The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 273 Condensing Yimu Spiritual Liquid

Chapter 273 Condensing Yimu Spiritual Liquid
in the room.

Xiao Ning'er blushed and sat on the soft big bed, stealing glances at Xian Wu from time to time.

With Xian Wu's help, her cultivation level improved to five stars of black gold.

Licking her slightly numb thin lips with her pink tongue, Xiao Ning'er really wanted to eat Xian Wu in one bite.

It's a pity that Xian Wu remained unmoved like a piece of wood, which is really infuriating.

At this time, Xian Wu was sitting facing the window, closing his eyes and concentrating, while absorbing the energy of the stars in the void, while slowly injecting his soul power into the Yimu spirit bottle.

After testing, every 100 million soul power can be converted into a drop of Yimu spirit liquid.

The 100 million soul power in Xian Wu's Soul Sea and the Nightmare Demon Pot can only generate 11 drops at most.

That guy Nie Li drank more than half a bottle in one go, and it was a miracle that he didn't choke to death.

Although the Yimuling bottle is only the size of an adult's thumb, like an eye drop bottle, it can hold at least 200 drops.

Nie Li drank at least 100 drops of Yimu spirit liquid, which converted into soul power of at least [-] million.

You must know that the capacity of the soul sea of ​​the legendary peak demon spiritual master is only 1000 million.

Nie Li is also very courageous, he is really not afraid of death.

By the way, after devouring so much soul power, how come he was only promoted to the Black Gold Star? Where did the other soul power go?

Were they all absorbed by his two god-level demon spirits?

In other words, Nie Li has two spiritual god level demon spirits?
Gan, it would be great if the devil's left hand could separate a person's demon spirit.

Unfortunately, the devil's left hand can only decompose demon spirits.

Giving up the idea of ​​persecuting Nie Li, Xian Wu began to focus on condensing the Yimu Spiritual Liquid.

What Xian Wu didn't know was that it took 100 million soul power to condense a drop of Yimu spiritual liquid.

But a drop of Yimu Spiritual Liquid can only provide up to [-] soul power.

In other words, Yimu Ling Bottle cut off 90.00% of Jiu's soul power.

Boom boom boom!
After an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door.

Xian Wu opened his eyes suddenly, turned around and found that Xiao Ning'er had already invited people in.

Xiao Ning'er stared at Sikong Hongyue with hostility on her face, wishing she could pull up her hair, pin her down on the ground and beat her up.

"This shameless woman must have seduced Brother Wu." Xiao Ning'er thought to herself.

If Sikong Hongyue knew what Xiao Ning'er was thinking, she would definitely cry and complain that she was wronged more than Sister Dou E.

"Ning'er, it's getting late. You should go back to your room and rest." Xian Wu sat up and closed the window.

"Brother Wu, I'm not tired yet..."

"You're not tired, I'm tired. Okay, be obedient and go back and have a good sleep. Brother Wu will play with you again tomorrow." Xian Wu grabbed Xiao Ning'er's shoulders and sent her out.

Xiao Ning'er pouted her red and delicious little mouth, stamped her little feet at the door twice, and left angrily.

"Oh, oh oh..." Xian Armed Forces yawned pretendingly, "Beauty, it's getting late, let's rest."

Sikong Hongyue must have just taken a shower, her hair and wings were wet.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Sikong Hongyue trembled. She thought Xian Wu was just looking for her to chat, but she didn't expect that he was serious.


The next day arrived in the blink of an eye.Xian Wu opened the window and took a look. It was still groggy outside, but a little brighter than at night.

Instructing his servants to get a basin of hot water, Xian Wu soaked the towel and wiped the body of the unconscious Sikong Hongyue, erasing all the hickeys on it.

The bed was very messy, with white feathers, white hair, and wrinkled sheets all mixed together.

After wiping, Xian Wu put on clean clothes for Sikong Hongyue, then picked her up with one hand and began to clean up the garbage on the bed.

After cleaning the house and putting on new bedding, Xian Wu placed Sikong Hongyue on the bed again and left by himself.

"Take me to see Sikong Yi." Xian Wu ordered in a cold voice, exuding the aura of a superior who is not angry but has authority.

When the maid heard the order, she did not dare to neglect. She immediately took up the lotus steps, twisted her plump moon and led the way.

Xian Wu had never seen any delicacies from mountains and seas, how could he be tempted by a maid?

Holding the beautiful maid's waist, the two went to find Sikong Yi side by side.

"Husband-in-law? What do you want from me? Come and do it." Although he was troubled by family affairs, Sikong Yi's attitude towards Xian Wu was still very respectful.

Under Sikong Yi's fierce glare, the maid shrank her neck in fear and hurriedly retreated outside the room.

Everyone in the family knew about Sikong Yi's cruelty, and no one dared to provoke him.

Moreover, except for himself, no one in the family knew that his cultivation was abolished, and no one dared to make a mistake in front of a legendary powerhouse.

Xian Wu took out a bag of grain from the space ring, threw it on the table, and asked: "How many red blood crystals can be exchanged for a bag of grain?"

Sikong Yi untied the bag, grabbed a handful of grains, took a look at it, then picked up one grain with worry and bit it with his teeth.

"Husband-in-law, these are the lowest quality grains. One bag can be exchanged for about ten red blood crystals." Sikong Yi answered truthfully.

Before becoming the head of the Silver Wing Family, he had been gilded in the family's major industries for a long time, and he had a good understanding of various grains and minerals.

"The worst kind of food?" Xian Wu frowned, then took out several types of food from Sikong Yi's original ring, threw them on the table and asked, "Of these types of food, which one is the best?"

"This kind of golden rice." Sikong Yi decisively picked up a bag. He naturally knew what was valuable in his ring. "This kind of rice can only be eaten by top nobles from major aristocratic families. It is very precious and rare."

"How many red blood crystals can I exchange?"

"Exchange the red blood crystal?" Sikong Yi blinked his eyes, "The red blood crystal is worthless, it is more cost-effective to exchange it for other things."

"If you don't want to change for anything else, just change for the red blood essence." Xian Wu said stubbornly.

Sikong Yi was stunned for a moment, wondering why Xian Wu wanted red blood crystals. "About ten thousand red blood crystals... The prince-in-law wants red blood crystals. We have many in our mine, so there is no need to replace them."

"As for the other grains, how many red blood crystals can be exchanged, write them down for me one by one." Xian Wu ordered.

Sikong Yi glanced at his empty sleeves and smiled bitterly: "Consort, I can't write even if I want to."


Xian Wu took out the mechanical arm and connecting components from the space ring, and installed them on Si Kong Yi without any explanation. The pain was so painful that Si Kong Yi almost became incontinent.

After the installation was completed, Xian Wu poured a drop of Yimu spiritual liquid into Sikong Yi.

His right shoulder, which was bloody due to the installation of components, healed instantly, and the components and flesh were perfectly integrated.

"This...this..." Sikong Yi moved his mechanical arm and was speechless in surprise.

This arm is actually more flexible than his original arm!
Is this my consort a god?To be able to create such an incredible mechanical arm.

(End of this chapter)

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