The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 278 Acquisition of Red Blood Crystal

Chapter 278 Acquisition of Red Blood Crystal
Sister Ning'er?Xian Wu raised his eyebrows. Although Sikong Hongyue came in later than Xiao Ning'er, she is older than Xiao Ning'er, so it seems right to call Xiao Ning'er sister.

After leaving the room, the three of them formed a row and walked to the restaurant side by side.

Xiao Ning'er is on the left, Sikong Hongyue is on the right, and Xian Wu is between the two beauties.

Both of them are ice beauties, but Xiao Ning'er is more ice-cold.

Xiao Ning'er was only close to Xian Wu and was indifferent to other men.

One time, Lu Piao talked erratically and almost got a slap from Xiao Ning'er.

"Sister Ning'er, I'm sorry about what happened this morning. Please forgive me." Sikong Hongyue was the first to break the awkward atmosphere.

Xiao Ning'er frowned slightly, and then smiled with open eyes: "It's okay, I forgive you, sister Hongyue." She bit the word "sister" very hard.

"Then please take care of Sister Ning'er in the future." Sikong Hongyue smiled and stretched out her mutton-fat white jade hand.

Xiao Ning'er stretched out her white and soft little hands to hold them with Sikong Hongyue, and said with a smile: "It's no problem, sister Hongyue, I will definitely take good care of you."

Xian Wu scratched his face and thought to himself: "Are you two shaking hands? Or are you competing? The veins are popping out."

Grabbing the two women's wrists and forcing them apart, Xian Wu continued to walk to the restaurant with one on his arm.

Along the way, Sikong Hongyue and Xiao Ning'er stared at each other with murderous eyes, looking as if they were mad at Da Chili Pepper for not letting him alone.

In the restaurant, Sikong Yi and Lu Piao were already waiting.

Xian Wu looked around the restaurant and found that Nie Li was not there. He was probably supervising the miners as they ate dinner.

"Lao Yi, did the work in the mine go smoothly this afternoon? Are the supervisors and miners dissatisfied with the new policy I promulgated?" Xian Wu asked.

Sikong Yi said truthfully: "The miners have no dissatisfaction. They support it with both hands and feet. However, the supervisors and guards are a little dissatisfied. They want to increase their wages."

"Increase wages? Why?" Xian Wu's face darkened.

It is natural for workers who do dirty work to enjoy such treatment. Why should those who supervise other people's work also have higher treatment?How can improving their treatment increase mine output?
It is outrageous that ten people supervise the work of a miner and still want to receive high wages.

Xian Wu decisively rejected the supervisors' proposal to raise wages.

If you want to get a high salary, you can work as a miner for me.

Sikong Yi smiled awkwardly, handed over a space ring, and said, "It contains the red blood crystal purchased today. Consort, please take a look."

"Almost all the red blood crystals circulating in the market have been collected. The new red blood crystals are still in the mines of major families and have not been purified. They will have to wait until tomorrow."

Taking the ring and putting his soul power into it, Xian Wu found that the red blood crystals inside were piled up like a hill, as much as the treasures in the treasury of the city lord of Glory City.

Xian Wu nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and asked, "Ning'er, how much food was consumed?"

"Less than one thousandth." Xiao Ning'er took out the food expenditure account from the space ring, glanced at it, and then reported.

Hearing Xiao Ning'er's words, Sikong Yi couldn't help swallowing.

The food consumed is enough to feed the Silver Wing family for ten years, but it is less than one thousandth of the total. How much food does the prince consort have in his hands?

As expected of a consort, she is so rich.

Xian Wu took the account book and glanced at it. In addition to the consumption of purchasing red blood crystals, the mine's food expenses were also included.

"The consumption is too slow." General Xian returned the account book to Xiao Ning'er, "Tomorrow I will go to the market to look for other treasures worth purchasing and spend the food as soon as possible."

"I'll go with you." Xiao Ning'er took Xian Wu's arm. "I'll go too." Sikong Hongyue was not to be outdone.

"What are you going to do? Stay at home and handle family affairs!" Sikong Yi quickly pressed Sikong Hongyue down, "This is the order from the consort."

The market is a mixed bag, and the Silver Wings family has offended many people over the years. Sikong Hongyue, the future successor of the Silver Wings family, shows up and is likely to be assassinated.

Although Xian Wu is protecting him, he is not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.

Sikong Yi's time is running out, and he doesn't want the white-haired man to give away the black-haired man.

"Hongyue stays, Ning'er and I go." Xian Wu finally made the decision.

Ye Ziyun suddenly interrupted: "I want to go too."

"Me too." Xiao Xue agreed.

Lu Piao held her forehead and was speechless. Sure enough, shopping is a woman's nature.

"Brother Wu, take care of Xue'er for me. I won't go tomorrow." Lu Piao took the initiative to say.

"Why?" Xiao Xuehu glared at Lu Piao with a straight face, as if he would tear him alive for no reason.

Du Ze helped explain: "We are going to help manage the mine tomorrow. Xian Wu is our good brother, and we have reason to help him."

"If Du Ze didn't tell me, I almost forgot. Lao Yi, tomorrow you take Du Ze, Lu Piao and others to the mine, and divide an area between them." Xian Wu also spoke.

"No problem." Sikong Yi agreed, but in his heart he was unwilling. Xian Wu wanted to completely control the Silver Wing Family.

Hearing what Xian Wu said, Xiao Xue let go of Lu Piao's collar and stopped embarrassing him.

Nie Li came back after Xian Wu and the others finished their meal.

Sikong Yi immediately ordered his servants to cook some hot dishes for Nie Li.

"How is it? Are the meals in the mine implemented according to the standards I specified?" Xian Wu asked expectantly.

Nie Li nodded and replied: "Yes, four vegetables and one soup, four fried wild vegetables and a bowl of clear soup, as well as rice steamed with inferior grains, are far behind the dishes on the table."

"It's good to have something to eat. It's better than working hungry." Si Kong Yi disagreed.

The miners used to only eat one meal a day, and they still ate tree bark boiled in salt water. Now their treatment is good enough, but they still dare to dislike this or that.They were starved for three days and even the swill was sweet.

Xian Wu didn't have any good solution for this.

Vegetables contain calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and other trace elements, which Xian Wu cannot synthesize in batches by decomposing air.

Besides, if you are not used to working in the mine, you can leave. It only takes five consecutive days to mine more ore than the standard value.

Most of the miners in the mine are prisoners of war. They want to leave without paying a price. How can anything in the world be so cheap?

Xian Wu pondered for a moment and said in a deep voice: "The food in the mine will be like this for now, and we will gradually improve it later. By the way, Lao Yi, has the notice for recruiting miners in the mine been posted?"

"It has been posted, but no one has applied yet. They are probably afraid of being deceived into working for nothing," Si Kong Yi replied.

Xian Wu was speechless. Is the reputation of Silver Wing Family so bad?It’s so difficult to find a job.

(End of this chapter)

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