The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 270: Yimu Essence Liquid

Chapter 270: Yimu Essence Liquid
"Xian Wu, why are you touching his face all the time? Could it be that... you started to like men?" Nie Li swallowed.

After saying what he said and looking at it, Xian Wu started to scratch people's faces, not knowing what he was looking at.

Are you looking to see if there are pimples on other people's faces?
Xian Wu is not a doctor, so why look at the pimples on other people's faces?Apart from the answer of liking men, Nie Li couldn't think of anything else.

Looking back, he saw Nie Li retreating step by step, looking very scared of him. Xian Wu snorted and said, "If I start to like men, I will kill you first."

He was obviously helping to erase Duan Jian's bad memories, but Nie Li thought he was taking advantage of him. It was really annoying.

"No, you'd better play with the one on the ground, I'm not fun, really." Nie Li hurriedly hid behind the pillar, for fear that Xian Wu's animal nature would become violent and he would do something unethical.

Judging from Xian Wu's love for beautiful women, once he starts to like men, any man he likes cannot escape his clutches.

Could it be that he was going to lose his late life?No!
I'm your foster father, Xian Wu, you can't be like this.

After erasing Duan Jian's bad memories, Xian Wu stood up and dragged Nie Li out from behind the pillar with black lines all over his head, and said, "Stop playing tricks, please, help me think about it, what should I do next?" Bar."

To take the place of Fatty Sikong and rule the Silver Wing Family?
Or will he kill the father and daughter who care so little about human life and destroy the Silver Wing family?

If he chooses the latter, Xian Wu feels a little cruel.

Although in this world where the jungle preys on the jungle, it is perfectly normal to do this, but for Xian Wu, a modern person, it is still somewhat unbearable psychologically.

"What should I do? Let's eat it cold!" Nie Li broke free from Xian Wu's restraints, leaned against the pillar of the pavilion, and stared at Xian Wu warily.

"You killed so many people and destroyed their palace, how can they just let it go and be content with it?"

Xian Wu raised his hand and interrupted: "I didn't kill the person, and I didn't destroy the palace. Don't slander me. I'm just lusting after Sikong Hongyue's body."

Sikong Hongyue was dressed in silver armor, and her whole body was capable and vigorous, especially those slender legs full of strength, which probably could crush people to death.

In addition, Sikong Hongyue also exudes a royal noble temperament, like a peak that is difficult to climb.

Xian Wu's goal in picking up girls is "I see, I conquer", so naturally he won't miss Sikong Hongyue.

Moreover, Duan Jian's parents were forced to death by Sikong Jue, and they had nothing to do with Sikong Hongyue.

The reason why Duan Jian seeks revenge from Sikong Hongyue is because he wants to take advantage of others' danger.

He couldn't kill Si Kong Yi, the culprit who ordered to hunt down his family, so he had to resort to the next best thing and kill Si Kong Yi's only daughter.

Losing his only daughter, Sikong Yi would feel the loss of a loved one. In this way, Duan Jian could be regarded as avenging his parents.

Erasing Duan Jian's memory is not only protecting Duan Jian, but also protecting Sikong Hongyue.

I don’t know if Duan Jian thinks so, at least Xian Wu thinks so.

No matter what Duan Jian thinks, his memory has been erased and he can no longer recall it.

"That's nonsense! If you don't use your soul power to spy on others, will they get angry?" Nie Li scoffed at Xian Wu's statement.

Clay figurines are also three-pointed, and he is the head of a big family.

A normal person would get angry if Xian Wu spied on others so unscrupulously in front of so many people.

After hearing Nie Li's words, Xian Wu retorted: "I don't call this spying, I call it intimidation. If we don't show some strength, how can others recognize us and think highly of us?"

Who would have imagined that the Legend One Star could not suppress Sikong Yi, but instead angered him.This old fat man is used to being arrogant and domineering. He doesn't know what it means to be someone outside the world and there is a world outside the world.

After receiving the severe beating today, he should be more restrained.

"Okay, okay, you're right." Nie Li didn't want to continue arguing with Xian Wu. He rolled his eyes a few times and then suggested: "When these two people wake up, let's talk to them calmly. Now they should Calm down."

"I've wanted to talk to them a long time ago, but this old fat man Sikong Yi started to do it right away, and he didn't want to talk to us at all." Xian Wu looked helpless.

I mentioned it many times, but Sikong Yi ignored it all.

He also took out those explosive arrows and not only killed his guards, but also destroyed his palace.

It really goes with the old saying - Impulse is the devil.


Xian Wu suddenly remembered that Sikong Yi's space ring was still lying in his purse, and he hadn't had a chance to look at it yet.

Taking out the space ring and putting it on his middle finger, Xian Wu put his soul power into it.

Food, wine, crystals of red blood...

"What is this?" Xian Wu took out a vial of jadeite from the interspatial ring, shook it by his ear, and could hear the sound of "crashing" water, and there should be some liquid in it.

After removing the cork and fanning the mouth of the bottle, Xian Wu smelled a very strange smell.

"I'll smell it." Nie Li took the vial, sniffed it lightly, then poured a little into the palm of his hand. After careful observation, he said, "This green water should be Yimu spiritual liquid, which can make plants grow quickly."

Nie Li guessed that the tall trees around the mountain were probably caused by this thing.

After putting the cork on the bottle, Nie Li observed the vial, and found that it was engraved with a very mysterious inscription pattern, surpassing the legendary level.

The Yimu spirit liquid in the bottle should be the jade vial absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth or transforming it into some kind of energy.

"Xian Wu, help me open their mouths." Nie Li ordered while holding the vial.

"What are you doing? You really want to use someone's head as a chamber pot."

"What nonsense are you thinking about in your mind? Do I look like that kind of person to your adoptive father?" Nie Li knocked Xian Wu's chestnut.

"In addition to making plants grow quickly, Yimu Spiritual Liquid is also an excellent healing product. Its effect is more than ten times that of Jiuzhuan Dan."

"That's it..." Xian Wu opened his eyes, closed Sikong Yi's old mouth, and opened Sikong Hongyue's small mouth, "My wife is seriously injured, save her first."

Your wife?Nie Li glanced at Xian Wu speechlessly, he was really shameless.

After feeding the three of them a drop of Yimu spirit liquid, Nie Li drank the rest of the spirit liquid in one gulp, then sat cross-legged on the ground and started practicing by himself.

Xian Wu turned the bottle upside down and poured it down, but Nie Li didn't leave a single drop for him, it's outrageous!
You don't need to think about it to know that this Yimu spiritual liquid should have a third effect, which is to enhance soul power.

Just when Xian Wu was about to criticize Nie Li for his unscrupulous behavior, Sikong Hongyue opened her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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