The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 269 Capturing Sikong Yi

Chapter 269 Capturing Sikong Yi
"It's you? What are you trying to do with a broken stick?" Nie Li stood up and stared at Duan Jian vigilantly.

Duan Jian was slapped by Sikong Yi and suffered extensive fractures all over his body. His ability to walk over was all due to his strong will.

"She forced me to death..." Duan Jian vomited out a mouthful of blood and continued with a trembling voice: "She forced my parents to death, and I want her to pay with her blood!"

Duan Jian pointed tremblingly at the unconscious Sikong Hongyue on the ground, his eyes full of hatred.

"Brother, I sympathize with your situation, but I am entrusted by others and will not let anyone hurt her. You should come back for revenge another day." Nie Li stood in front of Sikong Hongyue and stopped Duan Jian.

Paying back debts and paying for life by murdering people are all things that are natural and natural.

Normally, I would not stop others from taking revenge.

But now, he has promised Xian Wu to help take care of Sikong Hongyue, so naturally he can't let others kill her.

"Get out of my way!" Duan Jian staggered over and tried to push Nie Li away, but Nie Li didn't move at all and instead grabbed his shoulder.

Nie Li originally thought that the other party would take action, but he didn't expect that he was so furious that he fainted without even breathing.

"Alas -" Nie Li sighed and put the young man who fell in his arms to the ground.

When he saw Duan Jian, he remembered himself in his previous life, either seeking revenge or on the road to revenge.

Taking out the Nine Revolving Pill from the interspatial ring, Nie Li opened Duan Jian's mouth and stuffed it in, and then used the channeling technique to help him swallow it.

Then, Nie Li took out the silver needles, released the blood stasis in the two people's bodies, and performed acupuncture to assist their recovery.

At the same time, below the giant tree palace, Xian Wu and Sikong Yi were fighting fiercely.

Because Xian Wu did not want to absorb Sikong Yi's soul power and increase the upper limit of his own soul power, this battle was very anxious.

As the load-bearing giant trees were knocked down by Sikong Yi, the palace above began to show signs of collapse, and tile floors fell from overhead.

"Chains of the Black Prison Law!!!" Xian Wu shouted violently, and several chains spurted out from his palm.

He wanted to control Fatty Sikong, not kill him.

If he just wanted to kill him, Hao Zhen would wave his halberd and old Fatty Sikong's head would fall to the ground.

But after killing old fat man Sikong, what would his daughter Sikong Hongyue think of her father-killing enemy?

Unless Sikong Hongyue is an idiot, she will never sleep with the enemy who killed her father.

Although she can use the memory decomposition ability of the devil's left hand to decompose Sikong Hongyue's memory, the paper cannot contain the fire. She will eventually know that she killed her father.

Therefore, it is better to just catch old fat man Sikong instead of killing him.

As chain after chain spurted out, Xian Wu's soul power was consumed rapidly.

Each time a law chain is formed, 100 million soul power is consumed, and Xian Wu's entire soul power is only enough to form ten chains of the Black Hell Law.

Since two were consumed in the previous battle, he could only create eight chains of the Dark Law.

Chains as thick as a bowl wrapped around Sikong Yi's huge body one after another, first his arms and torso, and then his two legs.

Although Sikong Yi was entangled, he was still struggling.

The more he struggled, the deeper the barb on the chain penetrated, and it didn't take long for Sikong Yi to be pierced into a shower head.

"Chaos Soul Devouring Technique!" Xian Wufei landed on Si Kong Yi who was rolling on the ground and began to devour the soul power in his body.

Since the Hell Chain drained away the soul power in the Soul Sea and the Nightmare Demon Pot, he could now absorb the soul power with confidence and boldness.

While absorbing soul power, Xian Wu made chains of the Law of Darkness to bind old fat man Sikong.

Under the circumstances, the violent soul power in Sikong Yi's body was consumed rapidly, and his body size became smaller and smaller.Eventually, it returns to normal human size.

Being drained of his soul power and losing too much blood, Si Kong Yi quickly fell into a coma.

"The Sea of ​​Souls and the Nightmare Demon Pot are full, what about these chains of the Dark Prison Law?" Xian Wu fell into deep thought.

With a thought, the chains of the Black Prison Law were separated from Sikong Yi's fat body and penetrated into Xian Wu's eyebrows.

Looking inside his soul sea, Xian Wu found that his soul power had not increased.

Those chains of the Law of Darkness are like strips of seaweed, submerged in the sea of ​​souls, swaying with the waves.

The power of law will not increase the capacity of the soul sea?
Xian Wu raised his eyebrows, what a magical power of law.

"I don't know if there is an upper limit to the chains of the law of the black prison..." Xian Wu touched his chin, pinched the neck of old fat man Sikong, and flew up.

Boom boom boom...

The giant tree palace was overwhelmed and began to collapse. Countless pieces of huge construction waste fell to the ground, like meteorites falling from the sky.

Although Xian Wu was wearing the Hao Zhen armor and was not afraid of any attacks, the same could not be said for Fatty Sikong.

This guy was dying and looked like he was waiting for death. Even a small brick could kill him.

Finally, before the palace collapsed completely, Xian Wu rushed out of the sea of ​​trees and escaped.

"Where did Nie Li go while holding my wife in his arms?"

Soon, Xian Wu discovered Nie Li in the pavilion.

He was blocked in the one-way passage to the pavilion, fighting with the soldiers of the Silver Wing Family.

What puzzled Xian Wu was why was there a man lying next to his Hongyue wife?
"Chains of the Dark Law!"

Xian Wu landed behind the soldiers, pinched old fat man Sikong with one hand, and summoned the chains of the Black Prison Law with the other.

The Silver Winged Soldiers, who were attacked from both sides, were disheartened and were quickly defeated by the two men working together.

"Nie Li, why is my wife lying with other men?" Xian Wu asked coldly.

After removing the possession of the tiger-tooth panda, Nie Li explained what had just happened.

"Is there such a thing? Let me be safe." Xian Wu handed Sikong Yi to Nie Li and walked over to retrieve Duan Jian's memory.

Sikong Yi took the Nine Turns Pill and his life was not in danger for the time being.

However, his soul sea has been extremely severely damaged, and he may not be able to cultivate soul power in this life.

After consulting Duan Jian's memory, he learned that his mother was from the Silver Wing Family and his father was from the Black Dragon Family.

The Silver Wing Family and the Black Dragon Family are hostile, so Duan Jian's parents left their respective families and became anonymous.

It wasn't until Duan Jian was 13 years old that his family was discovered by the Silver Wing Family and hunted down.

When they were desperate, Duan Jian's parents wanted to commit suicide in exchange for Duan Jian's chance of survival.

Silver Wing Family agreed.

Unfortunately, after they committed suicide, the Silver Wing Family did not let Duan Jian go. Instead, they tied him to a stone pillar in the palace and whipped him every day to warn the clan members that they would not let him go until Duan Jian was beaten to death.

"What a bunch of beasts." Xian Wu gritted his teeth and wiped away Duan Jian's memories before he was hunted down.

(End of this chapter)

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