The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 253 Researching the Golden Egg

Chapter 253 Researching the Golden Egg
In the quiet night, Xian Wu and his party crossed the brightly lit northern bridge and returned to the territory of the Haozhen family.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the mansion. Xian Wu jumped out of the carriage first and picked up Huyan Lanruo, Xiao Ning'er, and Ye Ziyun in turn.

"Ning'er, can I sleep in your room? I'm afraid of being alone at night~" Ye Ziyun grabbed Xiao Ning'er's little hand and gave her a small hug.

Every look and every look was so charming that the three brothers Nie Li, Lu Piao, and Du Ze couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, and their eyes widened.

Xiao Ning'er softly said "hmm" and did not refuse Ye Ziyun's request. The two slept together and could protect each other.

If Ye Zong sneaks into the Haozhen family and wants to take Ziyun back, even if he can't defeat her, he can still shout for help.

"Great, let's go, Ning'er, let's go take a bath!" Ye Ziyun pulled Xiao Ning'er and ran into the house impatiently.

Everyone got off the car, and the coachman drove the car away from the gate of the mansion, then placed the horses in the stables, fed them with fodder, and went to rest.

Xian Wu, Nie Li, and the four of them got together and were about to enter the house when they suddenly heard Ye Ziyun's scream coming from the yard.

Summoning the wings of wind and thunder, Xian Wu flew up, suspended in mid-air, and scanned the entire mansion with sharp eyes like an eagle.

Soon, Xian Wu discovered Ye Ziyun's location and found that the golden egg was blocking Ye Ziyun's path, refusing to let her pass.

"What are you doing?" Xian Wu fell to the ground, grabbed Jin Dan's neck, and carried the fat and big white goose away.

Xiao Ning'er hurriedly pulled Ye Ziyun and trotted away. Ye Ziyun hadn't been to the Haozhen family for several days. Maybe the golden egg had given birth?
When the two girls disappeared, Jin Dan opened his round eyes, his body glowed brightly, and he transformed into Ye Ziyun in the blink of an eye.

"I'll go, isn't this too exciting?"

It's amazing that the golden egg can actually turn into Ye Ziyun's appearance. How did it do that?By the way, why don't you have any clothes?

Hearing the footsteps coming from behind, Xian Wu quickly turned the golden egg back. What if the perverts saw it?
The golden egg hummed twice, its beautiful and flawless body shone with light again, and it transformed back into the shape of a big white goose.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? What happened?" Lu Piao yelled and ran over, only seeing Xian Wu and Jin Dan.

"It's a golden egg. It recognized life and stopped Ye Ziyun from letting her pass. It's okay now." Xian Wu explained casually.

Nie Li wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and muttered: "I was shocked. I thought that old guy Ye Zong was here to arrest someone."

After the episode, Xian Wu returned to the room with the golden egg in his arms, ready to carefully study this little guy's new ability.

"Come, let me transform and show you to the master." Xian Wu gently placed the golden egg on the ground and let it transform, but the golden egg bird didn't like him.

Xian Wu held his head and was speechless. He knew what Jin Dan wanted. After rewarding Jin Dan with a soul-quenching pill, the golden egg girl transformed.

To some surprise, the golden egg did not change into Ye Ziyun's appearance, but Xiao Ning'er Mei Chuan Neiku's.

"Master, I want more!" Jin Ning'er hugged Xian Wu's waist, put her head into his chest, and acted coquettishly while caressing him.

Naturally, what Jin Dan wants is not a billion-dollar business, but the soul-quenching pill or other delicious food in the Xianwu space ring.

Xian Wu threw the soul-quenching pill to the golden egg and asked it to stand still. He circled the golden egg several times and observed it carefully. He discovered:
Except for the white hair, Jindan is exactly the same as Xiao Ning'er, and the little pink mark under the chain bones is also the same.

"Dan'er, you... how did you do it?" Xian Wu sat on the edge of the bed and asked like a curious child.Jin Dan spoke human words, and his voice was no different from Xiao Ning'er: "I only need to eat a hair to transform into a human."

"So, you can also change into a man?" Xian Wu rubbed his chin. If this ability is used well, it can play a big role.

The golden egg nodded, but it made it clear that it didn't like to change into a man, because Xian Wu would definitely not like it.

"He who knows me is a golden egg." Xian Wu smiled and touched the egg's head, "But I need you to become a man, just wait for me."

Leaving a large bottle of soul-quenching pills for Jin Dan to eat slowly, Xian Wu opened the door and went out, and came back after a cup of tea.

He held a piece of black hair in his hand, handed it to Jindan and said, "Here, eat this hair and change yourself."

Jindan swallowed the hair and transformed into the black-haired owner. Xian Wu looked at the handsome face of the Goddess and smiled evilly.

After sending the golden egg to rest, Xian Wu left his room, slipped into Shen Xiu's room, and asked her to transform into the Holy Flame Demon Fox.

As the night dawned, the silvery white dawn gradually showed crimson, the morning glow reflected on the window lattice, and rustling sounds came from the house.

Not long after, the door creaked open, and Xian Wu stretched himself and walked out refreshed. He had slept well last night.

The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is not to brush your teeth or wash your face, but to hunt black gold-level monsters in the Holy Ancestor Mountains.

The snow wolves raised at home have already given birth to cubs. There are six in each litter and four in each litter. All of them are as strong as piglets and can eat a lot.

Every snow wolf pup is a one-star gold monster when it is born. Perhaps due to the influence of the feed, they are all very obedient.

Xian Wu had no feelings for the four big demons, but he liked the ten little demons very much. They were fluffy, white, and very cute.

As soon as the wolf cubs were born, they were divided up among the family, including one for Yang Xin, one for Huyan Lanruo, one for Ouyang Tiantian, one for Shen Xiu, one for Wo Xueshen, one for Xiao Ning'er, and one for Ye Ziyun.Lu Piao and Du Ze also wanted it, but Xian Wu didn't give it because they were afraid they wouldn't be able to support themselves.

These big eaters could eat four or five black-gold-level monsters in a day, and Lu Piao, Du Ze and the others couldn't even afford to lose all their money to support them.

Just as Xian Wu left the Glory City to find food for his little cubs, the western part of the Glory City was noisy with gongs and drums and firecrackers were blasting.

Under the witness of the people around him, Ye Han hung the plaque of "Bingbing Family" on the magnificent gate tower.

The plaque with the name "Holy Family" was smashed to pieces and picked up by the people who were short of firewood and went home to burn their kangs.

It's late autumn, and winter is about to begin in the blink of an eye. The weather is gradually getting colder, and every household has begun to accumulate firewood.

The Ice Family was officially established, and all the properties of the Ice Family began to operate.

In order to increase his influence in the hearts of the people, Ye Han sold the goods in each store at a [-]% discount, and purchased materials at double the market price.

Relying on the support of the Snow Wind Family, the Ice Family rose rapidly, while the industries of other families collapsed due to vicious competition.

(End of this chapter)

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