The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 264 Tree House in the Far Mountains

Chapter 264 Tree House in the Far Mountains
Leaving the Kongming Stone Monument, the group continued to move forward, or Xian Wu continued to move forward with a heavy load.

The giant wolf transformed by Xian Wu is more than ten meters tall and nearly 30 meters long. It can jump hundreds of meters in one vertical leap and travels very fast.

In less than half an hour (1 hour), everyone arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Looking up, the dots of light were located halfway up the mountain. I didn't know if they were human settlements or a trap for monsters.

"Ling'er, you are responsible for protecting them. Nie Li and I will go over and take a look." After Xiao Ning'er and the others got off the wolf's back, Xian Wu returned to his true form and ordered.

Ling'er pursed her delicate and alluring thin lips and reluctantly began to carry out the escort order. She also wanted to follow.

"Brother Wu, be careful all the way~" Xiao Ning'er looked worried and her heart clenched tightly.

Xian Wu smiled, took Xiao Ning'er's little bamboo shoot-like hand and kissed her, comforting him: "Okay, in this world, no one can hurt me except the Spirit God."

"Brother Wu!" Xiao Ning'er threw herself into Xian Wu's arms and gave him a hug.

"Ning'er, be good, I'll be back soon." Xian Wu gently patted Xiao Ning'er's jade back, which was too clingy.

Nie Li withdrew his envious gaze and reminded Xian Wu that it was time to leave.

Nie Li activated the shadow demon spirit, and Xian Wu activated the "Invisibility Technique". The two of them, one behind the other, flew towards the mountainside at high speed.

The two of them hid themselves in the dense grass, attached their soul power to their eyes, and quietly observed the surrounding situation.

There are thick and towering trees growing halfway up the mountain, and dense tree houses are built on each big tree.

Some big trees have platforms built on them, and thunderbirds stand quietly on them, looking around vigilantly.

The fleshy crown on the top of the Thunderbird's head exudes bright fluorescence.

Those small bright spots rising in the night sky should be caused by thunderbirds, and it is not ruled out that there are other flying monsters that can shine.

The mountain is extremely huge and the forest is extremely dense. There must be eight thousand treehouses on the mountainside if not ten thousand.

Based on the calculation of three people living in a tree house, the number of residents in the tree house is estimated to be tens of thousands, which is almost the population of a wealthy family in Glory City.

"What fell from the tree house in front of me? Damn it, it seems to be Yonetian Gong?" Xian Wu hurriedly backed away.

These people who live in tree houses are so careless that they actually squat on the tree to defecate. What if someone passes by below and hits someone in the face?Throwing an object from high altitude will result in a fine!
"Shhhhhhhhh, be quiet, don't be discovered." Nie Li put his finger on his lips to remind Xian Wu not to speak.

"I'm afraid of Jiba Mao. I'm a legend. Who can do anything to me!" Xian Wu jumped up and climbed onto the treehouse platform.

Nie Li felt bitter in his heart, you are a legend, I am not.

Wait, when did you get promoted to Legend?I'm silver and you're black gold, I'm gold and you're legendary, it's always two levels higher than me, right?
Okay, you boy can do it!

In the great river, the waves behind push the waves ahead, and each wave is stronger than the last wave.

Withdrawing his envious gaze, Nie Li continued to sneakily investigate in the dense grass under the tree house.

He now knows why the flowers, plants and fungi under the big tree are so lush. They are all nourished by the excrement of the treehouse residents.

In the tree house, the invisible Xian Wu opened the door of the house without the owner's permission, wanting to check if there were any prohibited items in the house.

Thankfully, the owner of the treehouse is not home.

Unfortunately, the tree house was completely empty, except for a small bag of suspected sorghum grains and a large tank of muddy water.

"Isn't this... too poor?" Xian Wu muttered after breaking down the bag of grain with the devil's left hand.Immediately, Xian Wu decomposed the surrounding air, produced a hundred bags of the same grain, and threw them in the corner of the tree house.

After doing all this, Xian Wu took out the claw pen from the space ring and wrote on the wall: "Don't thank me, my name is to help others."

Leaving the tree house, Xian Wu flew quickly in one direction.

From just now, he heard a "ding-dong-dang" sound, as if he was tapping rocks, probably digging.

Soon, Xian Wu stopped. The tree house was gone, the big tree was gone, and there was an open land in front of him.

Surrounded by a wooden fence, a group of ragged and skinny people walked in and out of the cave carrying stones on their backs.

"This seems to be a mine?" An idea popped up in Xian Wu's mind.

In addition to the miners, the mine also has supervisors, each wearing gray leather armor and holding a spear, guarding key positions.


An old man carrying ore was overwhelmed and fell to the ground, panting heavily.

Without any sympathy, the supervisor raised his whip and lashed at the old miner's body fiercely. Every whip was a bloodstain.

The remaining overseers did not stop, but stood aside indifferently to watch the show, and used spears to drive back the miners who wanted to save people.

Xian Wu couldn't understand what bird language the supervisor was mumbling, but he could tell that he was abusing the miner and he definitely didn't say anything human.

"Grandma, if you beat someone to death, is there any royal law? Is there any law?"

Xian Wu jumped up, put his feet together, and kicked the bastard supervisor hard in the face.

"???" The supervisors all looked at the companion with blood on his face in confusion, not knowing what happened.

"Ah!!!" The supervisor covered his face and rolled on the ground, wailing miserably.

Immediately afterwards, inexplicable bloody welts began to appear on his body. As much as he whipped the miner, he received as many whips as he had.

The supervisors were all stunned by this strange scene, and they all froze in place at a loss.

After teaching the hateful overseer a lesson, Xian Wu casually threw the whip on him, took out a Nine-Turn Pill from the space ring, stuffed it into the old miner's mouth, and used his guidance technique to help him swallow it.

"Let's see if you dare to bully others in the future!" After doing all this, Xian Wu glared fiercely at the half-dead supervisor.

At the edge of the mine, Nie Li was lying in the grass, observing silently.

You don't need to think about it to know that Xian Wu must have taken action just now. He was too nosy, right?

Suddenly, Nie Li felt a killing intent, and then a foreign girl holding a long sword walked out of the grass nearby.

"Who are you?" The girl said the words of the ancient Ulan Empire, staring at Nie Li warily, full of hostility.

The girl's appearance is very strange, her face is beautiful, she can be called the beauty of the world, but there is a pair of silver wings growing on her back.

She was wearing beautiful silver armor, and her emerald green eyes exuded a faint light in the darkness.

The girl's appearance reminded Nie Li of the Silver Wing clan of the ancient Ulan Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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