Chapter 259 Void War Beast
"Xiao Ke, what's wrong with you? Calm down." Xian Wu shouted loudly, and the giant beast suddenly trembled and became restless.

The people standing above the giant beast of the dark lantern swayed in the distance as it trembled. Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er invariably grabbed Xian Wu's shoulders, trying to stabilize their bodies.

Instead of hearing Xian Wu's order to stop trembling, the giant beast of the dark lantern suddenly stretched out its tongue and swept toward them.

"Let's go, this guy is crazy!" Xian Wu hugged Xiao Ning'er with his left hand and Ye Ziyun with his right hand. He leaped up. After dodging the attack of the giant beast, he slowly landed on the ground and joined Nie Li and others. .

Xiao Ning'er lay on Xian Wu's strong chest with a shy look on her face, while Ye Ziyun also looked a little unnatural and her face was red.

After driving away Xian Wu and others, the Dark Lantern Beast did not continue to attack them. It moved its clumsy body and began to escape.

"What are you afraid of? That voice in the sky?" Du Ze thought in confusion, suddenly turning his head and looking up.

In the void, a huge black shadow slowly pressed forward, breaking out of the dense clouds and revealing its true appearance.

It was a huge floating monster, as big as a blue whale, and shaped like a manta ray (manta ray).

Under the monster's body, there are six pairs of sharp claws curled up, like war spears that are ready to attack, ready to attack at any time.

The most conspicuous thing is the rings on the chest and abdomen of the floating monster. When it opens, it's unclear whether it's its mouth or its butt.

Compared with the size of the giant ghost monster, the former is a chick that has just broken out of its shell, while the latter is an eagle soaring in the sky.

Xian Wu and others were as insignificant as ants in front of the floating monsters, and the floating monsters even dismissed them.

"Okay... so scary..." Zhang Ming was so frightened that his legs went limp from the saliva of the ghost lamp beast, and now he couldn't even get up.

Du Ze sealed his mouth and nose with his soul power to block the stench that hit his face. He endured nausea and helped Lu Piao lift Xiao Xue up, and quickly fled away from the floating giant beast.

Xian Wu opened his arms to protect Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun, stared at the floating beast with a solemn expression, and slowly backed away.

"Nie Li, what kind of ghost thing is in the sky? It can actually scare the giant beast of the underworld into disobedience?" Xian Wu asked as he retreated.

Nie Li stood guard next to Ye Ziyun and introduced: "It should be a void war beast, a giant monster living in the sea of ​​​​void. Judging from its size, the void war beast in front of you should be a legendary level. It is best not to interact with it. It hits hard.”

After hearing Nie Li's words, Xian Wu's eyes lit up.

Legendary?He just needs a legendary demon spirit right now, and he only needs to devour another legendary demon spirit to break through to the legendary level.

The Void War Beast quickly caught up with the clumsy Dark Lantern Beast. Pieces of black barbed silk nets were ejected from the rings on its chest and abdomen, heavily wrapping the Dark Lantern Beast.

Those silk meshes quickly began to shrink after adhering to the body surface of the giant beast. The sharp barbs penetrated the fur of the giant beast and penetrated deeply into its flesh.

Blood flowed out "sizzlingly", and the giant beast of the dark lamp turned into a walking showerhead, and soon turned into a blood gourd.

The giant beast of the Underworld lantern whined and struggled, but the more it struggled, the tighter the silk net became. Now it was tightly wrapped around its body surface, forming small squares.

Soon, the giant beast was entangled in the silk net and unable to move, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Xian Wu did not help the newly conquered pet. He was waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the opportunity for the Void War Beast to land.

Seeing that the giant beast of the underworld was no longer moving, the void war beast flapped its thin fleshy wings and slowly descended.

zeng, zeng, zeng…

Twelve sharp claws spread out at the same time, and the skin of the giant beast was easily broken open like tofu.

After the claws penetrated deeply into the body of the giant beast, it immediately changed into a shape like a mace.

The giant beast of the dark lantern howled miserably and shook its huge body like a mountain desperately, but it was all in vain.

The lamp in front of his forehead slowly dimmed, and the giant beast of the underworld finally died.

At this time, Xian Wu made a move. At the moment when the floating giant beast successfully killed the dark lamp giant beast, he relaxed his vigilance.First, he used the "Thunder God's Wrath" combat skill to teleport to the sky above the floating giant beast, and then used the "Wolf King True Form" combat skill. While Xian Wu transformed into a giant wolf, he sprayed a huge full moon wind blade from his mouth.

I want to use the wind blade to chop off the huge head of the void war beast.

Something unexpected happened.

Instead of cutting off the void beast's head, the wind blade bounced it back along the same path.

Xian Wu jumped down suddenly to avoid the huge rebounding wind blade.

The trend of the wind blade did not slow down, and it directly cut a large hole in the void clouds above the head.

"Ouch——" The Void War Beast neighed, and it was completely angered.

Putting away the barbs on the six pairs of claws, the Void War Beast detached itself from the corpse of the Dark Lantern Beast and attacked Xian Wu.

The giant wolf, which is more than ten meters tall, is like a puppy in front of the void war beast.

Countless black silk nets shot out from the belly of the Void War Beast, overwhelming the sky and heading toward the giant wolf.

Xian Wu dispelled the true form of the Wolf King, summoned the wings of wind and thunder, and instantly moved out of the coverage area of ​​the silk mesh.

"Ah, help me!"

"Oh my god, it's so tight. I can't stand it. My bones are almost brittle."

"Brother Wu, leave quickly and don't worry about us!"

"We can't leave. We must not leave. If you leave, we are all screwed."

Hearing the cry for help not far away, Xian Wu turned around and found that everyone was caught in the net.

Even Nie Li, who had always had great supernatural powers, was tied up like a rice dumpling.

"Go, what the hell is this? My virtual combat skill has actually failed." Nie Li held the silk screen with both hands to prevent it from tightening any further.

"Master!" Ling'er held the Thunder God's Meteor Sword and flew over to join Xian Wu.

"Ling'er, are you the only one left? did you escape?" Xian Wu asked doubtfully.

Ling'er rolled her eyes, curled her delicate lips and said, "You're not the only one in the world who can teleport."

"Master, be careful, it's coming!"

Xian Wu suddenly turned his head and found that the Void War Beast was biting towards him with its bloody mouth full of fangs open.

"Force me to use my special move!" Xian Wu summoned the soul soldier Painting Halberd from the soul sea.

"Fuck, it's so bright, I'm blinded."

"Brother, don't accidentally hurt friendly forces."

"Brother Wu, don't listen to them. Just go ahead and do it. Ning'er can handle it."

"You're such a big-headed idiot. What's so good about that bastard that he deserves to be so devoted to you?"

"Ziyun, it's not good for you to say that to Xian Wu. He is very cautious..."

Before he had time to express his apology to the friendly army who was accidentally injured by him, Xian Wu raised his Haoyu painted halberd and slashed at the Void Beast.

(End of this chapter)

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