Chapter 265 Sikong Hongyue
The first-generation head of the Silver Wing clan implanted the silver wings of the Thunderbird monster into his body, and accidentally created a bloodline inheritance that has been passed down ever since.

Among the Silver Wings, only those with the noblest and purest blood can possess Silver Wings.

In other words, the five-star golden girl in front of Nie Li should be a direct descendant of the Silver Wing clan.

"Hello, Your Highness, I am a passing traveler. I accidentally broke into this place. I offended you, and... um?"

Just as Nie Li was explaining in the language of the Ulan Empire, he found that the silver-winged girl's white short skirt had been lifted up, revealing the endless spring scenery.

"What the hell, it must be the old pervert Xian Wu who criticized it." Nie Li said firmly in his heart.

Following Nie Li's gaze, the silver-winged girl suddenly blushed with embarrassment. She covered her skirt with one hand and stabbed Nie Li with her sword in the other, saying angrily: "Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

"It's none of my business, it's Xian Wu who did it!" Nie Li immediately urged the shadow demon to possess him, and it disappeared.

On the other side, after hearing the roar of the silver-winged girl, most of the guards in the mine gathered over.

"Young Master, what happened?" the leading guard asked respectfully.

"A foreign spy has sneaked in, he is nearby, search for me!" The silver-winged girl ordered angrily, "Catch the one alive, I will cut her into pieces!"

Nie Li, who had become empty, felt bitter in his heart.

It was obviously that bastard Xian Wu who did it, why should he put the blame on me? I don't accept it!I don't agree!

Xian Wu, you boy, come out and take your woman away.

As soon as he stuck his butt out, he knew what the fuck he was doing, and he probably fell in love with this female monster.

This is so weird, it even has wings. Then it won’t even let the monsters go!

Just when Nie Li was speechless and about to die, Xian Wu quietly hid behind the silver-winged girl and stroked her silver hair.

Xian Wu secretly gasped: "It's not that we don't belong to the same family. You and I both have silver hair. If I don't marry you, it's not allowed by God. If you agree not to have a wife and don't speak, it means you agree."

How could Silver Wing Girl hear Xian Wu's inner thoughts? She was so angry that she was about to vomit blood.

You daring bitch dares to be so rude to His Highness. I, Sikong Hongyue, swear to God that I will catch you, cut you into pieces, chop you up and feed it to the thunderbirds, to satisfy the hatred in my heart!
In order to block the perception of most people, Xian Wu raised the level of invisibility to one star of black gold, which consumes [-] soul power every second.

There are 100 million soul power in his soul sea and 1000 million soul power in the Nightmare Demon Pot, which is enough for him to be invisible for 1100 seconds, which is almost 10 minutes, which is half an hour if rounded up.

Xian Wu could become invisible for a long time, which did not mean that Nie Li could become invisible for a long time. Soon Nie Li could no longer hold on and revealed his body.

"He's there, catch him..." Sikong Hongyue's eyes glazed over before she could finish her words.

"Presumptuous! He is my friend, get the hell out of here!"

The guards of the mine were staring at each other and were a little confused. Didn't they just say that the spies would be cut into pieces? Why now...

Nie Li rolled his eyes and immediately understood what had happened. This silver-winged girl must have been charmed by Xian Wu. As for what she wanted to do with the charm, it was unknown.

"Hello, my name is Lei Zhuo. I'm... oh, a friend of His Highness Hongyue. I had a little misunderstanding with His Highness just now. What His Highness said just now was just a joke. Don't take it seriously."

"Lei Zhuo? Why haven't I heard His Highness mention you? Which family are you from?" A heroic supervisor walked out. He was wearing the same silver armor as Sikong Hongyue. His status in the Silver Wing family should be high. "Sikong Jue, stop meddling in other people's business and stay alone!" Sikong Hongyue scolded sternly with empty eyes.

Of course this was not of her own free will, but was something Xian Wu Chuanyin benefited from.

Sikong Jue shrank his neck, but he still bravely retorted: "Your Highness, this important place of the mine cannot tolerate childishness. As the chief engineer of the mine, it is necessary for me to verify everyone's identity. Please forgive me."

Hearing Sikong Jue's words, Xian Wu frowned, unexpectedly this guy was quite conscientious.

He just decomposed part of Sikong Hongyue's memory, the memory starting from the discovery of Nie Li.

By browsing Sikong Hongyue's memories, he quickly mastered the language of the Ulan Empire.

He is already a legendary spiritual master, second only to the spiritual god-level superpower, and his brain has been developed to a very terrifying level. He can learn almost any knowledge in a single glance.

"Hello, steward, I am from the Yinhui family." Nie Li pondered for a moment and replied in a deep voice.

Obscenity... Family?Xian Wu raised his eyebrows. What was Nie Li thinking about making up such a silly name?

Sikong Jue sneered and immediately ordered: "Nonsense, there are a total of thirteen aristocratic families in this world. I have never heard of anyone named Yinhui aristocratic family. This person's origin is unknown. Come and capture him!"

Upon hearing the order, the soldiers raised their sharp spears and pressed forward.

"Wait a minute!" Nie Li raised his hand to stop him, "Who said I am from this world? I broke in from the outside world accidentally and met His Highness by accident. If you don't believe me, ask her."

"That's right!" Sikong Hongyue nodded dully.

Just as Sikong Jue was hesitating, an old mine supervisor ran over and whispered, "Sir Director, when the Ulan Empire was at its peak, the Yinhui Family was one of the alliances of the Silver Wing Family."

"And the direct descendants of the Yinhui family are all named Lei. This boy's name is Lei Zhuo. It shouldn't be fake."

"Confused! Your spy will admit that he is a spy. He will definitely forge a flawless identity for himself." Sikong Jue scolded in a low voice.

After pondering for a moment, Sikong Jue ordered softly: "You should keep an eye on the mine and be wary of enemy sneak attacks. I will take this boy named Lei Zhuo to see the head of the family. He is well-informed and will definitely be able to see through this person's identity."

"Yes!" The old supervisor clasped his fists and raised his hands, calling the soldiers back to their respective posts.

"Your Highness, although Lei Zhuo is your friend, he has trespassed into the important area of ​​the mine. I must report this matter to the head of the family. Please forgive me." Sikong Jue rushed to Sikong Hongyue and handed over his hand.

"Master Lei Zhuo, please. As long as you meet the master of the family, I won't embarrass you anymore."

Xian Wu walked quietly to Nie Li and asked, "Do you need me to kill this Sikong Jue now?"

"Don't worry, let's play with them first." Nie Li showed no fear on his face.

They don't know much about this world yet, so they just want to ask someone.

"Their family leader is likely to be a black gold level or even a legendary level master. Is your invisibility useful?"

"Don't worry, it's fine."

(End of this chapter)

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