The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 281 The money can make a ghost run the mill

Chapter 281 The money can make a ghost run the mill

"After this ore is refined, it is often used to make arrows, which can cause terrible damage to monsters."

"However, after the arrow is inserted into the body of the monster, it will melt quickly, so the consumption is very large." Si Kongong explained.

The Silver Wing Family is attacked by monsters in the mountains every day, and consumes not only [-] but also [-] Dragon Soul Stones every day.

Therefore, it is okay to say that the Dragon Soul Stone is a piece of junk that is not that valuable.

Nie Li bent down and picked up a Dragon Soul Stone, weighed it with his hands, and asked the stall owner: "How do you sell this thing?"

Making the Dragon Soul Stone into an arrowhead is simply a waste of resources. Embedding it on a crossbow and then carving it with an inscription is definitely more economical and durable than making an arrowhead.

Arrows can only be used once, while crossbows can be used hundreds or thousands of times. Which one is better and which one is worse can be known by comparing them.

Perhaps, the lineage of inscription masters of the Black Prison family has withered?
The three "no shit" members of the Silver Wing Family only know some basic silver-level inscriptions.

You must know that the inscriptions that can be used with the Dragon Soul Stone to increase the power of soldiers are at least gold level.

For someone of their level, Silver Wing Family still pays a high price to hire someone, which shows how low the level of inscriptions in this world is.

"Not for sale!" The stall owner said firmly and snatched the Dragon Soul Stone from Nie Li's hand.

Nie Li froze on the spot, a little at a loss.

"Is it because I'm not handsome enough?" Nie Li asked, blinking.

The stall owner looked at Nie Li like he was an idiot and did not answer.

Xiao Xue, who had a bad temper, immediately refused. She pinched her waist with both hands and scolded in a high voice: "Business and business, if you don't sell anything, why are you setting up a stall? Are you sincerely disgusting?"

The shouting immediately attracted a new crowd of melon-eaters.

"What's the situation?"

"The customer wants to buy the Dragon Soul Stone, but the stall owner won't sell it."

"You're crazy, what are you doing with the crappy stuff on the streets? Let's keep it home to give birth to babies."

Hearing the comments from the onlookers, the stall owner lost his composure.

He sat up from the small wooden stool and explained to everyone: "It's not that I don't sell, it's that I don't sell to people from the Silver Wing Family. These beasts ruined my family. It's weird that I would sell their things."

Upon hearing that he was from the Silver Wing Family, the onlookers all understood what was going on.

The Silver Wing Family has always been ambitious to annex the other major families, killing countless civilians and having countless enemies.

It is understandable that the stall owner would not sell to people from the Silver Wing Family.

"It turns out he is a bastard from the Silver Wing Family. No wonder the stall owner would give up the opportunity to make money."

"Don't dare to tell nonsense. If the Silver Wing Family hears it, your life will be at risk."

"What are you afraid of? The main palace of the Silver Wing Family has collapsed due to retribution. If they dare to do bad things again, God will send down divine thunder to kill them."

Xiao Ning'er felt uncomfortable being pointed at by a group of people, and Xiao Xue was so angry that she wanted to hit someone.

Ye Ziyun clenched her pink fist and said nothing. She had always been a star-studded existence. How had she ever experienced such humiliation?

"Get out of here! Get out of here! If you dare to speak ill of our family, are you seeking death?" Si Kong's face turned as red as a pig's kidney.

He put one hand on his waist and pointed at the stall owner and the people eating melons around him with the other, and asked angrily: "Who just spit out feces from his mouth? Do you dare to tell me your family and name?"

Si Kong's scolding not only failed to suppress the melon-eating crowd, but instead aroused public anger.

"What, you want to cause trouble here? This town is not the hot bed of your Silver Wing family." "If you dare to try it here, see if the Shenyan family doesn't break your legs, break your tendons, and beat the shit out of you."

"What's going on?! What's going on?! What's the fuss about!"

Just as Xian Wu and his party were surrounded by the indignant crowd, the town's security patrol team rushed over and dispersed the crowd.

"Captain, people from the Silver Wing Family are causing trouble in the town. They are challenging the majesty of our Shenyan Family."

"That's right, you have to make the decision for us. People from the Silver Wing Family still want to kill people in dialect."

Upon hearing this, the patrol captain called his men without saying a word and surrounded Xian Wu and others.

"If you dare to cause trouble in the town, and you don't care who is in charge of this place, we will take them all away." The patrol captain gave the order and called on his men to come forward and arrest them.

Seeing three beautiful beauties among the suspects, Li Mu's two cold triangular eyes gleamed, and he couldn't help but have dirty thoughts in his heart.

The arrogant and domineering Si Kongong suddenly withered. He did not expect that people from the Shenyan Family would dare to take action against them.

Xian Wu, who had remained silent until now, spoke up: "Captain, don't do anything, let's take a step to talk."

"Is there anything you can't say in person?" Li Mu snorted coldly, raised his hand to stop his men's movements, and led Xian Wu to a secluded corner of the street. "If you have something to say, you have to fart!"

The Shenyan Family has always been the sworn enemy of the Silver Wing Family, so Li Mu naturally doesn't have a good impression of Xian Wu.

"It's nothing but respect." Xian Wu smiled and handed over a space ring.

Li Mu took it and took a look. There were hundreds of bags of grain in the ring, enough to feed their family for a year.

This person is so generous. Who is he?

"What do you mean, you want to bribe me?" Li Mu duplicitously put the ring into his pocket.

Xian Wu waved his hand: "As the saying goes, 'Rely on your parents at home, and rely on your friends when you go out'. If you want to make a friend as the captain first, it is appropriate to give your friends some greeting gifts. It cannot be regarded as a bribe."

"Sensible!" Li Mu happily patted Xian Wu on the shoulder.

The Silver Wing Family is full of arrogant, domineering, and stupid masters, but I didn't expect there to be someone so smooth in dealing with things.

Xian Wu's eyes flashed with an undetectable coldness, but he did not take action.

With his current state, killing a gold-level warrior is as easy as crushing a bug.

I just don’t want to get my hands dirty.

Seeing Li Mu smiling with his asshole blooming, Xian Wu secretly sighed: "Money can make the world go round, it's true."

They came here to go shopping today, not to kill people. It would be bad if their mood was affected by trivial things.

"Captain, I'm going to take the liberty to ask, how did you know that we are from the Silver Wings family? We don't have silver wings on our backs either?" Xian Wu asked curiously.

Silver wings can only be owned by those with pure bloodline of the family head. Outsiders like them don't have it, and Si Kongng doesn't have it even if he doesn't have pure bloodline.

How did that stupid stall owner know?
"Are you really not aware? Or are you pretending not to know?" Li Mu turned around and pointed at Si Kongong's chest, explaining: "See, this kind of Thunderbird badge is only worn by people from your Silver Wing family, not other families. So vain.”

"Understood." Xian Wu nodded, the root cause was Si Kongong.

"Okay, since we are friends, leave those stall owners who are making things difficult for you to me." Li Mu patted Xian Wu on the shoulder again, turned back to the team, and ordered his men to disperse the crowd.

At the same time, he warned the stall owner that if he did not want to do business and deliberately made things difficult for customers again, he would drive him out of the town and never allow him to come in and set up a stall.

(End of this chapter)

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