The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 276 Red Moon’s Soul Sea

Chapter 276 Red Moon’s Soul Sea
Xian Wu spent the whole afternoon on an empty stomach, healing Sikong Hongyue's injuries.

After the external injuries were treated, the internal injuries were treated, which made Sikong Hongyue roll her eyes and spit out foam.

"Do you still dare to act recklessly in the future?"

"I don't dare anymore. I don't dare anymore. My dear consort, please spare me."

"Spare you? I can spare you, but what if I act recklessly in the future?"

"If you act like this again, you will punish me as severely as you did today."

"What a wonderful idea! I've treated your injury and it's completely healed. Get up and get dressed. After you get dressed, I'll give you a gift."

Gift?Upon hearing this, Sikong Hongyue immediately sat up from the bed.

After knowing the consort for so long, this is the first time he gives me a gift. What gift will it be?

It must be from the outside world!

After putting on her dress and silver armor three times, Sikong Hongyue sat obediently on the bed, next to Xian Wu, very obedient and pleasant.

She had been completely conquered by Xian Wu, from inside to outside, from front to back, from top to bottom, from head to toe.

"Choose one." Xian Wu took out an exquisite wooden box from the space ring and opened it. It contained colorful demon stones.

"Is this...a demon spirit?" Sikong Hongyue picked one up, her beautiful eyes suddenly shining like the stars in the dark night sky.

"To be precise, it is a god-level demon spirit. The demon spirit with the highest growth potential can easily reach the legendary level." Xian Wu added.

"Promise me you won't lose your temper again in the future, okay? It would be more uncomfortable to hurt you than to hurt myself." Xian Wu held the wooden box with one hand, and hugged Sikong Hongyue's shoulders with the other, pulling her into his arms.

Sikong Hongyue said softly "Hmm".

After selecting and selecting, Sikong Hongyue finally chose a bright red Demon Spirit Stone.

Xian Wu took the demon spirit stone, checked it, and asked curiously: "Why did you choose such a demon spirit? There is obviously a better and more powerful one in the box."

"Because I like red." A smile appeared on Sikong Hongyue's cold and pretty face.

Like red?Wear white clothes and silver armor, but like red...

"Okay, it's up to you. Once you've made your choice, I'll take the box away." Seeing Sikong Hongyue nodding, Xian Wu put the box back into the space ring.

Then, Xian Wu took out a high-level soul crystal that he had never used before, let Sikong Hongyue hold it, and slowly poured soul power into it.

Narrowing his eyes and carefully examining the light spots emerging from the soul crystal, Xian Wu said solemnly: "Blue soul sea... water attribute... sea anemone form..."

Sikong Hongyue's soul sea is of water attribute and in the form of sea anemone.

To be honest, she is actually best suited to fuse with demon spirits with many tentacles like the Dark Lantern Behemoth.

Only by fusing this kind of demon spirit can we make full use of her soul sea.

If you fuse other types of demon spirits, you will often get twice the result with half the effort in cultivation.

However, with his cheating artifact, no matter what demon spirit Sikong Hongyue cultivates, it will be very fast.

Therefore, she can fuse any kind of demon spirit with confidence and boldness.

Although her combat effectiveness would be much weaker if she didn't fuse with the multi-tentacled demon spirit, she wouldn't have much of a chance to fight as long as she was around.

"What water attribute, what sea anemone form? What are you talking about, Prince Consort? I don't understand it at all." Sikong Hongyue felt confused.Are you talking about your own place?Prince Consort, you are evil~
Seeing Sikong Hongyue staring at him with an aunt's smile on her face, Xian Wu scratched his head and said, "It's nothing. Let's start merging the demon spirits. I'll protect you by the side."


There is a serious shortage of demon spirits in the world of Hell. Even the heads of major aristocratic families do not have suitable demon spirits to fuse, let alone direct heirs.

Therefore, Sikong Hongyue has almost no experience in fusing demon spirits.

The only experience I had was from books, and I returned it to the instructor after learning.

What's worse is that Xian Wu has never merged with a demon spirit, only devoured it.

With or without him protecting the Dharma, everything is the same.

But if Sikong Hongyue's fusion fails, he can use his soul power to restrain the escaping demon spirit, giving Sikong Hongyue a chance to continue merging.

As long as you don't give up and keep trying, you will always succeed in integrating.

Just as Xian Wu was helping Sikong Hongyue fuse with the demon spirit, Nie Li and Sikong Yi came to the mine.

"Patriarch!" Seeing Sikong Yi approaching, the supervisors knelt on one knee and saluted.

"Get up." Sikong Yi raised his hand casually, turned around and introduced to the supervisors: "This is Lei Zhuo, the new director of the mine. From now on, you will all be under his management. You must do your best to assist him, do you hear me?"

Lei Zhuo?The supervisors glared at him. They knew this man, and they almost got into a fight with him yesterday.

It seems that a friend of His Highness Hongyue is here?
"Hello everyone, I am Lei Zhuo. I will be your colleague from now on. Please take care of me." Nie Li politely clasped his fists and handed over his hands to the supervisors. "Let the miners stop what they are doing and come over to gather. I will make an announcement. New rules for mines.”

The supervisors didn't know what medicine their new boss was selling, but they still called all the miners over.

"First of all, it is to improve the food regulations in the mine. Meals are provided four times a day, namely breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Each miner must ensure four dishes and one soup for each meal. If there is any deduction, once discovered, it must be dealt with seriously. Punishment.”

The miners were all in disbelief when they heard Nie Li's words.

It's easy to change one's nature, but it's hard to change one's nature. Can these vicious dogs from the Silver Wing Family be able to change and eat shit?
"Master, is this inappropriate? If these untouchables are fed, they will definitely rebel." Some supervisors questioned.

Sikong Yi said coldly: "The Silver Wing Family is no longer the Silver Wing Family. Now we want democracy. Do you know what democracy is? You don't understand, right? It doesn't matter. You will understand in the future."

"Now send someone to prepare dinner! Remember, each person has four dishes and one soup, and the main food tube is full, do you hear me?"

"Yes!" Although they didn't understand what the family leader was doing, the supervisors still nodded in agreement.

Has the Silver Wing family really changed?The miners stared at each other.

"Quiet, everyone be quiet!" Nie Li continued: "The second rule is announced below."

"Miners who mine more than one thousand kilograms of ore per day will be rewarded with one bag of inferior grain; those who mine more than two thousand kilograms of ore will be rewarded with ten bags of inferior grain; those who mine more than three thousand kilograms of ore will be rewarded with one hundred bags of inferior grain, and so on."

"Miners who mine more than one thousand kilograms of ore for five consecutive days will be given the grain they have accumulated and will be rewarded with two days of vacation. You can take this grain with you and go wherever you want."

"Don't worry, the blood marks on your bodies will be removed during the holidays."

"However, if you fail to return within the time limit, the mine will never hire you again."

After hearing Nie Li read the second rule, the miners were all excited.

It's the first time I heard that mining gives food and holidays, old thief Sikong has changed his sex?

(End of this chapter)

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