Chapter 283 Four Space Rings
"Five bags of grain, are you kidding me?" Nie Li couldn't believe his ears. There are only nine Lingzhu left in the world, and they only sell five bags of grain. Cheap selling is not the way to sell it.

After thinking about it, the old man's family may have reached the point of desperation, so he sold it at a low price as a last resort.

Nie Li secretly nudged Xian Wu with his elbow and reminded: "It's not easy for me, old man. Give him more food. Five bags is too little."

"Do you need to remind me? I'm not the kind of bastard who eats people and doesn't spit out bones?" Xian Wu rolled his eyes, Nie Li, an old man, is too small.

Taking out an empty medium-sized space ring, Xian Wu exported five thousand bags of grain from the food space ring (food ring) and imported it into the empty space ring.

Space rings are divided into four types: small, medium, large and extra large.

The internal space of the small space ring is one to ten cubic meters, the internal space of the medium space ring is ten to one hundred cubic meters, the internal space of the large space ring is one hundred to one thousand cubic meters, and the internal space of the super large space ring is one thousand cubic meters above.

A bag of grain in the Hell World is very small, only about ten kilograms, and one cubic meter can hold more than 100 bags.

Therefore, a medium-sized space ring can hold about [-] bags of grain.

To be honest, if we were in Glory City, these grains would not be as valuable as medium-sized space rings.

Quan thought it was a good deed, and Xian Wu traded all the food and rings to the old man.

Anyway, these grains were conjured out of thin air, so it wouldn’t hurt to give them all away.

"This... this, this... this, this..." The old man took the space ring and examined it. He was so shocked that he couldn't say a word for a while.

He had never seen so much food in his life, so he couldn't be dreaming, could he?

By the time the old man came to his senses, Xian Wu and the others were already gone.

The stall owner next door came over and asked curiously: "Dad, how much grain did you sell for that ball? I was so shocked that you almost ran out of your soul."

"Fifty bags of grain, that young master actually gave us fifty bags of grain, he is really too generous." The old man didn't tell the truth.

You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others. Especially in the dark prison world where the social order is so chaotic, you must be wary of the people around you.

The stall owner looked envious and said: "A broken ball can actually sell so much food. If I had known this, I would have sold the old things at home."

"Da Niu, Er Niu, let's kowtow to benefactor." The old man ignored the stall owner, led the two children and kowtowed three times in the direction where Xian Wu was going.

With this food, their family will not go hungry for at least a few years.

After kowtowing, the old man ordered the two children to clean up the booth, and he quietly stuffed the interspatial ring into the inner pocket of his pants.

There are so many people in the town that it is not a place to stay for a long time. You have to leave quickly while no one is interested in your own food.

"My benefactor, may God bless you..." The old man drew the cross on his chest, and walked away quickly, leading the two children.

The stall owner next door murmured: "It's really a poor man who has become rich. Isn't it just fifty bags of grain, as if someone is going to rob you."

By the way, no one really robbed the Tao, right?
The stall owner next door became more and more frightened as he thought about it. He had more than 1000 bags of grain in his ring. If he was robbed, he would probably cry to death.

No, I have to run away!

There were many people who had the same idea. Wherever Xian Wu and others passed, all the stall owners disappeared in a short time.

When Nie Li saw this, his eyes nearly bled.

He originally wanted to go back and buy those good treasures, but now it was all in vain.

If I had known this, I wouldn't have played tricks with Xian Wu.

Nie Li watched helplessly as the babies left, clenched his fists, and did not pursue them.

If Xian Wu knew that he was playing tricks on him, he would definitely pick his own fault.

It is not cost-effective to offend Xian Wu for a few treasures. "Brother Xian Wu, I want this doll, can you buy it for me~" Xiao Xue took Xian Wu's big hand, pointed at the furry bear on the stall, and begged in a cooing voice.

"Buy!" Xian Wu agreed.

Since Lu Piao promised to take good care of his girlfriend, it was right to buy her some gifts.

Xiao Xue held the cute little bear in her arms, and smiled until her eyes were bent into two crescent moons.

"Ning'er, tell Brother Wu if you like anything. Don't be so polite. We have plenty of food anyway." Xian Wu said with a smile.

Along the way, Xiao Ning'er never asked him to buy anything for her.

I don't know what she likes, so I can only choose things that ordinary girls like and give them to her.

Ye Ziyun is a young rich woman. She will buy the things she likes by herself and never ask Xian Wu or Nie Li for help.

After all, she was the only daughter of the Fengxue Family. Before going out for adventure, she put a lot of food in the ring.

However, her food is relatively exquisite, such as almond cake, lotus leaf cake, plum cake and so on.

Seeing Ye Ziyun exchange a large bag of almond cake for an ancient book, Xian Wu felt so distressed that his eyelids twitched.

This young lady is really a prodigal.

After sweeping away the stalls on the street, Xian Wu began to sweep the shops on both sides of the street.

The largest shop in the town was opened by the Shenyan Family.

The entire town is managed by the Shenyan family, and it is understandable for them to open a large shop because they are close to the water.

"Consort, you go in by yourselves, I'll be waiting outside." Si Kongong whispered.

Xian Wu let out a "hmm".

Si Kongxu might have been frightened by Li Mu, he languished along the way, like a rooster who has lost a fight.

It doesn't matter if Si Kong Kong is not allowed to follow him, as long as he is around, it will not be fun to buy anything.

Entering the Shenyan store, the first floor sells common herbs, ores, weapons and other miscellaneous goods.

"What would you like to order?" The shopping guide came over with a smile.

The young people in front of me are luxuriously dressed and have extraordinary bearing. They must be the children of a certain aristocratic family. The God of Wealth is here!
"Herbs, minerals, I want them all!" Xian Wu said in a rough voice, pointing to the products stacked on the shelves.

Want them all?The shopping guide was stunned for a moment.

You don’t even look at the price and just cover it all. Isn’t this too wealthy?Big patron, absolutely big patron.

"Okay, I'll order someone to wrap it up for you right away." The shopping guide grinned almost to the back of his head.

After selling these goods, he can get a considerable commission.

"Wait a minute." Xian Wu stopped the shopping guide, "Do you have any in stock? I want everything in stock."

All the customers and shopping guides in the store were stunned. Could this person be causing trouble?

Ye Ziyun quietly pulled Xian Wu's sleeve and whispered: "Xian Wu, are you being too high-profile like this?"

"What kind of high-profile?" Xian Wu disagreed, "How can you be so particular about buying something?"

"Put everything into this space ring for me and calculate the money together." Xian Wu handed a large space ring to the shopping guide.

(End of this chapter)

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