The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 275 The Women's War

Chapter 275 The Women's War
After a busy morning, Xian Wu synthesized 1000 million bags of inferior grains, 100 million bags of ordinary grains, [-] million bags of high-quality grains and [-] bags of special grains, all of which were handed over to Xiao Ning'er.

Low-quality grains can be exchanged for ten red blood crystals, ordinary grains can be exchanged for one hundred red blood crystals, high-quality grains can be exchanged for one thousand red blood crystals, and special grains can be exchanged for ten thousand red blood crystals.

A total of these grains can be exchanged for goods worth 400 billion red blood crystals, which is enough to empty the stocks of red blood crystals of major families.

"Brother Wu, you must be exhausted. I'll feed you some~" Xiao Ning'er took out a bag of noodles from her space ring.

She was not used to eating food from the Underworld, and Xian Wu must not be used to eating it either.

Xian Wu looked away from between his buttocks, swallowed and said, "Save the noodles for later. We will be here for a long time."

One year older, Xiao Ning'er became more and more beautiful and feminine.

When she reaches the age of Yang Xin, Shen Xiu and others, she will definitely be a peerless beauty who will captivate the entire country.

In Xian Wu's mind, Xiao Ning'er was the most beautiful one, especially her tear mole, which made Xian Wu's heart itch.

"Hmm... don't you want to eat noodles? Forget it, if you don't want to eat, then you will eat. Whatever Brother Wu says is what he says, and Ning'er will listen to Brother Wu." Xiao Ning'er hugged Xian Wu's neck and smiled like a flower.

Xian Wu also hugged Xiao Ning'er's small waist. Since the engagement with the Holy Family was terminated, Ning'er has become more and more smiling, and is no longer the bitter and resentful person she used to be.

Don't worry, Ning'er, as long as Brother Wu lives for one day, you won't be wronged in any way.

Just when the two of them were getting tired of each other, Sikong Hongyue opened the door and came in.

She is the princess of the Silver Wing Family. She is used to being arrogant and domineering, and has no habit of knocking on the door before entering.

Sikong Hongyue became angry instantly when she came across the "adultery" between Xian Wu and Xiao Ning'er.

"Bitch, how dare you seduce this princess's fiancé?" Sikong Hongyue pulled out the sword from her waist and was about to attack Xiao Ning'er.

Unexpectedly, the sword was caught between Xian Wu's index and middle fingers, and it instantly turned into nothingness.

"How presumptuous!" Xian Wu scolded, "How dare you draw a sword against your sister Ning'er? I think you need to deal with it!"

Before Sikong Hongyue could react, Xian Wu held her butt forward with one arm, clasped one hand in his arm, raised a palm as big as a cattail fan, and began to spank her.

"Is it wrong? Is it wrong? Is it wrong?" Xian Wu slapped her face hard, causing Sikong Hongyue to cry.

Xiao Ning'er couldn't bear it, and hurriedly took Xian Wu's arm to persuade her: "Forget it, Brother Wu, don't blame me if you don't know. Please spare Sister Hongyue this time."

"There's no need for you to cry like a mouse and pretend to be compassionate! If it weren't for you, the prince-in-law wouldn't treat me like this." Sikong Hongyue stared at Xiao Ning'er with hatred, wishing to eat her alive.

Hearing this, Xian Wu's anger intensified even more, and it suddenly boiled up.

"The Six-Character Five-Shaped Fist Secret Style - Hunyuan Lightning Five Continuous Whips!" A stream of lightning was generated from Xian Wu's hand.

Sikong Hongyue was beaten until she cried for her father and mother, which attracted Sikong Yi.

"Stop! Prince Consort, please stop! Don't fight me anymore. Please don't fight me anymore. If you hit me again, I'll be broken." Sikong Yi knelt on the ground and begged.

"Do you know you were wrong?" Xian Wu stopped and asked coldly.

Sikong Hongyue said harshly: "I'm right! You are my fiancé. Unless I die, I will never let you touch other women."

"Hongyue, you are so impudent!" Seeing Xiao Ning'er and Xian Wu in the room, the cunning Sikong Yi immediately understood what was going on.

Xian Wu and Xiao Ning'er must have been flirting with each other, and they were discovered by Hong Yue.She knew Hong Yue's character. She must have drawn her sword to kill Xiao Ning'er, but was stopped by Xian Wu.

In the past, I would have turned to my precious daughter, but now...

"This girl Xiao Ning'er is also the consort's fiancée. How could you start a fight with your sister? It's so rude. How do I teach you? You see that you've made the consort so angry, why don't you admit your mistake quickly?"

"I'm right! Xiao Ning'er is just a slut, a slut, a vile woman..." All kinds of obscene and obscene words spewed out of Sikong Hongyue's mouth, none of them serious.I don’t know what kind of family education she, a noble princess, received since she was a child.

Xiao Ning'er originally wanted to plead for Sikong Hongyue, but when she heard this, she immediately became angry.

Please give me a hammer. This kind of shrew should be beaten to death by Xian Wu.


Seeing that Xian Wu and Xiao Ning'er both had dark faces, Sikong Yi slapped Sikong Hongyue in the face.

"Father, you..." Sikong Hongyue looked at her father beating her in disbelief. This was the first time her father had beaten her since she was a child.

"Apologise!" Sikong Yi scolded sternly.

His cultivation was crippled, and a slap on the face of Sikong Hongyue, a golden five-star warrior, was almost like a tickle.

"Father...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong, Prince Consort, sister Xiao Ning'er, I was wrong, I won't dare to be so presumptuous in the future." Seeing Sikong Yi slap her hand again, Sikong Hongyue was so frightened that she hurriedly apologized.

"Prince-in-law, Miss Ning'er, if you are still upset, just ask for anything and I will definitely satisfy you." Sikong Yi looked flattering, fearing that Xian Wu would massacre the Silver Wing family in anger.

Xian Wu looked at Xiao Ning'er and asked, "Ning'er, what do you think?"

"I listen to Brother Wu." Xiao Ning'er stared at her beautiful eyes, still very angry.

Putting down Sikong Hongyue, Xian Wu warned: "There is only one family rule in the Haoxun family, and that is that internal fighting is absolutely not allowed. If you dare to violate it again next time, it will not be as simple as a spanking, do you hear me?"

"Listen...I heard it..." Sikong Hongyue glared at the culprit who caused her to be beaten with red eyes.

Xiao Ning'er crossed her arms and stared back tit for tat.

Xian Wu sighed helplessly. This was because he was dissatisfied.

There was no other choice but to sleep with Sikong Hongyue.

"Okay, you all go out, I will give Hongyue medicine." Xian Wu sent everyone away.

Sikong Yi was a little worried, afraid that Xian Wu would hit Sikong Hongyue again.

"I'm not An Jiahe. I don't have domestic violence tendencies. I just taught her a lesson. I was just enforcing family laws. It's okay. Who is so reckless as to hit someone?"

Seeing Xian Wu's eyes widening, Sikong Yi hurriedly left in despair.

"Brother Wu, it's time for lunch, lunch..."

"I'm so angry, let's eat again tonight."


Xiao Ning'er obediently closed the door, leaving Xian Wu and Sikong Hongyue alone.

"Does it hurt?" Xian Wu felt a little distressed, it hurt her body and hurt his heart.

Sikong Hongyue's tears fell down her cheeks, and she snorted coldly: "You know why you're asking."

She didn't know why, but when she was beaten, she felt inexplicably refreshed.

"Get down, I'll give you medicine..."

(End of this chapter)

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