Chapter 260 Reaching Legend
Hao Zhen's painted halberd struck the Void War Beast hard on its forehead, creating a gash from top to bottom and almost splitting its triangular head.

Black blood spurted out immediately, and the Void Beast screamed in pain.

After a successful attack, Xian Wu flapped his wind and thunder wings and quickly dodged.

Although the Hao Zhen Painted Halberd is indestructible, its crescent blade is too small to cut open the entire head of the Void War Beast.

The crescent blade of Hao Zhen's painted halberd can cut off the heads of the Howling Moon Wolf King and Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard. It is not too small, but the Void War Beast is too large, making it look very small.

"Master, be careful!" Ling'er exclaimed.

Before Xian Wu understood what was going on, he was entangled in black barbed chains and turned into a big rice dumpling in the blink of an eye.

"What happened?" Xian Wu pressed his left hand on the chain, trying to break it down, but found that it couldn't be broken down.

There is only one reason for this situation. The chains tied to him are not physical matter, but energy creations.

Looking along the direction in which the chains extended, Xian Wu discovered that those black chains were actually pouring out of the wounds of the Void War Beast.

"Scarlet Fountain!!!" Xian Wu shouted angrily, and a scarlet light burst out from the center of his eyebrows and shot directly into the void war beast.

Immediately afterwards, streams of life energy followed the red rays, penetrated into Xian Wu's eyebrows, and poured into the different-dimensional space.

After activating the Scarlet Fountain, Xian Wu can continuously absorb the target's life matter. The greater the gap in soul power between the two parties, the longer it takes.

It is worth mentioning that the Crimson Fountain can only absorb targets higher than its own level.

This combat skill has always been very useless to Xian Wu. Not only does it take a long time, but there are too few prey higher than his level.

He has already killed all the legendary monsters in the Saint Ancestor Mountains. If he wants to find high-level monsters, he can only look for them in other areas.

He currently lacks the ability to upgrade legendary demon spirits, so naturally he cannot just watch the demon beasts and demon spirits being transformed into scarlet springs just for the sake of a little "fountain of life".

When the Scarlet Fountain accumulates a certain amount in another dimension, a drop of the Fountain of Life will be purified the next day.

The Fountain of Life currently has little effect on him. He is neither dying of old age nor needs to extend his lifespan, nor does he particularly want to resurrect anyone.

"Ouch——" The Void War Beast screamed and began to pull the chain, opening its big mouth full of fangs, trying to devour Xian Wu.

The Scarlet Fountain had minimal impact on it. Although the Void War Beast could feel the loss of life, it thought it was caused by the wound on its head.

Xian Wu continued to struggle, and it was a helpless move to activate the Scarlet Fountain, because except for this move, other moves could not break the chains embodied by energy on his body.

Hao Zhen's Painted Halberd has been withdrawn from the Soul Sea by him. It can only cause physical damage, let alone effective damage to the chain.

"Don't hurt my lord, Ling'er is here to save you!" Ling'er shouted sweetly, holding the Thunder God's Meteor Sword in his hand and slashing at the chains that bound Xian Wu.

Elegant butterfly!Xian Wu wailed in his heart.

He knew that the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God had two attack methods, one was thunder and the other was sword.

The sword couldn't split the energy chain, and the thunder might split him along with it.

In desperation, Xian Wu tried to activate the "reverse doubling technique" to see if he could escape from the chain. It was better than staying where he was and waiting to be struck by lightning.

"Effective!" After Xian Wu's body shrunk, the chains did not stick to him in time.

"The ultimate technique of reverse doubling!" Xian Wu turned himself into the size of a fly, summoned wind and thunder wings, and teleported to escape.

Not long after leaving the big chain ball, Ling'er wielded the Thunder God's Meteor Sword with both hands, and struck hard like the God of Thunder coming to the world.boom!
The raging lightning instantly swallowed up the black chain, leaving not even the dregs behind.

Xian Wu swallowed, but fortunately he escaped in time, otherwise his fate would have been the same as the iron chain.

"Zhuo! Why did I forget about the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art"?" After recovering his true form, Xian Wu patted his head and said, "Ling'er, come here, Master, nourish you."

Calling Ling'er, who was fighting with the void beast, to his side, Xian Wu poured most of the soul power from the soul sea and the nightmare demon pot into the sword body.

Ling'er bit her thin lips, clenched her pink fists, closed her beautiful eyes, her delicate body trembled, feeling an inexplicable pleasure.

"Crash!" The Void War Beast didn't have the leisure to watch the two people's performance, and summoned dozens of barbed chains to roll towards the two of them.

Ling'er was immersed in the ocean of happiness and did not notice the crisis.

It wasn't until the chains tied the two of them tightly together that they suddenly woke up.

Their eyes met, Xian Wu smiled awkwardly: "I don't want this to happen either, it's all because of this damn smelly fish."

Ling'er's face was flushed and she didn't speak.

Xian Wu could feel that Ling'er's heart was pounding wildly like a deer.

Ling'er couldn't stand Xian Wu's naked gaze, so she turned into a wisp of smoke and penetrated into the Thunder God's Meteor Sword.

The Void War Beast didn't give Xian Wu any chance to escape, and quickly retracted the chain, tightly entwining Xian Wu and the sword.

"If the tiger doesn't show its power, you think I'm sick! Die!" After calming down, Xian Wu began to activate the "Chaos Soul Devouring Technique".

The chains tightly wrapped around his body dissolved instantly, and the chains suspended in the air were also rapidly breaking joint by joint.

Before the Void Beast could react, those chains had all melted away, not a single one remained.

Xian Wu flapped his wings of wind and thunder, held the Thunder God of Meteorite Sword in his hand and flew away quickly, preventing the Void War Beast from dying.

"Ouch——" The Void War Beast screamed in fear. It was obviously not attacked, but the energy in the demon crystal was being extracted bit by bit. It was weird, it was really weird.

A good beast would not suffer the immediate disadvantages. The Void War Beast flapped its wings and quickly took off into the air, preparing to escape.

Xian Wu held the Thunder God's Meteor Sword in his arms and followed slowly, sneering: "If you get hit by my scarlet ray, I can find you even if you run to the ends of the earth!"

In the end, the void beast's soul power was exhausted, and it crashed to the ground like a downed fighter jet.

A large group of desperate red ghosts surrounded him, trying to add insult to injury and seize the fruits of Xian Wu's victory.

"Ling'er, come on, kill those little red-skinned monkeys." Xian Wu threw the Thunder God's Meteor Sword.

Rushing out of the sword body, Ling'er turned three and a half times in the air, held the sword hilt firmly, and killed Chi Gui.

Xian Wu slowly landed on the back of the Void War Beast, summoned the golden Hao Zhen Painting Halberd from the soul sea, and began to dissect.

After gouging out the demon spirit, Xian Wu immediately devoured it without hesitation.

As the fusion of the fifth legendary demon spirit was completed, the sea of ​​souls suddenly stirred up violent waves, and a dim gray ocean was born overseas.

"I'll go, it's not easy. I finally broke through to the legendary level." Xian Wu groaned.

(End of this chapter)

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