The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 255 Ancient Magic Circle

Chapter 255 Ancient Magic Circle

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, there was heavy snow.

Xian Wu covered the sleeping beautiful maid with a golden velvet brocade quilt and got out of bed.

Fortunately, his constitution was strong enough, otherwise he would not have been able to withstand the biting cold wind blowing in through the crack in the door.

Decompose, synthesize, and add charcoal to the extinguished fire. It doesn't take long for the room to become warm.

Putting the cold water pot on the stove, Xian Wu began to take a bath with his left hand.I was sweating all over last night, so I fell asleep before I had time to wash.

The devil's left hand has the ability to decompose all things, but it cannot decompose himself, so Xian Wu can safely use it to bathe.

When impurities, dirt, bacteria, and viruses stuck to the skin come into contact with it, they will be instantly broken down into atoms to achieve a cleansing effect.

To be honest, he didn't want to touch the maids either. Who made all his women win the lottery? They all had big watermelon bellies.

Among all the women, only Xiao Ning'er was safe and sound, bouncing around with Ye Ziyun all day long.

Hearing the cooing screams of the orioles outside, Xian Wu knew that Ye Ziyun had taken Xiao Ning'er together to build a snowman and have a snowball fight.

"How old are you? You will get married in a year or two, and you are still like a child." Xian Wu shook his head.

Cleaning is complete.Xian Wu put on a clean and neat heavy winter coat and brewed a cup of hot tea.

He held tea in one hand and behind his back in the other, walking out of the room comfortably and comfortably.

Standing at the door, sure enough, Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er were holding snowballs, chasing each other and having a great time.

Xian Wu took a sip of hot tea and muttered, "I'm really energetic."

A woman likes her appearance, and when she sees the man she loves coming out, Xiao Ning'er immediately returns to her ladylike appearance, and is not annoyed by being hit in the face by a snowball.

"Brother Wu, you're up. How did you sleep last night?" Xiao Ning'er walked over lightly, like a kitten.

last night?Xian Wu touched his nose in embarrassment, nodded and said, "I slept well, not bad..."

Seeing Xiao Ning'er's nymphomaniac look, Ye Ziyun was furious. She walked over angrily, pinched her waist, and asked:

"My father is no longer the city lord, why do you still let him work for you? Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

"It's unfair. It was my adoptive father who couldn't adapt to a leisurely life, so he took the initiative to ask for help." Xian Wu stared innocently.

Ye Ziyun pouted her little mouth, raised her jade neck, and said with her small chest rising and falling violently: "I don't care, you are the city lord, you can do the work yourself!"

"Ziyun, Uncle Ye Zong asked for it on his own initiative, how can you blame Brother Wu? You should go and persuade Uncle Ye Zong." Xiao Ning'er stood on Ye Ziyun's left hand side and persuaded softly.

Ye Ziyun snorted and complained: "If the husband sings and the wife follows you, I won't play with you anymore."

After complaining, Ye Ziyun walked away like an angry purple elf.

"Brother Wu, it's getting late, let's go to dinner~" Xiao Ning'er took Xian Wu's arm and said shyly.

After drinking the warm tea, he threw it on the table in the room. Xian Wu closed the door, put his arms around Xiao Ning'er's waist, and walked toward the dining hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

In the hall, five wives of the city lord, Yang Xin, Huyan Lanruo, Ouyang Tiantian, Shen Xiu and Wo Xueshen, have arrived.

In addition to them, there were also Madam Ye (Ye Shuo's wife), Ye Zong, Xue Yin (Ye Zong's wife) and Nie Li in the dining hall. "Nie Li, how is the operation of the Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Spirits Array? Can each small formation operate?" Xian Wu asked.

The construction of Ten Thousand Demons and Demon Spirits War alone took two months, and the debugging took even longer, three or four months.

"That's almost it. All the major problems have been solved, leaving only a few innocuous problems." Nie Li replied.

He suddenly sat up and whispered in his ear: "There is an ancient magic circle near the City Lord's Mansion. Are you interested in exploring it together?"

Xian Wu nodded. Ever since he became the city lord, apart from reviewing memorials, he also practiced Drunken Boxing. He was so idle that it hurt him.

In addition, there was an inexplicable ring-shaped magma river in his soul sea, and it was getting wider every day. Even Nie Li didn't know what it was. He could only cross the river by feeling the stones and study it on his own. So far, Didn't understand.

After breakfast, Xian Wu secretly called Xiao Ning'er, and secretly met with Nie Li and others near the ancient magic circle outside the city lord's palace.

In addition to Nie Li, Ye Ziyun, Du Ze, Lu Piao, Wei Nan, Zhang Ming and Zhu Junxiang also came.

By the way, there is also a unruly woman in red, Lu Piao's fiancée, named Xiao Xue.

Xian Wu knew her. During the banquet at the city lord's palace, she was one of the few noble women who did not call him "good brother".

"Damn, Lu Piao started too quickly!" Xian Wu secretly cursed.

To be honest, Xiao Xue is not bad looking, but her personality is completely opposite to Huyan Lanruo.

Hu Yanlan is like a tigress to other men, but is very gentle to Xian Wu; Xiao Xue is a tigress to Lu Piao, but is kind to others, a typical den-haunted, kang-tou king.

If Xiao Xue is accepted, given her character, she won't cause uproar in the harem.Forget it, let Lu Piao be the wife-keeper.

On the edge of the City Lord's Mansion, there are many ancient buildings.

These buildings are domed structures with a bit of a Western flavor, which do not match the current Chinese architectural style in the Glory City.

According to Nie Li, before the Dark Ages, there were many aborigines in the Glory City, but all of them were later killed in attacks by the monster tide.

Later, the five ancestors of Glory City led hundreds of thousands of people to migrate to Glory City and began to rebuild the city.

Speaking of the founder of the Glory City, we have to mention the founder of Ye Yan. Ever since he was rescued by the people from the Dark Guild, there has been no news for several months. It is not known whether he is dead or alive.

Since the Glory City can be rebuilt, can the Gulan City also be rebuilt?
Since taking over as the city lord, Xian Wu has sent troops to clear out the monsters around the Glory City and expand the sphere of influence of the Glory City.

Today, the safety zone has expanded to the vicinity of the ruins of Gulan City and continues to expand deeper into the Holy Ancestor Mountains.

After returning from the expedition, Xian Wu ordered the reconstruction of Gulan City, and then moved some residents of the Glory City there.

Without the threat of monsters, the population of Glory City has shown explosive growth and has exceeded the 100 million population mark.

It is urgent to build new cities and expand new areas of survival.

Having said that, there are many puzzling inscriptions carved on the walls of the domed buildings, which emit a faint light from time to time.Those rays of light converged in one place, all shining in the center of the building complex, forming a barrier.

A group of people approached the center of the building complex and were gradually enveloped by the faint light.

Not noticing that the others had stopped, Xian Wu continued to walk forward, when he suddenly felt a resistance and was immediately pushed back.

(End of this chapter)

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