The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 272 People are the knife, I am the fish

Chapter 272 People are the knife, I am the fish
The conflict between Xian Wu and the Silver Wing Family came to an end for the time being, and the two parties entered into a relatively peaceful relationship.

The main reason is that Xian Wu's force value is too strong. All the members of the Silver Wing family combined cannot defeat him, so they can only compromise.

Moreover, Xian Wu had no hostility toward the Silver Wing Family. He just wanted to marry Sikong Hongyue. Other than that, he had no other intentions.

Now that Sikong Yi's cultivation has been abolished, all the hostile families are ready to annex the Silver Wing family.

They had no other choice but to rely on Xian Wu.

Otherwise, once the Silver Wing family is wiped out, their fate will be as miserable as those slaves in the mine.

"Brother, that's awesome, I've got another sister-in-law." At the banquet, Zhu Junxiang gave Xian Wu a thumbs-up.

In less than an hour, Xian Wu became the Prince Consort of the Silver Wing Family, and his eldest brother was also very capable.

From the beginning of the entrance test at Shenglan College, he felt that Xian Wu was extraordinary, and now it seems that it is indeed the case.

"Congratulations, Brother Wu, for giving birth to a precious son soon. May we be together for a long time and grow old together." Lu Piao complimented her as if she had smeared her lips with honey.

Comparing people with each other is a waste, and comparing goods with others is a waste. He couldn't even get a Xiao Xue, so Xian Wu married another beautiful woman.

Zhang Ming spread his fingers and counted in a low voice: "Yang Xin, Huyan Lanruo, Ouyang Tiantian, Shen Xiu, Wo Xueshen, Sikong Hongyue, and Xiao Ning'er, seven in total?"

Zhang Ming stared at Kazilan with envy. God, this is so unfair. Why should he have seven of them all by himself, and I don’t even have one?God, you are partial.

"Nie Li, are you black gold?" Du Ze couldn't help but ask, feeling that Nie Li was exuding a stronger aura.

Before Nie Li could speak, Xian Wu spoke: "He drank more than half a bottle of Yimu spiritual liquid. It would be strange if it didn't rise to black gold."

Hearing the words "Yimu Lingye", Sikong Yi and Sikong Hongyue, father and daughter, felt distressed so much that the corners of their eyes twitched.

Those Yimu spiritual liquids are the fruit accumulated by the Silver Wing family for thousands of years, they are not willing to drink them themselves, and now they are all brought into trouble by others.

Although the language of Silver Wing Family is very different from the language of Glory City, Silver Wing Family can still understand certain words.

"Isn't it just a little bit of Yimu spirit liquid? You only need to put your soul power into the Yimu spirit bottle to convert it. You have so much soul power, why are you always worried about me drinking that little bit? How about I spit it out and pay it back to you?" Nie Li was about to dig his throat.

I am his adoptive father, what happened if he drank some Yimu spirit liquid?
Besides, the Yimu Spiritual Liquid doesn't belong to him, it belongs to the Silver Wing Family. If you don't drink it, it's for nothing.

Xian Wu quickly stopped him: "No, I don't want it, can't you? Everyone is having dinner, so don't be disgusting, okay?"

It can be transformed with soul power. If I had told you earlier, I thought I could only rely on the small green bottle to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for transformation.

"Consort, do you really want to let that little beast Duan Jian go? We forced his parents to death, and he will definitely come back for revenge. How about..." Si Kong Yi raised his left hand and wiped his neck.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, and a woman's kindness cannot achieve great things.

Xian Wu waved his hand: "I will not interfere with what is going on between you, but since I have promised to let Duan Jian go, I will never allow you to kill him before I leave this world."

"Leave this world? You want to leave?" Sikong Yi frowned.

Xian Wu nodded and said: "The Silver Wing Family can come with me, stay away from this dark place, return to the Holy Spirit Continent, and return to normal life."

"However, the outside world has been occupied by powerful monsters. Going back is asking for death." Si Kong Yi was worried.

Hearing this, Xian Wu smiled: "Don't worry, I have killed all the legendary monsters in the Saint Ancestor Mountains. There are not many black gold monsters left, so they are relatively safe."

"After I go back, I plan to rebuild the ruins of Gulan City. The monsters there have been eliminated by my army. You can settle there with peace of mind." "Is everything you said true?" Sikong Hongyue looked at it excitedly. Xian Wu, she has long been tired of the dark life. If she stays here any longer, she will almost become moldy.

"Of course it's true." Xian Wu gently touched Sikong Hongyue's jade back.

"Brother Wu, eat some food!" Xiao Ning'er pouted her fragrant mouth and put a cylindrical piece of meat into Xian Wu's bowl.

Xian Wu glanced at the piece of meat in the bowl, felt a little nervous, and handed it to Lu Piao.

Lu Piao had no doubts, put it in his mouth, chewed it "crunchingly", then frowned and asked, "This meat is good, quite chewy, what kind of meat is it?"

"Red ghost meat." Nie Li said in shock.

"Ugh~" Lu Piao covered his mouth. Just as he was about to spit it out, Xiao Xue quickly covered it with a handkerchief.

"I'm full." Xian Wu stood up, "I'm going back to the room. Hongyue, after you finish eating, come to the room to find me."

Sikong Hongyue said "hmm", thinking of something, and her face turned red.

"I'm full too!" Xiao Ning'er put down her chopsticks, caught up with Xian Wu, and hugged his arm.

The two chattered and gradually moved away.

"Xian Nephew Lei Zhuo, what kind of existence is the Consort in your world? How come he has an army?" Sikong Yi asked with a smile.

Nie Li was stunned for a moment and realized that Sikong Yi was asking him, and immediately replied: "Xian Wu is now the lord of Glory City. Isn't it normal to have an army?"

"I advise you not to make any wrong ideas. Xian Wu's temper is not very good. There used to be a holy family in Glory City, with nearly 10 people in it. If you offended him, they would be uprooted the next day, and even the rats in the house would be uprooted. Not even let it go.”

After hearing what Nie Li said, everyone in the Silver Wing Family was so frightened that their faces turned pale.

The new son-in-law was actually ten times and a hundred times more cruel than the head of the family, Sikong Yi, and they immediately lost their rebellious hearts.

"A little gift is not enough to show respect. Please give us a few kind words from Nephew Lei Zhuoxian in front of our consort." Si Kong Yi handed Nie Li a space ring.

Nie Li put his soul power into it and found that it was filled with red blood crystals. There were thousands of them. He immediately nodded with a smile and said: "That's easy to say~ that's easy to say~"

Seeing Nie Li's full agreement, Sikong Yi felt relieved.

"Hongyue, you have to take care of the consort in a while. You can do whatever he asks you to do. You must not offend him." Sikong Yi whispered in Sikong Hongyue's ear.

The current highest combat power of the Silver Wing Family is the two black gold level elders.

As for Xian Wu, in addition to himself being a legendary powerhouse, Lei Zhuo and the woman were also at the black gold level.

If a fight really breaks out, the Silver Wing Family will definitely be wiped out.

If he had known that Xian Wu was such a ruthless person, he would not have done anything at that time.

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything.

Now I can only be at the mercy of others.

(End of this chapter)

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