Chapter 254
Time flies, and the end of the year is here in the blink of an eye. The streets and alleys of the Glory City are all covered with snow and are completely white.

Xian Wu rode in a carriage, carrying gifts, and took Xiao Ning'er to the Wing Dragon Family to give new year gifts to his future father-in-law, Xiao Yunfeng.

"What's wrong, old man, why is your prospective son-in-law looking so sad when he comes to your door? If you don't want to see me, I'll leave?" Xian Wu said with a joking smile.

Every household had stoves lit, but the pterosaur family didn't burn anything. Seeing that the little maid was so cold, her little face was like an apple.

Xiao Yunfeng sighed and said dejectedly: "Oh, son-in-law, life is getting more and more difficult, and I can hardly live anymore."

Ever since Ye Han established the Ice Family, he has extended his claws to various industries in the Glory City and crazily suppressed other shops.

Many shops with small profits were forced to close down due to crowding. The merchants jointly appealed to the city lord, but they were all driven back.

Except for the six wealthy families and the Shengming family who are still struggling to support, the other noble families have all been squeezed out of the business circle.

They can only make meager profits by producing raw materials, and the purchase price is repeatedly suppressed by the Ice Family.

What’s even more outrageous is that after forcing its peers to close down, Ice Family’s stores no longer operated at half price and began to increase prices crazily.When the people discovered that they had been deceived, it was already too late and they could only empty their pockets to buy high-priced products from the Ice Family.

After discovering the ugly face of the Ice Family, people began to support industries that were not completely dominated by the Ice Family.

However, all the shops that the people supported were closed down by the city lord's government for various reasons. The people had no choice but to choose the Ice Family.

The Winged Dragon Family was in the worst situation. Not only did the properties occupied by the Holy Family not come back, but all the industries they were currently operating were also closed down.

If Xian Wu didn't send some new year's goods, their Yilong family would have nothing to eat, and the whole family would celebrate the new year with empty stomachs.

"Damn Ye Han, I have known for a long time that he is not a good person." Xian Wu was furious when he learned about this from his father-in-law.

During the recent period, he had been learning Drunken Boxing from Mr. Hu Yanba, and he had not heard anything going on outside the window. He did not expect that in the city...

I have almost learned Drunken Boxing, and it’s time to settle the accounts with Ye Han, the Ice Family, and the Snow Wind Family.

You don't need to think about it to know that the other father-in-law's families must have also been suppressed.You can't play martial arts, but you can play literary, right?Stay with me!
"Father-in-law, tell us what we need at home. We are all a family. Don't be embarrassed. I will ask someone to bring you some supplies. Let's use them first. Don't worry, I will give you a big gift during the Chinese New Year. Surprise." Xian Wu gave up.

After leaving the family of pterosaurs, Wu Xian returned to the family of Haokuang angrily, and immediately called all family members for a meeting.

"Husband, are you angry about the Ice Family?" Although Yang Xin didn't go to the Alchemist Association recently, he was still very well informed.With the support of the Snow Wind Family, the Ice Family frantically suppressed other families in an attempt to control the Glory City's business.

Xian Wu widened his eyes, and asked angrily: "Since you know, why didn't you tell me?" Surprisingly, everyone kept it from him.

Yang Xin was amused by Xian Wu's angry look. She patted Xian Wu on the back to calm him down, and explained: "It is beneficial for us that the Ice Family suppresses other families. He can fight with other families. It's hot, and we just get the benefit of the doubt."

"The fisherman gets a profit?"

Yang Xin's meaning is obvious. Those who have gained the right will get more help, while those who have lost the right will get less help. Ye Han's crazy suppression of other aristocratic families is tantamount to digging his own grave.

Originally, there were many aristocratic families in the Glory City who were supporters of the Snow Wind Family's rise to power. But now, everyone has turned away from them.

Xian Wu now stands up to fight against Ye Han and turn the tide. He will definitely win people's hearts and increase his influence in the Glory City.Yang Xin saw through the strategic intentions of the Fengxue Family at a glance. They couldn't defeat Xian Wu with force, so they wanted to control business.

Once all the food, clothing, housing and transportation in the Glory City are controlled by the Fengxue Family, even if Xian Wu wants to be the city lord, no one will support him.

However, the major aristocratic families are not in vain. The more the Snow Wind Family suppresses them, the stronger their resistance becomes.

As long as the family's resistance is well utilized, it is not impossible to overthrow the hegemonic rule of the Fengxue family.

At Yang Xin's suggestion, Xian Wu decided to enter the business circle of Glory City and officially start a business war with the Ice Family.

Yang Xin is responsible for strategizing, Ouyang Tiantian is responsible for negotiation, and Xian Wu is responsible for invading the Ice Family stores for zero-yuan purchases.

Huyan Lanruo was responsible for leading the two big snow wolf demons and driving away all the city lord's palace guards who came to investigate the stolen goods.

Wo Xueshen controls the financial power, Xiao Ning'er is responsible for passing information to family members, and Shen Xiu is responsible for warming Xian Wu's bed...

Soon, the Hao Zhen Family used the force of the autumn wind to sweep away the fallen leaves, defeating the Ice Family and retreating from the business circle in embarrassment.

At the same time, Xian Wu ordered Jin Dan to transform into Ye Han, doing evil everywhere, bullying men and dominating women, causing extremely bad effects.

The City Lord's Mansion was overwhelmed by various complaints every day, and Ye Han gradually became a disgusting existence among the people of Glory City.

Rotten eggs, rotten tomatoes, and even feces are thrown at the front door of the Ice Family every day, and the door is a pile of garbage.

In the end, the city lord Ye Zong was forced to sever the father-son relationship with Ye Han and terminate his engagement with Ye Ziyun.

On New Year's Eve, under the pressure of the Haozhen family and other aristocratic families, Ye Zong withdrew from the position of city lord, and Xian Wu succeeded him.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Xian Wu officially took over as city lord and announced that the city would be exempted from taxes for three years.

In addition, Xian Wu announced that the territory of the Ice Family would be confiscated, all the buildings would be torn down, and a large-scale Glory Academy would be built on top for all school-age children in the city to study and practice. Tuition, book fees, tuition and miscellaneous fees and other fees would be waived. .

But all graduates of Glory Academy, whether civilians or nobles, must serve in the City Guards for three years.

In addition to the above two measures, Xian Wu also announced many measures to benefit the people, which won unanimous praise from the people of Glory City.

Xian Wu became the new city lord, and the Fengxue Family consciously withdrew from the city lord's mansion and returned to its territory in the north of the Glory City.

However, Xian Wu still retained the original residences of Ye Mo, Ye Zong, Ye Ziyun and Mrs. Ye. If they wanted to live there, they could come back at any time. Xian Wu was not a heartless person.

To Xian Wu's surprise, since Ye Zong announced that he had severed his father-son relationship with Ye Han, Ye Han had disappeared and could not be found anywhere.

The coveted position of city lord was obtained, but trouble also came. Xian Wu had to review various memorials and deal with various affairs in the city every day. He was busy until late at night, and he didn't even have time to play with his beloved concubines.

(End of this chapter)

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