The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 277 New Regulations for Mines

Chapter 277 New Regulations for Mines
The miners in the mine were all kidnapped by the Silver Wing Family. When they heard that as long as they mined more than a thousand kilograms for five consecutive days, they could leave and get food, they were all so excited that tears filled their eyes.

If it is true, that would be great, but I am afraid that this is a pie painted by the old thief Sikong.

When the supervisors heard about the second measure, they all stood up to oppose it. Giving the miners a holiday was undoubtedly a way of letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

You know, a large part of the miners in the mine are from rival families.

If they are allowed to go back, it will definitely increase the strength of the enemy family and turn around to attack the Silver Wing Family.

"Stop talking nonsense, just listen to Director Lei Zhuo." Si Kong Yi suppressed all the protests from the supervisors.

How can I not know the concerns of the supervisors?If you don't follow Xian Wu's request, the boy may take coercive measures, and bloodshed and sacrifice will inevitably occur.

Nie Li coughed lightly, his expression became serious, and he said coldly: "The last rule is announced below, and it is also the most important rule."

"The supervisors have the power to supervise the miners, but they do not have the power to decide the life and death of the miners. If the miners are beaten to death without reason, the murderer must pay for his life with one life."

"Similarly, if any miner incites riots, kills mine workers, or harms the Silver Wing family, he will be executed."

Most of the mine supervisors and guards are members of the Silver Wing family. They are exchanging their lives for the lives of the miners. What a joke.

"Master, we don't agree!"

"Yes, we protest."

"Where did the bullshit director come from? What bullshit rules did he promulgate? We don't agree with it, so get out of here."

The overseers and guards expressed their dissatisfaction.

Nie Li had already expected this situation. With an expressionless face, he took out the nearly two-meter-tall mechanical war puppet from the space ring.

With the Red Blood Crystal as an energy source, the War Spirit Puppet can already exert [-]% combat effectiveness.

This spirit puppet was specially given to him by Xian Wu in order to deter those who disobeyed discipline.

What is sealed in the spirit puppet is the soul of Shen Hong, the former head of the Holy Family. Although it has independent consciousness, it cannot move freely and can only act according to orders.

"Catch him!" Nie Li pointed at the supervisor who was leading the trouble.

The spirit puppet Shen Hong turned his muzzle head to lock the supervisor, and then walked over with "dong dong" strides.

The supervisors were frightened by the huge mechanical puppet and retreated one after another.

"What the hell, you... don't come over." Sikong Shou raised the whip in his hand and whipped it hard.

The whip lashed at the mechanical puppet's armor, leaving no white marks, but was grabbed by it.

The spirit puppet Shen Hong pulled the whip away from Sikong Shouli's hand and fell into his hand.


Spirit puppet Shen Hong whipped out his whip, wrapped it around Sikong Shou's waist, and pulled him back suddenly, causing Sikong Shou to fly over like a sandbag.

Holding Sikong Shou's neck with one hand, the spirit puppet Shen Hong brought him to Nie Li.

"Are you not convinced?" Nie Li asked with a half-smile on his hands behind his back.

Sikong Shou grabbed the mechanical puppet's thick wrist, his face turned purple, and he looked like he was about to suffocate.

"Admit, I accept, you... you can do whatever you say." Sikong Shou resolutely confessed, leaving the green hills without worrying about no firewood.

"What about you?" Nie Li looked at the overseers and guards.

"I will obey the order of the Director-General." Seeing that Sikong Shou was being played with like a little chicken, they chose to surrender.

In addition to seeing the terrifying strength of this big iron guy, the head of the family's indifferent attitude of watching and acquiescing also forced them to surrender.

"Long live the Director-General!"

"Long live Lord Lei Zhuo!"

"Long live the Silver Wing Family!" the miners cheered, and they would be able to escape in just five more days.

Sikong Yi narrowed his eyes, he knew exactly what the miners were thinking.

He believes that in five days, less than one-tenth of the miners will be left at the mine.

Moreover, the remaining ones are all old, weak, sick and disabled. Not only can they not do much work, they will also waste food in vain.

I don’t know where the Prince Consort got so much food.

"Is the outside world so rich now?" Si Kong Yi couldn't help but yearn for it.

If he could take a look at the outside world during his lifetime, he would die without regrets.

After announcing the new regulations, Sikong Yi took Nie Li to the core area of ​​the mine and entered a guard tower.

The sentry tower is heavily guarded, with many guards inside and outside, most of whom are silver-level.

"Nephew Lei Zhuo, these three are Master Wu, Master Bu and Master La respectively. They are responsible for the miners' blood seals in the mine..." Sikong Yi introduced.

"Who is this?" Masters Wu, Bu, and La looked at Nie Li in confusion. They wondered why Sikong Yi brought a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old child here.
"Lei Zhuo is the new chief engineer of the mine. The original director Sikong Jue died unexpectedly in battle." Si Kong Yi explained.

"It turns out to be Director Lei. Nice to meet you." The three masters bowed their hands.

Nie Li narrowed his eyes. The three middle-aged men in front of him were not only inscription masters, but also gold-level experts.

After several people got to know each other, Nie Li handed over the new rules of the mine designated by Xian Wu to the three masters.

"You want us to remove the blood mark? Put on a blood mark again? Just for fun, do you know how difficult it is to put a blood mark on a slave? Don't stand and talk without hurting your back, and just make trouble for me, okay?" Master Wu took the lead in objecting.

"Master Sikong Yi, if you insist on doing this, our cooperation will end here." Master Bu threatened.

Nie Li curled his lips disdainfully and said, "It's so difficult to do just a blood seal."

After that, Nie Li casually gave Master Wu and Master Bu a blood seal.

"..." Master La followed suit and said hurriedly: "I will listen to the director."

"Very good." Nie Li nodded with satisfaction.

At this point, he has completed the task assigned by Xian Wu.

He actually ordered his adoptive father to do this and that. Who is the father and who is the son?

At this time, Xian Wu's bedroom.

After countless attempts, Sikong Hongyue finally succeeded in fusing the demon spirits.

In view of the farce at noon, Xian Wu only helped Sikong Hongyue increase his soul power to a black gold star.

Sikong Hongyue's power reached five gold stars, but her soul power was only two silver stars.

Her father, Sikong Yi, is different, his strength and soul power have both reached the legendary realm.

But that was already a thing of the past. Now Sikong Yi's soul sea and dantian were destroyed at the same time, and he couldn't even defeat an ordinary person.

"Prince-in-law, that feeling just now was amazing, how about you do it again~" Sikong Hongyue sat on Xian Wu's lap, hooked her arms around his neck, and cooed.

Xian Wu shook his head and said, "It depends on your performance in the future. If you perform well, I will consider it."

"Consort, Hongyue will definitely be obedient in the future, once again, once again~"

Boom boom boom!
"Brother Wu, it's time for dinner." Xiao Ning'er's voice came from outside the door.

"Bitch...Sister Ning'er has come to invite us to dinner. Let's go, Prince Consort~"

(End of this chapter)

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