Chapter 274 Making new rules
After possessing the robotic arm, Sikong Yi's characters became more vigorous and powerful.

"Consort, here are the grains and prices. Please take a look at them." Sikong Yi handed the page over respectfully.

Xian Wu took it, compared what was written on it with what was on the table, and immediately became familiar with the prices of all the grains.

Sikong Yi watched eagerly as Xian Wu took back the food on the table, not daring to fart.

This food originally belonged to him, but because of the fight with Xian Wu, it all belongs to him now.

Xian Wu pondered for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "There should be a market or something like this here, right? Go there and help me collect the Red Blood Crystals. I will exchange them for you with food."

Exchange for food?Sikong Yi looked at Xian Wu in disbelief, food was so precious, why would we exchange it for these broken stones?

Although the red blood crystal is used as an elixir to assist in cultivation, it is very difficult to refine, and it takes at least a day to refine it.

Purified red blood crystals are better. Unpurified red blood crystals cannot be refined into gold or lower realms.

"Don't worry, I have as much food as you need." Seeing Sikong Yi's hesitation, Xian Wu reassured him, "If you're short of food, ask Hong Yue for it. I'll leave all my food to her for safekeeping."

Sikong Yi nodded meaningfully, hoping that what you are talking about is serious food.

"By the way, who are the miners in the mine?" Xian Wu asked curiously.

Sikong Yi replied expressionlessly: "Most of them are prisoners captured from hostile families, and a small part are laborers captured from conquering other small tribes."

"In addition to our thirteen aristocratic families, there are other small tribes in the mountains. Sometimes there is a food crisis in the family, and we will plunder those small tribes."

Plundering the weak is a very common behavior in this dark world. If you don't plunder them, the tribe will starve to death. Sikong Yi doesn't feel any guilt. The ancestors of the Silver Wing family have done this for generations.

"Even if we are enemies, we cannot beat them to death. Who will mine for us if we destroy them?" "

Hearing this, Sikong Yi was startled and vetoed quickly: "No, Prince Consort, you must not do it. If the miners are full, they will definitely rebel."

"Rebellion? I will destroy anyone who dares to rebel, and do as I want!" Xian Wu said in an unquestionable tone.

"By the way, let's set the average value of miners' daily mining of red blood crystal rough stones as a standard. Those who exceed this standard will be rewarded with one bag of inferior grain every day, those who exceed twice the standard will be rewarded with ten bags per day, and so on."

"If the ore mined exceeds the standard for five consecutive days, all the rewarded grains will be given to them at once, and they will be rewarded with an additional two days of vacation."

When Sikong Yi heard the new rules specified by Xian Wu, he continued to express his opposition: "The prince-in-law can't take a vacation. As soon as he takes a vacation, they all run away and never come back."

"Besides, they have blood marks planted in their bodies. Once they leave the mine for more than a thousand meters, they will immediately explode and die."

"Remove the blood seal and let them run! They will come back when the food is gone." Xian Wu didn't care. "In addition, miners are openly recruited from the outside world, and the treatment is the same as above."

"People die for money, and birds die for food. I don't believe it, no one will come to work for us."

"With the treatment given by the consort, I even want to go mining in the mines." Sikong Yi flattered him, "But the question is, uncle, do you have so much food?"

"Remove the word '?', you can use the food from Hongyue for now, and ask my fiancée Xiao Ning'er for the rest of the food. Most of my food is at her place," Xian Wu informed.

Xiao Ning'er was in charge of the food, Ye Ziyun was in charge of the Red Blood Crystal, and Nie Li, Du Ze and the others were in charge of patrolling the mine to prevent the Silver Wing Family from doing the same thing to their faces.

He wants to place his cronies in every key position of the Silver Wing Family and completely control the Silver Wing Family.

It's not that I want to do anything bad to the Silver Wing Family, I just want the rules I set to be implemented smoothly. "Fiancée? Isn't your fiancée Hongyue?" Sikong Yi sweated.

Xian Wu nodded, then shook his head: "Hongyue is my fiancée, and Xiao Ning'er is also my fiancée. Do you have any objections?"

"No objection, no objection. It's true that a man is matched with a beautiful woman, and a jackal is matched with a tiger and leopard. The one I mentioned above is the two of you." Seeing Xian Wu's face darken, Sikong Yi hurriedly put in nice words.

Seeing that Sikong Yi was so aware of current affairs, Xian Wu smiled, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I will treat Hongyue well in the future. If not, ask my wives, when have I ever treated them lightly?"

Those ones?Sikong Yi twitched the corner of his mouth. From now on, don’t call him Prince Consort. Change his name to Stallion!
It's understandable that people don't waste their youth in romantic affairs.

"Okay, let's just carry out the order!" After saying that, Xian Wu left.

When she returned to the room, the soft big bed was empty. It seemed that Sikong Hongyue had woken up, but she didn't know where she had gone.

As soon as Xian Wu returned to the house, Xiao Ning'er followed him in and closed the door with his backhand.

"Brother Wu, how about you come and practice with me~" Xiao Ning'er jumped on Xian Wu's body, her arms hooked around his neck, and her two beautiful white legs locked around his waist.

Xian Wu rubbed Xiao Ning'er's cute little nose and said with a smile: "Come down first, I have important things for you to handle."

"What's important?" Xiao Ning'er jumped down and asked curiously.

Xian Wu didn't say it directly, but told Xiao Ning'er that he would know later.

Opening the window, Xian Wu sat back on the bed again, facing the vast starry sky.

Xiao Ning'er also moved a small bench and sat down next to Xian Wu obediently.

She suddenly remembered the scene where Xian Wu treated herself for an extreme cold disease at the trial site, and a honey blush appeared on her face.

I don’t know if Xian Wu did anything bad when he fainted from the pain.

He is so lustful, he must have done it.

Xian Wu didn't know what Xiao Ning'er was thinking, so he stretched out his left hand and said silently: "Shadow Ball!"

Since he had previously decomposed inferior grains, Xian Wu had already obtained the phantom ball that could be synthesized into inferior grains.

When the phantom ball appeared, Xian Wu activated his decomposition ability to decompose all the air in the demon field with a radius of [-] meters.

It is worth mentioning that the initial radius of the Demon Realm is only 7 meters, and decomposition beyond the initial radius requires the consumption of soul power.

For every 1 cubic meter more volume, 1 more soul power will be consumed to decompose.

To decompose a demonic field with a radius of 400 meters, more than 100 million souls are needed. Xian Wu has [-] million, which is enough.

Put all the remaining 600 million soul power into the phantom ball, and the phantom ball will automatically attract the free atoms in the devil's domain to synthesize low-quality grains.

Every 1000 soul power can synthesize 1 bag of inferior grain, and more than 600 million soul power can synthesize more than 6000 bags of inferior grain.

"This...isn't this too miraculous?" Xiao Ning'er opened her mouth wide open as she watched bags of grains grow out of Xian Wu's hands, as if she could stuff a light bulb into it.

(End of this chapter)

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