The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 258 Nether Lantern Behemoth

Chapter 258 Nether Lantern Behemoth
"Interesting, a big guy is here." Xian Wu stood on the top of the stone pillars surrounding the ancient magic circle, with his hands folded across his chest and his eyes golden.

He also saw the thing Xiao Ning'er discovered. If the soul power was not attached to his eyes, he could only see a light.

Xiao Xue cannot see it purely because of her low level.

It was a huge monster six stories tall, with a biological lamp hanging above its head, just like the angler fish in the sea.

The lights are particularly conspicuous in the foggy wasteland. Some lost travelers can easily mistake them for humans and go to seek help. What awaits them is not help, but a ferocious mouth.

In addition to confusing humans, lights can also confuse monsters.

Under normal circumstances, only humans would run around carrying lanterns. The monsters foraging for food in the wasteland could easily mistake them for humans. By the time they got close and discovered the truth, it was already too late to run away.

"I'll go, I have enough tongues." Seeing the scene of giant beasts preying on vampires, Xian Wu's SAN dropped crazily.

That giant beast not only had a big mouth that could reach the back of its head, but the tongues in its mouth were densely packed like a herd of snakes.

"Perverted enough, I like it." Xian Wu chuckled and took out the pet cage and animal taming feed from the space ring.

When he agreed to help Gao Yuan catch monsters, he gave Xian Wu [-] pet cages.

But when Xian Wu had captured [-] pets and wanted to feed them something to eat, one of them was killed by the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God.

Therefore, Xian Wu only gave 190 when he delivered the goods, and there was still a pet cage left.

Xian Wu didn't return it, and Gao Yuan didn't ask for it. He kept it in Xian Wu's space ring, which is just in use now.

Under the watchful eyes of Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun, Xian Wu summoned his wind and thunder wings and headed straight for the giant monster feasting in the distance.

The giant demon spotted Xian Wu flying towards him, and immediately sprayed out thousands of sticky tongues and wrapped them around Xian Wu.

"You're just a gold-level man, but you dare to be so arrogant in front of my big black gold, stop me!" Xian Wu's eyes turned, and he activated his charming combat skills.

The giant monster froze instantly, and its tongue "crackled" fell to the ground like hail, smashing the red ghost below into mud.

Xian Wu stood on top of the giant demon, threw out the animal taming feed in his hand, and then ordered: "Eat it!"

The giant monster obediently rolled up the linen bag that fell on the ground with its tongue, and swallowed the domesticated feed directly into its belly, including the bag.

"You're so good, Xiao Ke, now go kill those annoying red ghosts!" Xian Wu sat cross-legged on top of the giant monster's head.

The giant monster looks like an upright bullet, and its whole body is covered with dense gray hair, like some kind of long-haired dog.

If you paint the monster's fur with white paint and glue its two hands on it, you will become a ghost.

Under Xian Wu's order, the giant demon "Xiao Ke" began to slaughter red ghosts crazily. Its tongue was more powerful than little sister Nie Yu's Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle, and each tongue could kill a red ghost.

"What the hell, why is Xian Wu sitting on the head of that disgusting monster?" Lu Piao was stunned.

"Be careful, why are you so stunned!" Du Ze slapped away the red ghost who was scratching Lu Piao, turned around and said, "Fuck you!"

"This is so awesome. The red ghosts were like meatballs, all rolled into the big guy's mouth." Zhang Ming almost had his eyes popping out.

Nie Li opened his panda mouth and asked in confusion: "What is that bag of stuff that can easily tame the gold-level underworld lantern beast?"

While Nie Li was distracted, a red ghost came from behind and jumped up with its teeth and claws.

By the time Nie Li reacted, it was already too late, and he was forced to turn around and raise his arms to block.


A gust of wind blew by, but Nie Li was not attacked. He looked up in confusion and found a fairy holding the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, protecting him in front of him. "Thank you!" Nie Lihan smiled and scratched his head.

Ling'er ignored him, put away the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, rose into the air, landed on top of the giant beast, and stood beside Xian Wu.

Everyone stared at each other, seeing Ling'er's true form for the first time.

"Let's go!" Xiao Ning'er grabbed Xiao Xue with one hand and Ye Ziyun with the other, flying up and landing on top of the giant beast at the same time.

"Ugh, so disgusting-" Xiao Xue immediately had a physiological reaction from the bad breath of the giant beast of the dark lantern.

Just as she covered her mouth and ran to the edge to vomit, she accidentally rolled down from above her head.

"Xiao Ke, catch her!" Xian Wu snapped his fingers and ordered without looking back.

After receiving the master's order, the giant beast of the dark lamp stretched out a tongue and wrapped it around Xiao Xue's waist.

"Ugh—" Xiao Xue vomited even more after being in close contact with the thing she hated most.

Xian Wu turned around in confusion and asked: "What's wrong with her? Why can't she even seal her mouth and nose with soul power? Has she ever been to school?"

Ye Ziyun smiled awkwardly, Xiao Xue's soul power had just been exhausted by her inscription scroll.

"Xiao Xue, are you okay! You bastard, let go of my woman!" Lu Piao used his hands and feet to rush over, trying to save people.

"Ugh—" The next second, Lu Piao, like Xiao Xue, was entangled in the tongue of the giant beast, brought them together, and started vomiting wildly.

"You... stay away from me. It's slimy and disgusting." Xiao Xue pushed Lu Piao away with a look of disgust.

Lu Piao's face showed bitterness: "I don't want to be next to you either. That big guy tied us both together. There is nothing we can do."

"Hmm...why am I feeling dizzy..." Xiao Xue closed her eyes and fell into Lu Piao's arms.

"Xiao Xue, what's wrong with you? Xiao Xue, don't scare me. I'm going to have a hundred more children with you. Don't die!" Lu Piao hugged Xiao Xue and gibbered nervously.

Have a hundred children?Xian Wu raised his eyebrows, "Lu Piao, you're a big boy, you are treating Xiao Xue like a pig."

"Xiao Ke, put them gently on the ground."

After receiving the order, the giant beast lowered its tongue to the ground and let go of Lu Piao and Xiao Xue.

Nie Li Du Ze and others hurried over.

"Nie Li, help me save Xiao Xue, hurry up." Lu Piao almost cried.

"Don't panic, let me take a look." Nie Li probed Xiao Xue's breathing, then grabbed her sticky wrist and took her pulse.

Du Ze pinched his nose and asked with concern: "How's it going? What's going on with Xiao Xue?"

"It's nothing. I just inhaled some hallucinogenic gas. I'll be fine after taking a rest." Nie Li waved his hand.

Hallucinogenic gas?Zhang Ming's legs weakened and he fell to the ground.

Not only was the Mountain Rabbit Demon Spirit petite, its hands were too short to hold its nose, so Zhang Ming also inhaled the foul-smelling hallucinogenic saliva of the Underworld Lantern Beast.

"Zhuo! I thought it would be safer to activate the demon spirit to possess me, but I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it..." Zhang Ming was about to cry but had no tears.

Just as Xian Wu was driving the giant beast of the dark lantern to chase down the red ghost, a sharp "hissing" sound came from the distant sky, as if it was about to tear the gray void apart.

(End of this chapter)

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