The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 282 Wind and Snow Spirit Pearl

Chapter 282 Wind and Snow Spirit Pearl
The attitude of the security patrol team changed 180 degrees before and after, and the melon eaters and stall owners were a little confused.

"What happened? What did the boy say to the chief?"

"Being arrogant at first and then being respectful later makes you laugh when you think about it."

"The members of the Shenyan Family are all a bunch of cowardless people. A group of big men are actually afraid of a few brats."

The words of the melon-eaters annoyed Li Mu.

"What the hell are you talking about? Say it again and let me hear it?" Li Mu grabbed the man's collar, rounded it and slapped him, knocking out half of the teeth in the man's mouth.

"Look who dares to disturb the order of the market?" Li Muhuan pointed at the crowd, angrily pointing at those guys who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Forget it, Captain, don't get angry with a group of unruly people." Xian Wu followed up and tried to persuade him, then gave Li Mu a space ring.

Space rings can be made in large quantities using phantom balls. He doesn't feel bad about giving away a few.

Li Mu was overjoyed, but his face still maintained an angry look. He reprimanded loudly: "Listen to me clearly, you guys who set up stalls. These are my friends of Li Mu. If you dare to make things difficult for them, you will all be arrested." Go to jail, you hear me?”

Due to the patrol captain's power, all the vendors nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

The melon-eating crowd, who were watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously, all fled without a trace.

"Brother, if you run into trouble in the town in the future, just mention my name, Li Mu, for sure." After scolding a group of troublemakers, Li Mu patted Xian Wu's shoulder again.

He glanced at the three women behind Xian Wu and said with a smile: "Brother, you are so blessed. You married three beautiful women all at once."

"That's wrong, brother, it's seven." Xian Wu replied proudly.

Li Mu was stunned by this sentence.

Seven?So, there are four more at home?
"Beautiful!" Li Mu gave a thumbs up, "Say hello if you have something to do, brother, I'll be there whenever you call."

After speaking, Li Mu led the patrol away.

"Brother Wu, you are great!" Xiao Ning'er excitedly took Xian Wu's arm and leaned on his shoulder.

Seeing that Xian Wu easily solved the crisis at hand, Ye Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at him with admiration. It seemed that there was nothing Xian Wu couldn't do in the world.

Nie Li was a little unhappy. He finally had a chance to show off in front of Ziyun, but he didn't expect to be cut off by Xian Wu.

No, you have to seize the opportunity to show off quickly.

If things continue like this, Ziyun is likely to do something unethical.

"Brother Xian Wu, what did you say to the monkey-faced captain? How could he help us in turn?" Xiao Xue stared at her big and bright almond-shaped eyes in confusion.

Xian Wu twirled his fingers, and the answer was self-evident.

Everyone understands that it is money power!
"Boss, I want all the Dragon Soul Stones on your stall!" Nie Li turned around and returned to the stall where he was just now.

Due to the patrol captain's power, the stall owner had to endure the humiliation and sell the Dragon Soul Stone to his enemy at a low price.

Alas~ People have to bow their heads under the roof. Weakness is the original sin.

After buying the Dragon Soul Stone, a group of five people continued to wander the street, looked at every stall, and bought all the good-looking, fun and useful things.

Some stalls were even covered directly.

When everyone setting up the stall saw that Xian Wu was so generous, throwing hundreds and thousands of bags of grain out, they were all shocked and stunned.

Some stall owners who were resistant to the Silver Wing Family also fell under Xian Wu's food attack, and they all shyly solicited Xian Wu to buy their things. "Distinguished young masters and ladies of the Silver Wing Family, come and take a look. These are all treasures passed down from generation to generation in our family."

Xian Wu turned around and saw that the person speaking was a haggard and thin old man in ragged clothes.

The old man was looking at them expectantly with his cloudy old eyes.

In addition to the old man, there were two eight or nine-year-old children in that stall, all of whom were skinny and skinny.

"Let's go and have a look." Xian Wu couldn't bear it. His grandfather and grandson were so pitiful. Even if he didn't have any good things, he still had to help them.I can't help it, I'm so kind at heart.

Stopping in front of the old man's stall, Xian Wu took a look at a mechanical sphere on the stall.

This thing is very similar to a spirit puppet, with a full mechanical feel, just like an ivory-carved ghost ball.

Xian Wu picked up the ball on the stall and gently moved the inner ball inside. A cold wind and snow breath hit his face.

This breath gave Xian Wu a familiar feeling, and he murmured: "It seems to be the power of law..."

"We have found a treasure. This is called the Snow Wind Spirit Pearl. After the Snow Wind Demon Spirit Master merges into the sea of ​​souls, it can increase the soul power several times and the power of the Snow Wind combat skills." Nie Li approached Xian Wu He whispered into his ear.

This Snow Wind Pearl was tailor-made for his little Yunyun.

"We?" Xian Wu raised his eyebrows and said, "Classmate Nie Li, please pay attention to your wording. I found the treasure, not us."

Nie Li is an old man who really doesn't like outsiders. He paid for all the expenses along the way. After finally finding a treasure, he wanted to get a piece of the pie, but there was no way.

"We all mean the same thing. Whoever follows the other, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine." Nie Li stood on tiptoes and hooked Xian Wu's neck, saying carelessly.

Perhaps it was a side effect of practicing the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art", but Xian Wu is now the height of a normal adult male.

Nie Li, on the other hand, was only 1.5 meters six, thirteen or fourteen years old. He was still growing, so it was normal for him to be short, stooped, and ugly.

"This distinguished young master, this object is an ancestral treasure of my family and has been passed down for more than 500 years." The old man said feebly in a hoarse voice.

This thing was passed down from his ancestors. If he hadn't been desperate, he wouldn't have sold it at all.

Xian Wu raised the Fengxue Lingzhu high with one hand, and pressed Nie Li's head with the other hand to prevent him from jumping up. He turned around and asked, "Old man, what's the price of this thing?"

The old man hesitated for a moment, then slowly stretched out five fingers.

"Five thousand bags of grain?"

However, a bag of low-quality grains can be exchanged for ten Red Blood Crystals or one Dragon Soul Stone.

Five thousand bags of food is considered a huge sum of money in the underworld.

The old man and his family were starving to death, so it was understandable that the lion would open his mouth.

Just as Xian Wu was about to take out the ring, the old man shook his head and said with a panic look on his face: "Young Master misunderstood, I only need five bags of food."

Seeing the smile disappear on Xian Wu's face, the old man immediately explained.

The three of them, grandfather and grandson, have been setting up a stall for several days, but haven't sold anything. If they don't open the stall, the whole family will starve to death.

I don’t dare to offend the customers who finally come to buy things.

What's more, this guest is also a friend of the security patrol captain...

(End of this chapter)

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