The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 256 Vientiane Space Array

Chapter 256 Vientiane Space Array
"What is actually softer than a woman's moon? Huh? Is this the barrier?" Xian Wu asked doubtfully. He stretched out his hand forward and could clearly feel a resistance. The further he moved forward, the greater the resistance.

He is already a five-star black gold warrior and can punch 50 kilograms of force with one punch, but now he is actually blocked by a barrier.

"Bang" Xian Wu's Kato finger bounced back.

The barrier in front of you looks gentle, but is actually very overbearing. Once it is forcibly penetrated to a certain distance, it will be forcibly ejected.

Nie Li patted Xian Wu's shoulder speechlessly. This guy had a lot of fun playing with the barrier. Could he be thinking of something?

Just when everyone was confused, Xiao Xue understood Xian Wu's behavior instantly, and her face was like a red apple with embarrassment.

"Uh... Xiao Xue, why is your face so red?" Lu Piao scratched his head in confusion.

I looked up at the sun. Although it was a little warm, it wouldn't make me blush, would it?Xiao Xue has a fever?

Lu Piao touched his fiancée's forehead, but the latter deftly dodged it and kicked Lu Piao on the butt.

"What are you doing!" Xiao Xue pinched her waist and asked with a fierce face.

"Your face is so red, I thought you had a fever." Lu Piao said aggrievedly, "Is it wrong to care about you?"

Looking away from the two happy friends, Nie Li continued to study the barrier in front of him.

"This is the Vientiane Space Array. It is the original barrier of the Ulan Empire in the late period of the First End of Law. It uses 23 radiant stones as the core of operation. Once it is in operation, ten legendary powerhouses cannot break it together. "

"Xian Wu, are you listening to me, don't poke me!" Nie Li jumped up angrily, and knocked a chestnut on Xian Wu.

How did you do it when you took your adoptive father's words as fart?
Xian Wu rubbed his head and smiled awkwardly. This barrier was so fun, and it gave him an inexplicable sense of pleasure.

Looking away from Xian Wu, Nie Li began to observe the surrounding buildings, looking for a way to crack it.

Xian Wu stopped working on the barrier and turned to Xiao Ning'er, secretly touching here and kissing there secretly.

Looking at Xiao Ning'er, who was blushing and smiling sweetly, Ye Ziyun's almond-shaped eyes widened, as if she had broken the jealousy jar, and forced herself to separate the two.

She puffed out her proud little breasts and stood in front of Xiao Ning'er, preventing Xian Wu from harassing Xiao Ning'er any further.

Xian Wu shrugged and cursed: "I play some little games with my girlfriend, it's none of your business, you damn lesbian."

Not long after, under Nie Li's operation, the inscriptions on the walls of the ancient building lit up, shining into the Vientiane Space Array.

One, two, three or four, five, six, seven or eight... Sixteen rays of light shone into the center of the circle, and the barrier was briefly opened.

"You can go in now, please hold hands to prevent us from getting separated!" Nie Li greeted and walked into the magic circle first.

Xiao Xue grabbed Lu Piao with one hand and Xiao Ning'er with the other.Xiao Ning'er's other jade hand was grabbed by Ye Ziyun first. Xian Wu had no choice but to grab Ye Ziyun's hand.

Although Ye Ziyun's hand was soft, white, warm, and elastic, Xian Wu was not interested in it at all.

"Why are you looking so ugly? There are thorns in my hands!" Ye Ziyun glared at Xian Wu angrily and asked angrily.

Xian Wu rolled his eyes, snorted coldly, and ignored Ye Ziyun.

That's what women are like, the more you talk to her, the more enthusiastic you become.

Ten people passed through the barrier one after another. After a while, the barrier regrouped and returned to its original appearance.

Whoosh whoosh!
Everyone held hands and shuttled through the starry space-time tunnel.For a moment, Xian Wu's eyes had hallucinations, and the person holding his hand was no longer Ye Ziyun, but Sha Niu.

The hallucination disappeared in an instant, and what was in front of her was still Ye Ziyun's disappointing baby face.

Swish swish!
Rays of light descended, and Xian Wu and others appeared on an ancient magic circle.

The magic circle is dilapidated and has existed for an unknown amount of time. Judging from the ancient atmosphere above, it must be at least a thousand years old.

"Huh? Is this... rain?" There was a cold touch on his face. Xian Wu stretched out his hand to touch it and looked up.

There are thick and billowing dark clouds all over the head, and there are flashes of lightning from time to time.Not only was it raining, but it was also foggy.

The magic circle is located on an endless gray wasteland, with hazy mountain peaks rising in the distance.


There was a roar of a beast not far away. It seemed to have discovered something and started barking to attract friends.

Ye Ziyun shook off Xian Wu's big hand with a look of disgust just now, but now she hid behind him in fear, changing her face faster than turning the pages of a book.

Attaching soul power to his eyes, Xian Wu's vision penetrated the thick fog and saw clearly the monster in the distance.

It was a hairless red-skinned monkey with pointed ears and a pair of big sapphire eyes, just like Gollum in The Lord of the Rings.

Xian Wu subconsciously glanced in the direction of Zhang Ming and thought to himself: "He can't be a relative of Zhang Ming's family, he has big eyes."

"Why are you looking at me? Is there a painting on my face?" Zhang Ming looked confused, feeling that Xian Wu's eyes were a little malicious.

On the other side, after carefully studying the broken magic circle, Nie Li stood up, patted Xian Wu on the shoulder and said, "We can't go back for now."

He pointed at several grooves on the altar of the magic circle and explained: "If we want to go back, we must find the Stone of Glory and embed it into it, so that we can reactivate this ancient teleportation array."

"Stone of Radiance?" Xian Wu rubbed his chin, then pointed straight ahead, and said, "Let's solve the immediate trouble first."

While Nie Li was talking to him, the red-skinned monkey had gathered more than a dozen of its kind and was slowly approaching the ancient magic circle.

Looking in the direction of Xian Wu's finger, Nie Li also found the group of red-skinned monkeys.

"These are red ghosts! Silver-level monsters that live in groups, let's run!"

"What are you running for? With my elder brother here, I'm afraid of being scared, so fuck them!" After speaking, Zhu Junxiang summoned the salamander demon spirit to possess him.

After being possessed by the demon spirit, Zhu Junxiang's body was covered with red scales, a fiery red fleshy crown grew on his head, and a thick and long tail grew from behind his buttocks.

"Fire Dragon Brahma Art!" Zhu Junxiang spat out a scarlet letter, quickly formed seals with both hands, and then spewed out a huge ball of flame from his mouth.

After the flames spurted out, it changed from a spherical shape to a dragon head shape, opened its mouth, and instantly swallowed up the two red ghosts.

Du Ze moved his wrist and said eagerly: "I have been training hard recently and have never participated in a single actual battle. Now is the time to test my strength."

After saying that, Du Ze also summoned the ghost tiger demon spirit to possess him, transforming into a tiger-headed human body. His whole body was dark, and his back was covered with sharp bone spurs, like a giant hedgehog.


(End of this chapter)

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