The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 261 The Law of Black Prison

Chapter 261 The Law of Black Prison
Less than half a year has passed since he devoured the first legendary demon spirit, and Xian Wu finally broke through to the legendary level.

Now you only need to absorb the soul power of a legendary demon spiritual master or a legendary demon spirit to increase the upper limit of your own soul power.

The current level limit is the peak of the legendary level, and you need to devour six spiritual god level demon spirits to break through the current upper limit.

What is the spirit god?Xian Wu has never encountered a demon spiritual master or demon beast in this realm so far.

Its rarity can be imagined.

However, Xian Wu is not in a hurry to continue to upgrade his level now. This level is enough to cope with 99.99% of situations.

In addition, there is another reason to upgrade without any rush, and that is to collect the Fountain of Life.

Since the Scarlet Fountain can only absorb the life matter of targets higher than its own realm, once you upgrade rashly, you will miss valuable collection opportunities.

In other words, "Chaos Soul Devouring Technique" will not be used against enemies for the time being unless it is absolutely necessary.

However, it is still possible to absorb solar energy, moonlight, heat energy and wind energy to replenish the lost soul power.

"Secret Technique: Disintegration of Parts!" After devouring the demon spirit, Xian Wu half-crouched on the back of the void beast and touched it with his demonic left hand.

The void war beast was instantly broken down into skin, flesh, bone, blood, demon crystal...

After swallowing the void war beast demon spirit, he obtained a new combat skill - the chain of the law of black hell.

This combat technique consumes not soul power, but an energy called the Law of Darkness.

The Void War Beast used this energy to immobilize Xian Wu.

Fortunately, Xian Wu had the "Chaos Spirit Devouring Technique" that could absorb all the energy in the world, otherwise he really wouldn't know how to break free.

It is worth mentioning that the energy used by Xian Wu to devour the void beast was not the power of soul, but the power of law, so that his soul sea is still empty now.

Although there is no soul power, there is an extra black prison chain in the soul sea.

Seeing this chain, Xian Wu immediately understood what the original lava river was.

It should also be a force of law, not sure if it is the law of magma.

Xian Wu tried to activate the magma river, and instantly he turned into a magma man that looked like an abyss troll.

The surface of the Magma Man is covered with fissured red-hot stones, and magma flows and rolls from the fissures like blood.

"Damn it, Xian Wu, how did you become like a bird?" Lu Piao walked over, supporting Xiao Xue who was smelling bad.

Nie Li chuckled, and while Xian Wu was distracted, he wanted to pocket the demon blood and demon crystals of the Void War Beast.

However, he immediately put the demon crystal and bottled demon blood on the ground again.

Because the edge of the Thunder God's Meteor Sword was already pointed at his throat, Nie Li swallowed, raised his hands and said, "Don't get excited, I'm just keeping it for Xian Wu temporarily?"

"Master, what should I do if this yellow-haired boy wants to steal your trophies? Have you killed him?" Ling'er turned around and asked coldly.

Those silver-level red ghosts have long been easily dispatched by her 50-meter sword, as easy as crushing a group of ants.

Having killed millions of monsters, her strength has already reached the peak of legendary level, and her stored soul power has reached tens of billions. Sending her to deal with Red Ghost is simply overkill.

Killing these red ghosts only added hundreds of thousands of soul power to her, and it was not worth her effort at all.

Hearing Ling'er's voice, Xian Wu turned around and looked. Although his eyes turned into lava, his vision was extremely clear.He is already a legendary level demon spiritual master, no, a legendary level spiritual master to be exact. After all, he has not fused, but only swallowed demon spirits.

In this realm, he doesn't need any demon crystal or demon blood, he only needs the fountain of life.

Xian Wu waved his hand and said, "If Nie Li wants it, just give it to him. Ling'er, don't embarrass him."

After saying that, Xian Wu looked at Lu Piao, Du Ze and the others, and said generously: "If you want it, you can take it too. It doesn't matter if you take them all. Anyway, whatever you don't want, I will eventually use it to feed the monsters I raise at home." ."

The monster beasts raised at home have grown to a large scale and are currently being trained with the soldiers of the Qinglong Battalion to become wolf cavalry and griffon cavalry.

After hearing Xian Wu's words, Nie Li immediately moved the tip of his sword and put the demon crystal and demon beast into the space ring.

Ling'er frowned her beautiful eyebrows in dissatisfaction, stamped the golden lotus, and turned into a wisp of blue smoke, got into the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, and flew in front of Xian Wu.

"Why are you angry? It was all rubbish. Giving it to them just saved me the trouble." Xian Wu grabbed the hilt of the sword and put it into the space ring on his thumb.

"Brother Wu, I'll give you this whip~" Xiao Ning'er used her soul power to grab the Void Beast Whip and handed it over.

Xian Wu waved his hand, shook his head and refused: "No need, no need, I don't like to eat this stuff, you can keep it for yourself."

"This is good stuff, it's a great supplement!" Lu Piao stared at the Void War Whip with greedy eyes, almost crying.

"Do you like it? I'll give it to you." Xian Wu raised his hand and his soul power came out of his body, knocking the Void War Whip away and hitting Lu Piao's face.

Lu Piao kept reaching out to take it, twitching the corner of his mouth awkwardly, and murmured: "My hand... stretched out too slowly."

The good things of the Void War Beast were quickly divided up by the group of people. General Xian put the remaining garbage into the space ring on his little finger.

Xian Wu has always used this space ring on his little finger to store the corpses of monsters, so there is nothing taboo about it.

After breaking down the Void War Beast, Xian Wu went to break down his pet Xiao Ke, and most of its tongues exploded.

The body cavity of the giant beast of the dark lantern seems to be filled with tongues, which makes one's scalp numb just thinking about it.

"Xue'er, I'll give you this tongue." Lu Piaojian picked up a tongue and handed it over. Xiao Xue picked up the tongue, chased it and beat it violently.

"Brother Wu, I'll give you this huge underworld whip~" Xiao Ning'er found some strange things again.

"No!" Xian Wu refused decisively, and asked curiously: "Ning'er, how did you find this thing out of this pile of tongues? Your eyes are too good, right?"

Xiao Ning'er smiled shyly and explained: "This is the short one inside."

"Xian Wu doesn't want it, give it to me!" Lu Piao, with a bruised nose and swollen face, grabbed the thing into his arms and used it to scare Xiao Xue.

Now, it was Xiao Xue's turn to be chased by Lu Piao.

"Okay, Lu Piao, you actually bullied me, don't you tell your father when I go back and let him make the decision for me!"

"No way? To be honest, I didn't even touch you."

"I don't care, you bullied me."

After making a fuss for a while, the two of them got tired and stopped.

After resting for a while, the group left the ancient magic circle and continued their exploration while looking for 23 radiant stones that could reactivate the magic circle.

(End of this chapter)

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