hand: "We still have to go, but after the construction is completed, all the control seals will be in our hands."

Didn't the Fengxue Family want to use the Myriad Demons and Beasts to form a grand array?Yes, you can break off the engagement between Ye Ziyun and Ye Han in front of everyone.

"Nie Li, I really can't figure out why Ye Zong betrothed Ye Ziyun to Ye Han. Did he want to build momentum for Ye Han to become the city lord? But Ye Mo has already announced that Xian Wu will be the future city lord? Is there a conflict between the two of them? "Du Ze was puzzled.

Nie Li thought for a moment, and then expressed his opinion: "Ye Han grew up in a Snow Wind family, and he is not too strong. He is easier to control than Xian Wu. If I were Ye Zong, I would choose Ye Han as the city leader. .”

"In this case, even if the city owner changes, the Glory City will still be under the control of the Snow Wind Family."

"If Xian Wu is allowed to be the city lord, with his personality, he will definitely not coddle the Snow Wind Family, and will even suppress the Snow Wind Family and weaken its influence in the Glory City. Naturally, the Snow Wind Family will not let anyone harm the family. The person who benefits from it should be the lord of the city."

"Have you never thought of becoming a city lord?" Lu Piao suddenly asked.

Nie Li curled his lips disdainfully: "My goal is the sea of ​​stars, the mere city lord of Glory City, I haven't taken it seriously yet."

(End of this chapter)

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