The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 268 Crystal of Scarlet Blood

Chapter 268 Crystal of Scarlet Blood
The exploding arrows that were knocked away by Xian Wu scattered in all directions.

The unconscious Sikong Jue and the tied palace guards were all affected by the explosion and turned into a puddle of mud.

Looking at the devastated Silver Wing Palace, Nie Li, who was in a virtual state, couldn't help but swallow a gulp of saliva.

The power of this exploding arrow... is too terrifying, right? !

He saw with his own eyes that the supervisor named Sikong Jue was blown to pieces, and the flying plasma covered the wall.

"Damn guy, you kill my people and destroy my palace, I want you to die without a burial place!" Si Kong Yi angrily threw the giant bow to the ground, took out a handful of red "jelly beans" from the space ring, and took a sip swallow.

After swallowing the "jelly beans", the soul power poured into Sikong Yi's dry soul sea like a flood.

The soul sea was not only filled up in the blink of an eye, but the excess soul power overflowed from the soul sea.

Sikong Yi's body expanded rapidly, eventually turning into a little giant four to five meters tall.

All the clothes on his body were torn to pieces, leaving only a pair of large flowered pants, with pieces of huge muscles exposed, which looked particularly eye-catching.

In addition, all of Sikong Yi's hair fell out and turned into a bald head.

All the feathers on the two silver wings on his back fell off and turned into two clean chicken wings. The goosebumps on them were so disgusting that Xian Wu even got goosebumps.

While Sikong Yi was taking drugs, Xian Wu escaped from the gap in the floor.

Xian Wu pinched his waist with both hands and retorted: "Father-in-law, you obviously killed the man and destroyed the palace. How can you blame me for it? You are too rude, aren't you?"

"What do you want to do now? Do you still want to fight? Can't you just sit down and talk calmly?"

Just as Xian Wu was trying to reason with Sikong Yi, a black figure rushed towards the perverted old Sikong Yi.

Xian Wu took a closer look and found that the black figure was the young Shamat man who had been tied to a pillar and beaten earlier. He was holding a spear in his hand.

Xian Wu guessed that he should have escaped from the explosion just now.

"Old thief Sikong, give my parents their lives back!" Duan Jian flapped his black wings, held the spear tightly with both hands, and stabbed Sikong Yi hard in the chest.

Unfortunately, the palace guard's war spear couldn't even penetrate Sikong Yi's skin, but instead angered Sikong Yi, whose eyes were blood red.

He raised his huge palm and slammed Duan Jian away.

Duan Jian suddenly turned into a bloody cannonball, penetrated the roof of the palace, and disappeared.

Nie Li suddenly appeared and reminded: "Old Fatty Sikong has swallowed a large amount of red blood crystals, and his strength has reached the legendary peak. We are no match for him. Let's run away while his mind is affected by the violent energy. "

"The Red Blood Crystal? Is it the one that can provide energy to the war spirit puppet?" opponent."

After saying that, Xian Wu looked at the space ring on Sikong Yi's hand with eager eyes. There must be a lot of Sikong Hongyue's dowry there.

Sikong Yi, who had dealt with Duan Jian, turned his attention to Xian Wu.

Nie Li wanted to pull Xian Wu to run away, but Xian Wu shook off his wrist and wanted to fight Sikong Yi to the end.

In desperation, Nie Li had no choice but to escape on his own.

"Xian Wu, you must stay alive. Otherwise, your women will be widowed." Nie Li reminded.

The word "well" appeared on Xian Wu's forehead, and he cursed without looking back: "You're such a crow-mouthed young man, get out of here! Even if you die, I won't be able to die either."

If you want to die, you have to die in the gentle land of a woman. Who wants to die in the hands of a devilish muscular man? What if he whips the corpse?
"Death!" Sikong Yi had completely lost his mind. He raised his fist as big as a water tank and hit Xian Wu with a right uppercut.

Xian Wu snorted coldly: "I call you foster father for the sake of your beautiful daughter. Are you really treating yourself as a dish?"

"The art of doubling!!!" Although the law of magma and the ability of the devil's left hand cannot be superimposed, the art of doubling can be superimposed on the ability of the devil's left hand.

Xian Wu raised his hand as huge as a door panel, and at the same time activated the atomic decomposition ability of the devil's left hand.

While active, any object that touches the palm side of your left hand will be broken down into atoms.


Sikong Yi's huge fist struck Xian Wu's huge palm, and then the huge fist disappeared instantly.

Sikong Yi, who lost his mind, did not stop attacking and continued to stab Xian Wu's palm with his broken wrist.

It wasn't until he lost his entire right arm and was stimulated by severe pain that Si Kong Yi briefly regained his clarity.

"Ah!!!" Sikong Yi covered his bleeding arm, jumping up and down and wailing.

Kaka boom!
The fragile and devastated floor could not withstand Sikong Yi's trampling and suddenly shattered.

Sikong Yi fell directly.

Since all the feathers on his wings were gone, Sikong Yi lost the ability to fly and could only let himself fall heavily to the ground from the top of a tree a hundred meters high.

Fortunately, there are some humus such as fallen leaves and rice fields underneath the palace.

Sikong Yi was not seriously injured, but a big hole was made on the ground.

"Father?!" Sikong Hongyue, who had just escaped from the secret passage, recognized Sikong Yi at a glance and hurriedly flew over to pull him out of the pit.

But after Sikong Yi was thrown, his mind became confused again.

"Kill!" Sikong Yi's eyes were bloodshot and he held the petite Sikong Hongyue in his hands.

"Father, it's me, I'm Hongyue!" Blood spilled from the corner of Sikong Hongyue's mouth, and tears fell from his eyes unsatisfactorily.

Her bones were crushed and her internal organs were displaced.

After all, she is just a five-star gold star. How can she withstand the attack of the legendary peak?

Just when Sikong Hongyue was about to die, a golden light fell and instantly cut off Sikong Yi's wrist.

"Let me go... I don't need your help..." Seeing that it was Xian Wu who saved him, Sikong Hongyue struggled desperately even though he was seriously injured.

"Poof!" Sikong Hongyue was so excited that she spat out a mouthful of blood, rolled her eyes, and fainted.

While Xian Wu flew above the palace, he took out the Nine Turns Pill from the space ring, threw it into his mouth, and then fed it to Sikong Hongyue mouth to mouth.

I just want to sit down and talk calmly, why is it so difficult?

The kingly way convinces people with virtue, and the domineering way convinces people with force. Since the kingly way doesn't work, then just follow the domineering way.

Returning to the palace, Xian Wu happened to meet Nie Li who was poking his head at the entrance of the palace.

"Take care of it for me, I'll be back soon." Handing Sikong Hongyue to Nie Li, Xian Wu got back into the hole, preparing to use violence to make Sikong Yi surrender.

Carrying Sikong Hongyue on his back, Nie Li placed her on the pavilion far away from the palace.

Just as he was checking Sikong Hongyue's pulse, Duan Jian limped over, leaning on a spear, with killing intent in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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