Chapter 280 Trading Town
The phoenix flute sounded, the jade pot turned light, and the fish and dragon danced overnight.

Soon the next day came, and the sky outside was still gray.

The room was quite dark originally, but after lighting the oil lamp, it became a little brighter.

The oil in the oil lamp is extracted from the corpses of monsters.

Although the monsters of the Black Hell Family are strange in shape, they generally have thick fat and can extract a lot of fuel.

When Xian Wu woke up, the other half of the bed was cold.

She stretched out her hand to test Sikong Hongyue's remaining warmth in the quilt, but in the end she only touched the soft sheets.

Where has she gone?
Sitting up from the bed, Xian Wu found that Sikong Hongyue was sitting by the window with her back to him. Waves of heat were rising from the top of her head, as if she was practicing.

Xian Wu did not disturb her. He took out clean and tidy clothes from the space ring and put them on quietly.

He has many space rings, one of which is specially for clean clothes, and the other is for dirty clothes.

While he was still in the Glory City, he had tens of thousands of tailor-made sets of clothes from Wang Er Mazi Tailor Shop.

Changing one set a day, these clothes are enough for him to wear for 20 years.

The dirty clothes were originally destroyed directly, but Wo Xue couldn't stand this extravagant and wasteful behavior and took the initiative to wash them for him.

People should not be judged by their appearance. Although Wo Xueshen comes from a merchant family, his clothes are washed very well.

Presumably, when I was at my parents' house, I was often asked to do work.

Although Wo Xueshen has a purple soul sea, he cannot cultivate it, so his status in the family is naturally not very high.

It is common to be looked down upon and ostracized.

However, after she married into the Haokuo family, she will never be made things difficult again.

After Xian Wu put on his clothes, Sikong Hongyue also exited the cultivation state.

"Consort, are you awake? How did you sleep last night?" Sikong Hongyue's face was red. Anyway, she slept well last night, like a little dead pig.

"Don't you know how I slept, little rascal?" Xian Wu raised his fingers and scratched the bridge of Sikong Hongyue's tall nose, "By the way, why did you get up so early?"

"After I woke up, I took a shower and couldn't sleep anymore. I was idle, so I just started practicing." Sikong Hongyue ruffled her silver hair.

The elixir given to her by the consort was so effective that in one morning, she reached the level of two black and gold stars.

With her current body, ordinary swords could no longer cause any harm.

In addition to the physical body, the silver wings on his back have also become more powerful, and the feathers are as sharp and tough as those of black gold level soldiers.

"Take a bath? Come on, let me smell it. Does it smell good?" A smile passed over Xian Wu's lips.

Sikong Hongyue stood shyly and let Xian Wu hold her in his arms.

The couple stayed warm for a while, simply tidied up the room, and then went to the restaurant to dine.

"Xian Wu, I heard that you are going to the market today?" Nie Li suddenly spoke at the dinner table.

Xian Wu nodded and replied, "Yes. Do you want to come with me?"

"You pay the bill and I'll come." Nie Li said with a shy face.

Xian Wu glared at this shameless old man. The Alchemist Association gave him so much money and a share of the elixirs, but he still wanted to take advantage of himself. It was so rude.

"You can pay the bill. But you are not allowed to snatch the things I like from me." Xian Wu bargained.

Nie Li nodded in agreement. Xian Wu didn’t know anyone anyway.

When you come across something good, don't tell him first and buy it secretly later.Upon hearing Xian Wu pay the bill, Lu Piao immediately became energetic and shouted: "I'm going too! I'm going too!"

"What are you going to do? Didn't you say yesterday that you would help Xian Wu guard the mine?" Xiao Xue grabbed Lu Piao's ear.

Lu Piao immediately changed his mind: "Yes, let's go next time. Brother Wu, you must take me with you next time."

"Definitely next time." Xian Wu agreed with a smile.

Sikong Yi said worriedly: "Although the trading town was jointly established by major families, it is currently managed by the Shenyan Family."

"The Shenyan Family is the mortal enemy of our Silver Wing Family. Do you want me to send a few experts to protect you secretly?"

Although it is unlikely, if Xian Wu is killed by the Shenyan Family, then the Silver Wing Family will lose his wife and troops, and it will be completely over.

"No need, as long as Xian Wu is here, no one can hurt us." Nie Li waved his hand, "By the way, it's time for the Red Blood Crystal to come down again today. Xian Wu, please leave some food for Lao Yi, don't take it all away. .”

Xian Wu nodded and ordered: "Ning'er, leave 1000 million bags of inferior grain for Lao Yi."

"Okay." Xiao Ning'er took out a space ring from her orange waist bag and threw it to Si Kong Yi.

Looking at the 1000 million bags of grain in his hand, Sikong Yi was stunned for a long time.

Too rich, right?
1000 million bags of grain is enough to feed the Silver Wing family for several years.

After enjoying breakfast, under Sikong Hongyue's resentful gaze, Xian Wu led three women and one man out of the gate of Silver Wing Family.

The person responsible for guiding Xian Wu and the others was a fair boy named Si Kongkong.

Although they are all thirteen or fourteen years old like Xian Wu and others, they are extremely smooth and sophisticated in handling things.

He calls me "consort" every time, and the words are very affectionate.

Xian Wu was a little embarrassed to be called out, so he rewarded Si Kong Kong with a bottle of Red Flame Body Tempering Pill.

Holding the medicine bottle, Si Kongxu grinned from ear to ear, and flattered and flattered him even more vigorously.

Although the mountain road was rugged, Xian Wu and the others were all cultivators, so they moved very quickly and soon arrived near the trading town.

With the help of the Crimson Blood Crystal and the god-level techniques sent by Nie Li, Xiao Xue also broke through to the silver level, barely able to keep up with everyone's deliberately slow pace.

A group of handsome men and beauties dressed in luxurious clothes walked into the town and immediately attracted the attention of most people.

"What aristocratic family they are from, how come I don't know any of them?"

"I'll go, she's such a beautiful girl. If I can marry one, she will shorten my life by ten years."

"Don't do this nonsense, unless you want to be hanged on a tree branch outside the town by the Shenyan Family."

"Hey, you are not allowed to do anything in the town, but the Shenyan Family can't control it outside the town. I don't believe it. They have been staying in the town and not coming out."

"Do it? Have you seen that oily-haired and powder-faced boy? The badge on his chest is the symbol of the Silver Wing Family. If you attack them, you don't want to live, right?"

"Silver Wing Family..."

Xian Wu originally wanted to keep a low profile, but he didn't expect his identity to be exposed by a badge.

"Dragon Soul Stone?" Nie Li stopped in front of a stall.

Xian Wu came over to take a look, and immediately curled his lips in disdain: "What crap, I have a lot of it in my ring."

"Bullshit?" Nie Li rolled his eyes and whispered: "If the Dragon Soul Stone is embedded into a soldier, it can increase the combat power several times. If you don't know the purpose, don't talk nonsense."

"These stones are indeed worthless junk..." Si Kongong agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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