Chapter 271
After being promoted to a legendary demon spiritual master, no, a legendary spiritual master, Xian Wu's perception became extremely sharp to a terrifying level.

Even if your back is turned to the target, you can still know the target's every move.

Therefore, Xian Wu discovered it as soon as Sikong Hongyue woke up.

"Hey, Hongyue, you're awake!" Xian Wu decisively gave up causing trouble for Nie Li and turned his attention to his future wife.

Sikong Hongyue struggled to get up, but due to the serious injury, she failed several times.

In the end, Xian Wu hugged her and helped her up.

Sikong Hongyue pushed Xian Wu away with her head, and said with a look of disgust on her face: "Go away, don't touch me. Who are you, how dare you touch this princess?"

"Good intentions are worthless, then I'm leaving?" Xian Wu let go of Sikong Hongyue, who fell to the hard wooden floor with a "thud".


The newly healed wound was re-opened by the fall. Sikong Hongyue grimaced in pain, as if she was her aunt's sister.

Xian Wu shrugged, stared with innocent eyes, and explained: "You didn't let me touch it, now you blame me?"

"You...who are you?" Sikong Hongyue spat out a sentence through her teeth.

When he first met this silver-haired man, he was fighting with his father.

It is unlikely that he is a killer sent by other aristocratic families, because she knows all the top masters.

Could it be that he was a genius who was secretly cultivated by a certain family and is now out of retirement?

Xian Wu scratched his face and said a little shyly: "My name is Xian Wu. I am from the outside world. I want to marry you. What do you think?"

Sikong Hongyue turned around and saw that her father was lying on the left side, and that despicable bastard was lying on the right side.

"Bah, the toad wants to eat swan meat! You want me to marry you after hurting my father like this, no way!" Sikong Hongyue gritted her silver teeth, wishing she could tear off a piece of Xian Wu's meat.

Hearing Sikong Hongyue's words, Xian Wu's eyes lit up: "You mean, if your father is fine, you will marry me?"

"Don't worry, I have fed him the Yimu spirit liquid, and he will wake up soon. However, it is unlikely that his right arm will grow back."

Xian Wu once again hugged Sikong Hongyue and helped her up, while squeezing the toned and elastic soft flesh on her arms.

"Go away!" Sikong Hongyue was ashamed and annoyed. No one had ever treated her so frivolously in her life.

Yimu spirit liquid is a treasure inherited from the Silver Wing family. It has the miraculous effect of bringing the dead back to life. It takes ten years to condense a drop of it.

That bottle of Yimu Spiritual Liquid was accumulated by the Silver Wing Family over thousands of years, but now it was taken away by the thief in front of them.

If he hadn't been seriously injured, Sikong Hongyue would have stood up and fought the man in front of him to regain Yimu's spiritual liquid.

Seeing Sikong Hongyue searching for his body, Xian Wu immediately understood and took out the Yimu spirit bottle from the space ring.

After removing the stopper and pointing the bottle mouth downward, Xian Wu explained: "I'm sorry, the Yimu spirit liquid is gone."

"No more? How can you say that half a bottle of Yimu Spiritual Liquid is gone?" Sikong Hongyue didn't believe it. He must be deceiving himself.

Although I am young, ignorant and have little social experience, I am not stupid.

"Really, the three of you each got a drop, and the rest was swallowed up by someone who didn't want Bilian." Xian Wu tried his best to explain.

Sikong Hongyue frowned and asked coldly: "Is the person you mentioned who doesn't want Bilian yourself?"

"Nonsense!" Xian Wu immediately refused, and stretched out his left hand to disassemble Sikong Hongyue's Yinlin breastplate, "Since you think I don't want Bilian, then I don't want Bilian to show you." "What do you want? Get away and don't touch me, or I'll bite my tongue and kill myself." Sikong Hongyue struggled desperately, twisting like a big snow-white silk moth.

Xian Wu Jiejie smiled: "What else can I do? Of course..."

"Boy, let go of my daughter and come to me if you can." Sikong Yi's weak voice suddenly came from behind.

The sudden sound startled Xian Wu. He turned around and found that old fat man Sikong was also awake and staring at him with angry eyes.

"At you? Forget it." Xian Wu curled his lips, "I'm not interested in men, let alone an ugly and cruel old man. If it weren't for Hong Yue's sake, I would have killed you long ago. "

"Shut your mouth quickly before I change my mind, otherwise I can't guarantee what I will do."

"Don't hurt my father. I'll give it to you, okay?" Seeing Xian Wu looking at Sikong Yi with murderous intent, Sikong Hongyue immediately panicked.

"Give it to me? Give it to me?" General Xian picked up Princess Sikong Hongyue, turned her around in a circle, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I was just teasing you just now. He is my father-in-law, how could I kill him? ?”

Hearing this, Sikong Hongyue's eyes widened and her teeth itched with hatred, but there was nothing she could do.

Nowadays, people work as swordsmen and others as fish and meat, so they can only endure the humiliation and bear the heavy burden and live an ignoble existence.

"Father-in-law, do you have any objection to me becoming your son-in-law?" Xian Wu asked condescendingly.

Sikong Yi was cunning and knew that he could not defeat the young man in front of him, so he could only use other methods to get rid of him.

"No objection..." Sikong Yi planned to stabilize Xian Wu temporarily, and then find an opportunity to send someone to sneak out to look for reinforcements.

The family palace was destroyed, and the members of the Silver Wing family who were scattered all over the country rushed back to the family territory.

Not long after, they were blocked outside the pavilion.

They were shocked to find that the head of the family was sitting in the pavilion with the culprit who destroyed the palace, drinking tea and laughing, as if they were friends who had forgotten their years.

"Hey, that thief, please release our master immediately, otherwise I, Sikong Sword, will chop you into pieces."

A heavily armored soldier with silver wings on his back led the people towards the gazebo.

Duan Jian stopped Sikong Jue with a spear. He was a man who knew how to repay his kindness.

He had been seriously injured just now, and it was Xian Wu who used his soul power to heal his injuries and gave him delicious food to satisfy his hunger. Now it was time for him to repay his kindness.

After repaying Xian Wu's kindness, he went to look for his parents.

One second I was still at home with my mother, waiting for my father to come back from the market, and the next second I don’t know why I appeared here, and my father and mother disappeared, which is really strange.

"Sikong Jian, please don't be rude. Xian Wu is Hong Yue's fiancé now, the consort of our Silver Wing family." Sikong Yi scolded.

His soul sea and Dantian were severely damaged, and he is now a disabled person.

If Xian Wu can help Hong Yue take charge of the Silver Wing Family, suppress internal strife and resist foreign enemies, it is not impossible for him to be the consort.

Due to Thunder Wing's curse, his life is numbered.

Although Yimu spirit liquid can repair injuries, it cannot increase lifespan, nor can it lift the curse.

If it weren't for the Silver Wing Family's unavailable person, he would definitely not betroth his daughter to an outsider.

(End of this chapter)

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