The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 257 Battle against vampires

Chapter 257 Battle against vampires

Among the six Nie Li, Du Ze, and even the weakest Wei Nan is already a five-star silver demon spiritual master, let alone the others.

However, Wei Nan is not the most rubbish among the people participating in the adventure. The most rubbish is Xiao Xue, who is not even silver level.

Although Xiao Xue was unruly and willful and bullied Lu Piao everywhere, Lu Piao still protected her without any regrets.

Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai—one was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer.

In addition to Lu Piao, Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun also protected Xiao Xue, because they were all girls and they should take care of each other.

Du Ze summoned a ghost tiger to possess him, and a set of tiger-clawed hands made him perfect. He could kill a little red ghost with one claw, no, a little red ghost.

"Du Ze is not bad. He has already reached the four-star gold level. I will catch up with you soon." Xian Wu touched his chin.

Nie Li disagreed. When all the soldiers in the four camps reached the gold level, he would reach the peak of black gold.

After the establishment of Guanghui Academy, the students will begin to practice the "Shenhun Dao Jue", and his soul power will increase faster.

It is impossible for Du Ze to surpass him.

Zhu Junxiang was responsible for long-range attacks, and Du Ze was responsible for melee attacks. With the cooperation of the two, more than a dozen red ghosts evaporated instantly.

However, it was too early to be happy now. The sound of fighting and the screams of red ghosts attracted more red ghosts wandering in the wasteland.

In the blink of an eye, dozens more came around.

Seeing this situation, Nie Li, who had been watching the show, also made a move. He summoned the tiger-toothed panda to possess him, and fought side by side with Du Ze.

Zhang Ming and Wei Nan are two assistants. Zhang Ming is positioned as a scout, and Wei Nan is positioned as a nanny, with very weak frontal combat power.

The two good brothers took action. Lu Piao was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot and wanted to rush over to help, but he couldn't worry about Xiao Xue.

"Lu Piao, go ahead. I have two masters, Ning'er and Ziyun, to protect me. It will be no problem." Xiao Xue took the initiative to speak.

"Goddess Ning'er, Goddess Ziyun, Xiao Xue is left to you." Lu Piao finished her words and activated the red-blooded leopard spirit to possess her.

The red-blooded demon leopard that Lu Piao fused was different from the ordinary red-blooded demon leopard. It had two fleshy wings on its back and could glide short distances.

Using his ability to glide, Lu Piao quickly rushed to support and fought side by side with the two good brothers.

"One mage, two warriors, one assassin, and two auxiliaries, the team fight was pretty good." Xian Wu silently paid attention to the battlefield.

He took out the Thunder God's Meteor Sword from the space ring, and Xian Wu sent a message and ordered: "Ling'er, dear, please help me pay attention. If any of them are in danger, please help save them. Thank you, I love you, dear."

A "well" sign appeared on the broad sword of the Meteor God Thunder Sword, and the sword spirit seemed to be dissatisfied with the title "Baby".

After the order was issued, Xian Wu stopped paying attention to the battlefield and turned his head to study the ancient teleportation array at his feet.

The altar of the teleportation array was carved with many dense inscriptions. Xian Wu guessed that these should be the teleportation inscriptions.

As long as the "shining stone" is inserted into the groove of the altar, the teleportation inscription will be activated, and they can travel through the time and space tunnel and return to the Vientiane Space Array of the Glory City.

"From this point of view, the teleportation array under your feet should be a return teleportation array." Xian Wu half-crouched on the ground and murmured to himself.

Not only is it as simple as returning, but it also marks the transmission coordinates of the Vientiane Space Array.

Xian Wu scanned the inscription patterns on the altar without blinking, looking for patterns like numbers.On the other side, the battle between the six brothers has entered a fierce stage, and even Zhang Ming, a useless support, has entered the field.

The demon spirit that Zhang Ming fused was too hot. After other people activated the demon spirit, their body size changed. But Zhang Ming was better. After he activated the demon spirit to possess him, he was not as tall as a red ghost.

However, although the "Mountain Rabbit" demon spirit is petite, it is fast and has well-developed leg muscles.

Zhang Ming's "rabbit kicks the eagle" directly kicked out the bile of a red ghost.

Although Wei Nan is an auxiliary, after activating the "Peach Blossom Demon Spirit" to possess him, as long as he touches the petals on the red ghost, he can control the red ghost for a short time and let the red ghost fight for him.

In addition, Weinan's petals can also heal the injuries of friendly troops and restore their soul power.

Before they could finish killing the dozens of red ghosts around them, hundreds more red ghosts came from the distance, and some of them attacked in the direction of the three girls.

On the ground in front of the three girls, there were burnt red ghosts lying on the ground. They were all electrocuted like this by Xiao Ning'er.

Without even urging the demon spirit, she directly transformed her soul power into thunder and lightning, instantly shooting out electricity from her fingertips.

Ever since she was electrocuted by the Thunder God's Thunder Sword in the Heavenly Fantasy Holy Realm, something strange had happened to her body.

According to Nie Li, she has evolved into a body of thunder and lightning, and can transform her soul power into lightning at will.

"Ning'er, those red ghosts are coming this way, I'm so scared~" Xiao Xue put her arms around Xiao Ning'er's waist and hid in her arms.

"Pah!" Ye Ziyun raised her palm and hit Xiao Xue's buttocks.

Xiao Xue rubbed her butt and glared at Ye Ziyun.

Ye Ziyun took out a scroll from the space ring, handed it to Xiao Xue, and said: "It is better to ask for help than to ask for yourself. This is for you to use."

"No, I can't move it. This is a silver-level inscription pattern scroll, right?" Xiao Xue poured all her soul power into the scroll, but failed to activate it.

"Sorry, I forgot that you have not reached the silver level." Ye Ziyun stuck out her pink tongue playfully, took back the scroll, activated it with soul power, and then threw it far away, landing on the path that the red ghost must pass.

To activate the war pattern drawn on the scroll, you must input soul power into the war pattern.

Bronze-level war patterns require the input of several hundred souls, and silver-level war patterns require the input of several thousand souls. If there is insufficient soul power, they cannot be activated.

However, the soul power injected into the scroll will not fade away in a short time, so a low-level demon spiritual master can activate a high-level inscription scroll.

Under normal circumstances, when the scroll is completed, the producer will input enough soul power into it, so that the user can activate it with very little soul power.

However, Ye Ziyun's inscription scroll was a defective product that was modified by Nie Li in the library of Holy Orchid College a long time ago, and the soul power in it has long since disappeared.

The moment the scroll was activated, strong winds and blizzards shot out from the scroll. The cruel wind and snow slowed down the movement of the red ghosts. The ruthless wind blades cut all the approaching red ghosts into pieces. The scene was too bloody and even inappropriate for children. .

"Wow, this... this scroll is too powerful, isn't it?" Xiao Xue covered her mouth in surprise. When she goes back, she will definitely get a thousand and eight hundred inscribed scrolls to play with.

"What is that?" Xiao Ning'er's eyes sparkled and she pointed into the distance.

Because Xiao Xue's soul power was exhausted, her vision was blocked by thick fog and she couldn't see anything.

Ye Ziyun could clearly see the huge thing that suddenly appeared in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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