The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 267 Battle with Sikong Yi

Chapter 267 Battle with Sikong Yi
After sending Sikong Hongyue into the secret passage, Sikong Yi no longer had any worries and was ready to go on a killing spree.

He bent his fingers into claws, and the invisible soul force came out of his body, entangling the two seriously injured and unconscious servants.

Sikong Yi swung the human flesh meteor hammer in his hand, and slammed it hard at the armored boy.

"You actually use a girl as a weapon, father-in-law, you are so cruel." Xian Wu frowned and stared, this is not how a girl is used!

Putting the arm armor into the soul sea, releasing the protection and restraint of his hands, Xian Wu activated the "Doubling Technique" to enlarge his two palms.

"Bang!" The two unconscious girls were caught steadily.

"Chaos Soul Devouring Technique" gives priority to absorbing the soul power and energy of the nearest ones, so the soul power chains that bound the girls were lifted when Xian Wu caught them with his giant palm.

Gently placing the two scantily clad girls on the ground, Xian Wu released the doubling technique and restored his palms to their original size.

He originally wanted Nie Li to take care of the two poor girls, but Nie Li was currently fighting the imperial troops pouring in from outside the palace gate, and he was unable to do anything at all.

Seeing Xian Wu's behavior, Sikong Yi sneered disdainfully: "Your boy is quite sympathetic, I will let you pity..."

Sikong Yi originally wanted to use his soul power to drag the remaining girl to his side, but unexpectedly his soul power suddenly dried up.

"What's going on? How could my soul power be consumed so quickly?" Sikong Yi looked at his hands in disbelief.

Xian Wu has no habit of standing still and passively defending. What he is best at is taking the initiative to attack.

Chains of the Dark Law!

Xian Wu curled his fingers into claws, and two black chains of thorns spurted out from his palms, shooting towards Sikong Yi Biao.

The front section of the chain is two tapered spearheads, with four sharp spear blades evenly opened.

"Don't think that I can't fight without soul power. If you want to tie up this king, there is no way!" Sikong Yi's fat body was extremely flexible, and he easily dodged the two chains of the black prison.

After dodging Xian Wu's attack, Sikong Yi kicked the flowerpot near the throne away with two "bang bang" kicks.

Xian Wu didn't want to break the flower pots. These things would become his property from now on. It would be a pity if they were broken.

"The Six-Character Five-Shaped Fist Secret Style - Hunyuan Lightning Five Continuous Whips!"

Xian Wu shouted in a low voice, catching the two huge flower pots that flew towards them, neutralizing their strength, and then placed them firmly on the ground.

"Father-in-law, let's sit down and talk, why bother with swords and guns?" Xian Wu tried to negotiate with Sikong Yi.

But Si Kong Yi didn't want to talk to Xian Wu, he just wanted to twist off Xian Wu's head and use it as a chamber pot.

Not only did he use despicable means to control his precious daughter, but he also used his soul power to spy on himself unscrupulously in the main hall, which was simply audacious.

After being provoked like this, if you don't kill each other, how can you have the dignity to be the patriarch of the Silver Wing Family in the future?

Although Sikong Yi didn't say anything, his actions already showed what he meant.

"Since you don't want to talk, I have no choice but to offend you." Although Xian Wu's chains of the Black Prison Law could not bind Sikong Yi, they could bind the palace guards and support Nie Li.

I saw two chains of the Black Prison Law, like two black dragons, breaking away from Xian Wu's hands and flying towards the Forbidden Army in a winding way.

"What the hell is this? It's so scary!"

"Don't panic, everyone. It's just an ordinary chain. Use a spear to poke it."

"Back to back, form a silver-wing battle formation, don't let the chains get entangled."

The palace guards were in groups of four, standing back to back, staring warily at the black chains lingering around them.

The two chains are as thick as the mouth of a bowl, like two winding forest pythons, waiting for the opportunity to move and devour anyone they choose.

Soon, the chains of the Black Prison Law went up and down, completing the siege of the palace forbidden army, and then shrank inward with lightning speed.

The palace guards who were unable to dodge were directly tied together by the lower chains.Some palace guards who jumped up to dodge were caught by the upper chains.

In addition, there are still some fish that slipped through the net, but if those guys are left to Nie Li to deal with, there will be no problem at all.

Just as Xian Wu was binding the palace guards with the chains of the Black Prison Law, Sikong Yi took out a luxurious bow inlaid with gems and a bag of red crystal arrowheads from the space ring.

"Go to hell, brat!" Sikong Yi drew his big bow, and shot an arrow at Xian Wu's back.

The red crystal arrow hit Xian Wu's armor, causing a violent explosion. The powerful shock wave blew Nie Li and the palace guards away.

The two young ladies closest to Xian Wu were directly blown to pieces and their bodies were completely destroyed.


However, he just fell and did not suffer any damage.

Seeing Xian Wu standing up intact and turning to look at him, Si Kong Yi was so frightened that his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"I don't believe I can't kill you with a bomb!" Sikong Yi took out three special arrows from his quiver with a ferocious look on his face, and shot them with his bow.

Whoosh whoosh!
Three arrows rushed over, and the arrows emitted an eye-catching red light, which alternately lit up and dimmed.

Looking away from the large pool of blood next to him, Xian Wu felt a little angry.

The two girls he saved were actually killed by old fat man Sikong. Damn it, damn it!

I haven't checked to see if they are virgins!

By stimulating the river of magma flowing in the soul sea, Xian Wu instantly transformed into a magma superman.


Xian Wu's magma arm suddenly became longer and thicker, and his palm turned into the shape of a dog's head.

The lava dog head opened its mouth and swallowed three arrows into its belly like lightning.

Boom boom boom!
The arrow melted and exploded in the lava dog's head, and the scorching hot magma split into pieces and scattered everywhere.

However, before they could scatter on the walls and floor of the palace, they flew back to Xian Wu's arms.

Looking at the magma's restored left arm, Xian Wu fell into deep thought.

He originally wanted to use the decomposition ability of the devil's left hand to decompose the exploding arrows of Fatty Sikong.

Unexpectedly, after turning into a magma man, the decomposition ability of the devil's left hand could no longer be used.


Xian Wu's feet sank into the floor, and the hot lava melted the floor into two large holes.

"What a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, take advantage of my move, 'Nine Stars Continuous Pearls'!" Si Kong Yi seized the opportunity, took out all the remaining exploding arrows in his quiver, and shot out one arrow after another like lightning.

Xian Wu released the magma superman form and smiled contemptuously.

"The Six-Character Five-Shaped Fist Secret Style - Hunyuan Lightning Five Continuous Whips!"

Although Xian Wu's feet were stuck in the floor, his hands were extremely fast, and he flicked all the incoming explosive arrows to both sides in the blink of an eye.

Boom boom boom...

Nie Li said "fuck" and instantly activated the virtualization combat skill.

(End of this chapter)

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