The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 266 The Silver Wing Family

Chapter 266 The Silver Wing Family
Because Sikong Hongyue was charmed and her control of the body was uncoordinated, in order to prevent Sikong Jue from seeing any flaws, Xian Wu had no choice but to reluctantly put his arms around her waist and fly with her.

Under the leadership of Sikong Jue, the group quickly came to a magnificent palace.

The palace is supported by dozens of thick giant trees, and the outer city wall is dozens of meters high. From time to time, soldiers in silver helmets patrol the city wall.

Sikong Hongyue was the only daughter of the Silver Wing Family and had an extraordinary status. The guards at the palace gate did not embarrass everyone and easily let them into the palace.

Along the way, Sikong Jue's face was gloomy, and his back was soaked with sweat.

He always felt like someone was watching him secretly, as if he would be separated from his body in the next second.

That feeling didn't come from Lei Zhuo or His Highness Hongyue, but it was very close to him.

I looked around but found nothing, weird, really weird.

After passing through the winding corridors, everyone arrived at the door of the magnificent palace.

Xian Wu increased the shielding strength of his invisibility ability in advance.

The current invisibility technique can block the perception of a legendary one-star expert and consume one hundred thousand soul power every second.

The eleven million soul power in his body can last for 100 seconds, less than 110 minutes.

It is worth mentioning that although the sky in this world is a gray void, there are stars scattered in the void, and Xian Wu can absorb the light energy of the stars to replenish his soul power.

However, the energy of the stars is far less abundant than the energy of the sun and moonlight.

Clap clap... clap clap... clap clap...

Xian Wu didn't do anything weird. The sound came from the palace. It might be that the head of the Silver Wing Family was doing something weird.

Entering the palace, there are two thick stone pillars at the door.

On one of the stone pillars, a young man with black wings on his back was tied with chains. His upper body was stripped of all his clothes.

The palace guards, holding whips, beat the young man continuously.

The severe pain distorted the young man's face, but he remained silent and gritted his teeth and persisted.

The sound Xian Wu heard just now was the sound of the guard whipping the young man.

"Is it because this young man was too rebellious and dyed his white wings black that he was tied up and whipped?" Xian Wu secretly guessed, "See, this is the price for killing Matt."

Above the main hall, a bloated middle-aged man sat on a luxurious throne, resting his chin on one hand, looking sleepy and bored.

Three beautiful girls helped him beat his legs and back. They were all wearing sexy silk skirts, and their curvy bodies were vaguely visible.

Seeing such a scene, Xian Wu's eyes immediately widened.

He wished he could rush up immediately, kick the old fat man away, and replace him.

Hearing the footsteps of Sikong Hongyue and Sikong Yi, the old fat man opened his eyes with his eyes closed to rest.

"Hongyue, who are these two?" Sikong Yi spoke slowly, an invisible murderous aura coming out of his body.

Sikong Jue was stunned for a moment, clasped his fists and said, "Master, you don't know me. I am Sikong Jue, the chief engineer of the mine. You personally bestowed this position on me."

"I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the two people behind Hongyue." Sikong Yi rolled his eyes.

Two big living people standing behind?Is your kid illiterate, or blind?
"Two people?" Sikong Jue looked back suspiciously, only seeing Lei Zhuo behind him, but not anyone behind Sikong Hongyue.

Hearing the old fat man's words, Xian Wu grinned and lifted the invisibility technique. "That's right, you can actually see through my invisibility technique." Xian Wu nodded, and his soul power came out through his body.

"Presumptuous!" Seeing the other party unscrupulously releasing his soul power to spy on him, Sikong Yi shouted angrily and his body shook.

The three maids were violently thrown away and hit the wall with a bang, which almost made Xian Wu feel distressed.

However, when he thought that these women had been played by the old fat man, Xian Wu immediately felt less distressed.

Xian Wu's appearance out of thin air startled Sikong Jue.

Seeing that this man dared to take action against the family leader, Sikong Jue reached for the sword and wanted to draw it out to help Sikong Yi.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, Sikong Hongyue blocked his throat with his sword.

The sharp sword tip pierced Sikong Jue's skin, and blood flowed down Sikong Jue's neck.

"Your Highness Hongyue, what are you doing? He is attacking the head of the family. It's okay if you don't help. Why are you pointing a sword at me?" Sikong Jue could not understand Sikong Hongyue's behavior.

Xian Wu smiled and warned: "Don't move or scream, otherwise I can't guarantee that my woman's sword will not pierce your throat."

Your woman?His Highness Hongyue?Sikong Jue's eyes widened.

No wonder Her Highness Hongyue was in a bad state when she was in the mine. It turned out that she was controlled by this man.

"Boy, what did you do to my daughter?" After hearing Xian Wu's words, Sikong Yi stood up from the throne, and his majestic soul power surged towards Xian Wu like a tide.

"Father-in-law, don't be angry. As long as you agree to my marriage to Hong Yue, I can consider sparing your life." Xian Wu silently operated the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art".

In the case of insufficient soul power, using Chaos Soul Devourer to absorb soul power will not expand the upper limit of the soul sea.

Having just activated the invisibility technique, most of Xian Wu's soul power has been consumed, and now he is absorbing old Fatty Sikong's soul power to replenish.

Sikong Yi didn't notice the approaching crisis at all, and snorted coldly: "Arrogant boy, I want to see what you are capable of."

After saying that, Sikong Yi concentrated his soul power on his fists, kicked off his legs, flew over, and punched Xian Wu in the face.

"Arrogance requires strength, and I...just have it!" Xian Wu smiled scornfully and summoned the ultimate emperor armor he had just obtained from the sea of ​​souls.

No, Hao Zhen Armor.

Xian Wu crossed his arms and used his tough golden arm armor to block Si Kong Yi's deliberate punch.

His fist was bounced away, Sikong Yi turned around in the air and kicked Xian Wu's abdominal armor violently.

"Come here!" With the help of the rebound force, Sikong Yi grabbed Sikong Hongyue in his hand, swept far away at high speed, and retreated to the throne. Then he gathered his soul power and slapped her palm into the Baihui point on the top of her head.
"Poof!" Sikong Hongyue spat out a mouthful of dark red blood, her eyes returned to clarity, and the charmed state was lifted.

Sikong Jue wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but was unexpectedly choked naked by Nie Li who was possessed by the summoned tiger-tooth panda. He fainted in a few seconds.

Nie Li is a gold-level demon spiritual master, and he has cultivated the very powerful "Tiandao Divine Art". He can cross the level and fight against the strong men of one or two black gold stars, let alone Sikong Jue, who is a little gold.

"Hongyue, run away!" Sikong Yi slammed the throne mechanism and sent Sikong Hongyue into the secret passage.

"Escape? I'm here to propose marriage, not to kill anyone. Don't get me wrong."

"Damn Nie Li, why did you make me faint? How can I explain it to my father-in-law?"

(End of this chapter)

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