The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 279: Red Flame Body Tempering Technique and Red Flame Body Tempering Pill

Chapter 279: Red Flame Body Tempering Technique and Red Flame Body Tempering Pill
After the dinner, Xian Wu and Sikong Hongyue returned to the room.

Xiao Ning'er didn't follow, and was called away by that little girl Ye Ziyun, who didn't know what to do.

"Consort, do you want a wife?" Sikong Hongyue asked shyly.

As a first-time wife, she knows the taste after eating the marrow. Now Sikong Hongyue’s mind is full of...

Xian Wu shook his head. Although he advocated exercise after meals, he did not advocate strenuous exercise after meals.

If you want to do anything, it must be done at least half an hour later.

Although Xian Wu refused, Sikong Hongyue couldn't wait to remove the silver armor from her jade body and sit on Xian Wu's lap.

Xian Wu stroked his seventh wife's snow-white and strong legs, and asked curiously: "Hongyue, what kind of body-building techniques have you practiced, and how did you make your legs so strong?"

Although his physical strength is more than ten times that of Sikong Hongyue, he practiced cheating.

This is the first time that he has seen a young man who has cultivated his physical strength to the golden five-star level.

It is no exaggeration to say that Sikong Hongyue is the most physically powerful among all her women.

"What's wrong, Prince Consort, don't you like it?" Sikong Hongyue hugged Xian Wu's neck, her tone a little disappointed.

Xian Wu hurriedly shook his head: "How could you not like it? I really like it so much that I wanted to ask how you made your thighs so beautiful."

If possible, I would like to ask Sikong Hongyue to be a mentor to teach my women how to exercise.

They practiced their soul power all day long without exercising their physical strength. They were all very weak and would become paralyzed from exhaustion in less than half an hour. They were like a pile of noodles, which was really disappointing.

"Hehe... I am practicing the "Red Flame Body Tempering Technique", a ancestral skill of the Silver Wing family." Sikong Hongyue pressed her pretty face with clear lines against Xian Wu's warm chest.

"Want to learn, Prince Consort? I can teach you."

Xian Wu was stunned when he heard the words: "Is it possible? This is your family's family tradition. Can you pass it on to me, an outsider?"

Under normal circumstances, the advanced techniques of major aristocratic families are kept secret.

As the saying goes, "Teach the disciples and starve the master to death." If the skills are spread and the strength of others is improved, then the strength of the family will be relatively weakened.

Therefore, except for direct descendants and geniuses from major aristocratic families, advanced skills are generally not passed on to others.

"It doesn't matter, we are a family, and what's mine belongs to the consort." After saying that, Sikong Hongyue kissed Xian Wu's collarbone, leaving a light lip mark.

Xian Wu hugged his legs with one arm and his shoulders with the other, and asked anxiously: "Then can I pass this technique on to your sisters?"

According to Sikong Hongyue's temperament, it is probably not possible.

Her mind is smaller than the nose of a needle, and she can only allow the thick thread of herself to pass through.

"Sisters? You mean..." Sikong Hongyue frowned and looked up at Xian Wu.

After a moment of silence, Sikong Hongyue bit Xian Wu's neck, leaving a shallow tooth mark, and then said angrily: "You are such a playboy, you have so many women, why are you still messing with me? "

"Forget it, my father said, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog, if you marry a carrot, you can carry it with you. Since I am already yours, any idea you have will be satisfied."

After letting go of Cherry's mouth, Sikong Hongyue gently hammered Xian Wu's chest with her pink fist to vent her dissatisfaction.

"Hongyue, you are so kind. I shouldn't have punished you so severely this morning." Xian Wu felt a little guilty.

Sikong Hongyue didn't care, she actually liked being punished.

Later, when the little wife calmed down, she began to copy the exercises on paper.Xian Wu stood beside the desk, staring at the words on the paper without blinking, and muttered: "Red Flame Body Tempering Technique... I seem to have heard this name somewhere..."

"That's right!" Xian Wu suddenly punched his thigh and shouted excitedly.

Sikong Hongyue was startled by the sudden sound, and her words were all crooked.

Staring at Xian Wu with dark eyes, Sikong Hongyue crumpled the technique into a ball and copied it again.

The exercises are for those bitches to practice. If they are not written well, they will definitely despise them.

Sikong Hongyue didn't want to be inferior to other women. She was the one who loved Xian Wu the most, and no woman could compare to her.

Next to him, Xian Wu took out a wine gourd from the space ring, which was as big as a 5L mineral water bottle.

"Hongyue, this is the Red Flame Body Tempering Pill. Eat it and see." Xian Wu opened his palm, poured out an aunt's red pill from the gourd, and then stretched it out in front of Sikong Hongyue.

"What is this? For contraception?" Inserting the Thunderbird quill back into the ink bottle, Sikong Hongyue stared suspiciously at the mysterious pill in Xian Wu's palm.

contraception?What weird things are you thinking about in your little mind? Xian Wu broke out in a sweat.

After Sikong Hongyue took the elixir in her hand, Xian Wu explained: "This is the Chiyan Body Tempering Pill, which has the effect of tempering the body and improving the talent of warriors."

"It is said that it can help warriors practice to the legendary level. I don't know if it is true."

I don't know if there is any internal connection between "Red Flame Tempering Body Jue" and Chi Yan Tempering Body Pill.

"This elixir is too precious, I can't take it away, please keep it for yourself, Prince Consort." Sikong Hongyue handed the elixir back.

Although the Hell World is rich in minerals, food is scarce, and medicinal materials are even more scarce, let alone elixirs.

It has been thousands of years since the major families migrated here from the outside world, and the elixirs in stock have long expired. Therefore, elixirs are extremely precious in the Black Prison Family.

Especially this kind of elixir that can temper the body and enhance the talent of a warrior.

There are all kinds of strange monsters in the Black Hell World, and most of the monster spirits hunted cannot be fused. Therefore, most people here practice martial arts and rarely practice soul power.

Some strong men who have reached the pinnacle of martial arts choose to practice soul power to increase their chances of breakthrough if they want to break through.

It is worth mentioning that the demon spirits in the Demon Spirit Stone can exist for up to 600 years, so all the demon spirits in the inventory of major aristocratic families have disappeared in the long river of history.

Therefore, people in the black prison world respect martial arts, and pills that can improve martial arts are extremely precious.

"Silly girl." Xian Wu pushed back Sikong Hongyue's little mutton-fat white jade hand, shook the gourd, and said with a smile: "The gourd can hold two hundred pills, and I have hundreds of the same gourd."

"Don't worry. Eat as much as you want. Don't worry." Xian Wu put the gourd on the table and gave it to Sikong Hongyue.

"Really? Then I'm welcome."

After hearing Xian Wu's words, Sikong Hongyue swallowed the elixir with confidence, then closed her eyes and silently ran the "Red Flame Body Tempering Technique".

After a stick of incense, Sikong Hongyue opened her beautiful eyes and murmured: "What a powerful pill. With just one pill, I can reach the level of black gold."

"Consort, I love you to death." Sikong Hongyue was so excited that she threw herself into Xian Wu's arms.

Xian Wu was also "excited".

"Love, I'm ready..."

(End of this chapter)

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