Chapter 263 Kong Ming Armor
"Is there any clue about the Stone of Glory in the inscription?" Xian Wu walked around the Kongming Stone and asked.

The sword demon Dugu Qiubai buried a black iron epee under the sword mound. I don't know if there are some magical weapons buried under the Kongming stele.

Nie Li didn't answer Xian Wu's question, just stood there blankly like a piece of wood, and reached out to touch the inscription at the bottom.

Who knows who destroyed the inscription, and it is no longer clear what words were engraved on it.

Even if he could see clearly what words were engraved, Xian Wu would not recognize them.

Xian Wu, who was extremely bored, started digging holes near the stone monument with his devil's left hand, hoping to find the treasure hidden by Emperor Kongming.

I don't know how long it took, but Xian Wu dug out the area around the stone monument like a gopher hole, with densely packed holes one person wide.

"Zhuo! Not even the Jiba Cat of Emperor Kong Ming, bah bah!" Xian Wu spit out the sand in his mouth after crawling out of the cave.

Looking up, Nie Li was holding his waist, looking down at him with black lines on his head, and asked: "What...are you doing?"

"I'm looking for the treasure left by Emperor Kongming."

"did you find it?"

"Not yet."

"Then let's go."

"Wait a minute, is there any clue about the Stone of Glory in the inscription?"


"hold on."

Xian Wu jumped out of the hole and used the devil's left hand to disintegrate the Kongming Stone Tablet.

"What are you doing?" Nie Li stared. This stone tablet is a rare object. It is an antique. How could it be destroyed?
However, no matter if it is destroyed, no one will know the "True Cross" left by Emperor Kong Ming.

Emperor Kongming once predicted that the five inheritors of the Cross True Secret would fight each other, and in the end only one would be left.

If Xian Wu learns it, he will be in danger.

He touched himself with his left hand and he burped, let alone the magic weapon in his hand.

The Kongming Stone Tablet disappeared instantly and reappeared instantly. The inscription on it did not change at all.

But the powerful aura emanating from the stele disappeared.

Nie Li once again touched the vague inscription at the bottom of the stele with his hand, and found that the thoughts left by Emperor Kongming had also disappeared.

"Huh~" Nie Li breathed a sigh of relief. In this case, no one would be able to learn the "True Cross Art" after him.

Infinity has no beginning, and without beginning there is no end.

Every time he recites silently, Nie Li can feel the rapid growth of his soul power.

At the same time, Nie Li discovered that some kind of mysterious sprout had emerged in his soul sea.


The middle of the stone tablet suddenly cracked, and Nie Li jumped to the left in fright.

"Can you please stop causing trouble!" Nie Li glared at Xian Wu angrily,

The latter was seen splitting the Kongming Stone Stele from the side, revealing the mezzanine inside.

Xian Wu took the contents of the mezzanine into his hand and put the space ring into his hands like lightning.

Nie Li's eyes blurred and he didn't see anything. He rubbed his hands curiously and asked, "Xian Wu, what did you find?"

"It's nothing, just a useless piece of trash." Xian Wu said casually.

"What useless trash? Give it to your godfather, oh no, senior brother, can you take a look?" Nie Li asked with a smile.

Xian Wu took out the thing from the space ring and held it between his index and middle fingers.

Seeing what Xian Wu had in his hand, Nie Li's eyes immediately widened and he murmured: "The remaining pages of the Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits?"

"Have you finished reading it? I'll put it away after reading it." Just as Xian Wu was about to put it into the interspatial ring, Nie Li grabbed his wrist.

Nie Li said with a smile on his face, "Let's talk about it. Can you give me this piece of paper?" "Why, it's my precious." Xian Wu suddenly looked ferocious, startling Nie Li.

Seeing Nie Li being so amused, Xian Wu returned to his original appearance and generously gave the pages to him.

In fact, there are two treasures in the mezzanine of the stele, one is a book page, and the other is stored in a treasure chest.

For him, an illiterate person, the pages were of little use, so just give them away, as long as Nie Li didn't compete with him for the contents of the treasure chest.

"Ling'er, the danger is over, come here to protect them." Xian Wu took out the treasure box and sent a message to Ling'er.

"What is this?" Nie Li glanced at the shape of the cracks between the stone tablets and understood immediately.

Xian Wu covered the treasure box and said protectively: "You have got one of the two treasures. This one belongs to me. Don't be too greedy."

"Hey, I don't want it. Let's see the head office?" Nie Li rolled his eyes.

"Say it first, you can see it but you can't touch it!" Xian Wu told him worriedly, and then opened the treasure chest.

Nie Li almost died speechless.

The treasure chest is opened and there is a set of armor inside.

Before Nie Li could take a closer look, Xian Wu couldn't wait to put it on him.

"What a handsome armor!" Nie Li opened his eyes in envy, and at the same time took out a mirror and handed it over.

Xian Wu took a look at the mirror and said, "Fuck!"

The ultimate emperor's armor? ? ?

Nie Li touched his chin, walked around Xian Wu, and said solemnly: "This is the armor left by Emperor Kongming. It should be called Kongming Armor."

"Bullshit! It's my armor now, and it should be called Haoxu Armor." Xian Wu disagreed.

Haoyu battle armor... Haoyu battle halberd... Could this set of armor also be soul soldiers?
Xian Wu tried to refine it with soul power, and the Hao Zhen Armor was indeed absorbed into the soul sea, proving that it was also a soul weapon.

The soul soldier has an attack power and defense power that is a level higher than that of its master.

This means that the Hao Zhen Armor has spiritual god-level defense, and it has two defense effects: physical defense and energy defense.

As long as you wear the Hao Zhen Armor, you will be immune to any damage from legendary powerhouses.

"My dick explodes!" Xian Wu raised his arms and cheered, jumping to the top of his lungs.

Now that Fang Tian has his painted halberd and Hao Xun's battle armor, he is only one red rabbit horse away from Lu Bu.

Lu Bu is among the people, Chitu is among the horses, and Fang Tian draws a halberd to stab his adoptive father.

The above sentence appeared in Xian Wu's mind inexplicably.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm scared." Nie Li was so stared at by Xian Wu that he broke out in cold sweat and backed away.

However, Xian Wu did not stab him with Fang Tian's painted halberd, but returned the mirror.

"What happened? Why did you two smash someone's tombstone?" Lu Piao rushed over to join them, looking at the stone tablet lying on the ground in confusion.

The stele was cut in half, lying on the left and right, and the middle was hollowed out.

"Digging graves is detrimental to moral integrity!" Zhang Ming pointed at the densely packed holes on the ground and accused him, "By the way, did you dig up any treasures?"

"No!" Xian Wu and Nie Li said in unison.

Half of it, two treasures, is not enough for so many people.

"Really?" Zhang Ming looked at the two of them with suspicious eyes.

Zhu Junxiang rewarded him with a crispy and sweet chestnut, hooked his neck and said, "How dare you doubt my elder brother's words? You don't want to get involved, right?"

"No, I'm just asking casually." Zhang Ming didn't want to be left in the wilderness to feed the red ghost.

Although his eyeballs are the same size as Chigui's, they are clearly not the same species.

(End of this chapter)

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