The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 262 Memory Decomposition

Chapter 262 Memory Decomposition
At the end of the wasteland, there are mountains. The mountains are shining with stars, which are particularly eye-catching in the dim world.

"There should be a settlement there, either a human settlement or a settlement of giant beasts." Nie Li speculated, pointing to the light spots on the distant mountains.

"Go and have a look. Even if it's a place where the giant beasts of the underworld live, I can protect you." Xian Wu was full of confidence.

It is better not to use the Hao Zhen Painting Halberd for the time being. Its golden light causes indiscriminate damage in a large area, which can hurt both the enemy and yourself.

Xian Wu will not suffer any damage, mainly his friendly troops will be injured.

If Nie Li hadn't fed them the Nine Turns Pill to help them recover from their injuries, all of them would still be blind now.

Especially Ye Ziyun, whose eyes were swollen like peaches, and she kept crying all the way.

Facing Ye Ziyun's resentful gaze, Xian Wu chose to turn a blind eye.

At that time, he was fighting fiercely with the Void War Beast, and it was so dark that no one could care about her.

After some discussion, everyone continued to move towards the distant mountains.

Those lights are only the size of grains of rice, and it takes a long time to walk there.

Not wanting to waste time, Xian Wu used the "Wolf King True Body" combat skill to transform into a five-story silver giant wolf.

The giant wolf is as tall as the giant beast of the dark lantern, and its body is stronger. Except for the void war beast, no other monster in the wasteland can withstand his claws.

"I'm sorry, I've dragged everyone down." Xiao Xue pouted, lowered her head, and sincerely apologized to her friends.

Not only was she the weakest in the team, but now her soul power was exhausted and she was unable to keep up with the team's speed.

Xian Wu probably took her into consideration before transforming into a giant wolf.

Xian Wu opened his wolf mouth and uttered words: "If one family does not speak the same language, it will not be a burden. I am now the city lord of the Glory City, and I have the responsibility to protect you. Stop being ink and come up. .”

After saying that, Xian Wu ordered Ling'er to pick up Ye Ziyun and the other flightless ones one by one on the wolf's back.

Xiao Ning'er can fly, so she doesn't need the help of the Thunder God's Meteor Sword at all.

Nie Li, the old man, climbed up to sit on top of Xian Wu's head just like he had returned to the city after hunting the Howling Moon Wolf King that day.

"Uh... is it too much for you to sit on my head?"

"It's not too much, it's not too much. I'll help you show the way, and you just keep running."

"But, I have eyes myself, and I'm not blind. Do I need you to show me the way?"

"Isn't it just sitting on your head? It's so stingy. At worst, I'll just let you sit back in the future."


No longer paying attention to Nie Li, an old man, Xian Wu opened his wolf legs and started running towards the distant mountains that were suspected to be human settlements.

Since Nie Li said he would help him see the road, he closed his eyes and ran away with his head down.

After being promoted to the legendary level, the demon's left hand gained some new abilities.

After closing my eyes, those new abilities emerged from my mind one by one.

Demon spirit decomposition, as the name suggests, decomposes the demon spirits in the demon spirit master and the demon beast.

After the demonic spirit of a demonic beast is decomposed, it will not die, but will only lose its intelligence and become mentally retarded.

Monsters with demon spirits have similar IQs to humans, and some are even smarter than humans.

But once they lose their demon spirits, they will return to their original beast form. They only have one more demon crystal than ordinary beasts and have some special abilities.

After the demon spirit master's demon spirit is decomposed, he will only lose the demon spirit and nothing else.After the demon spirit is decomposed, it will turn into the aura of heaven and earth.

This process is irreversible and once broken down, it can never be recovered.

In addition to the decomposition of demon spirits, the demon's left hand also gained another magical ability.

Memory breakdown!

As long as he touches the target with his left hand, he can obtain all the target's memories. Xian Wu can choose to erase any section or all of them.

If the target's memory is completely erased, his life will be completely rewritten and he will become like a newborn baby, all actions relying on instinct.

A person whose memory has been erased cannot even speak, cannot read, cannot even use chopsticks to eat, and does not know who his father or mother is.

In short, memory decomposition is a very abnormal ability that can turn people into walking zombies.

It is worth mentioning that memory decomposition is not completed instantly, it takes a long time.

The older and more experienced a person is, the longer it takes to decompose his memory.

Decomposing Lu Piao's memory would definitely be much easier than decomposing Nie Li's memory.

"Stop, stop, uh-" Xian Wu was studying the new ability of the demon's left hand when he suddenly heard Nie Li yelling above his head, and he was pulling his own wolf ears.

Xian Wu stopped the car, opened his huge wolf eyes, and looked around. He thought he had encountered some terrible monster, but there was nothing around him, only a rotten stone tablet.

Before Xian Wu could send Ling'er to pick up Nie Li, the guy directly summoned the Tiger-Tooth Panda and jumped down.

"Gravity field!!!" Nie Li shouted loudly, and the gravity around him decreased, and then he landed lightly on the ground.

"Tch, what's there to pretend to do?" Xian Wu stretched out a wolf's paw and picked his nostrils.

"Xian Wu, get out of here quickly, I feel like I can't breathe." Zhang Ming suddenly pinched his neck and screamed.

Zhu Junxiang also had the same feeling and reminded: "Brother, there is something strange about that stone tablet. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

"Hurry up, Brother Wu, Xiao Xue rolled her eyes." Lu Piao cried.

"No, why don't I feel anything at all? And is Nie Li okay?" Xian Wu stepped back and asked doubtfully, "Ning'er, how are you? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Xiao Ning'er rubbed her temples and replied softly: "It's nothing serious, I'm just a little dizzy."

"It's okay. Sit tight. I'm going to sprint!" Xian Wu jumped a hundred meters away.

Everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and the feeling of oppression that hit their faces was finally no longer so strong.

"What is that stone tablet, and why is it such a powerful deterrent?" Du Ze's eyes lit up, staring closely at Nie Li, hoping that nothing would happen to him.

"Ling'er, you protect them, I'll go over and take a look." After everyone got off his back, Xian Wu jumped back to the stone monument and returned to his human body.

The stone tablet is as high as a five-story building, only a little shorter than the giant wolf. It is made of unknown materials, and the whole thing is gray.

"What kind of postscript is written on it?" Xian Wu glanced at the inscription and didn't recognize any of the six characters on it.

Hearing Xian Wu's vulgar words, Nie Li rolled his eyes and introduced, "This is the inscription left by Emperor Kongming, which records his life."

Nie Li translated the inscription for Xian Wu.

Xian Wu understood that this Emperor Kong Ming was the same figure as the sword demon Dugu Qiufei.

(End of this chapter)

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