Chapter 284 God Flame Shop
The appearance of Xian Wu quickly attracted the attention of the senior officials of the Shenyan Family.

"Hello, distinguished guest. I'm Li Fu, the manager of Shenyan Store. Everything you want is inside." A chubby middle-aged man came down from upstairs and handed back the interspatial ring.

Li Fu was not in a hurry to ask for money. The Shenyan store was the territory of the Shenyan family, and he did not dare to take the things and run away.

"Sorry for the trouble." Xian Wu took the space ring and thanked him.

"I wonder which family your guest is from. What do you want to buy so many things for?" Li Fu asked with a smile, like a Maitreya Buddha.

I know everything this person does in the streets of the city. The Silver Wing Family's large purchase of red blood crystals yesterday should be related to this person. I don't know what he wants to do with purchasing so many materials.

What makes me even more confused is where did this man get so much food? He squandered millions of bags of food on the streets. Even if he emptied the Shenyan family's warehouse, he wouldn't be able to get so much.

Who is he?

Xian Wu smiled and asked, "Why, when customers come to your store to buy things, do they still need to check their household registrations?"

You can buy whatever you want, and it’s not like you don’t pay for it and ask questions, it’s so annoying!

"That's not true. I'm just curious. It's fine if the guest doesn't want to disclose." Li Fu shook his head with a smile, "Would you like to pay the bill now, or go to the store to buy something?"

The Shenyan Store sells things that the family does not need for the time being, and it doesn't matter even if they are sold to the Silver Wing Family.

Why not use some useless things to empty out the Silver Wing Family's wealth?

It is said that the palace of the Silver Wing Family collapsed. Most of the materials they bought back were used to repair the palace.

"Of course I'll have to look again, this little stuff is not enough for my teeth." Xian Wu stepped up the stairs with his hands behind his back.

The things sold on the first floor of the shop are all sold at the stalls outside. They are all crappy street stuff like red blood crystals and dragon soul stones.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, the smile on Li Fu's face froze. The supplies in the ring were worth nearly 100 million bags of grain, but they weren't enough to fill his teeth?
Is this person really rich, or is he playing tricks on the Shenyan family?
If he dares to mess up the situation, let him come with his life, and let him go out with his life!

When we came to the second floor, there were many bookshelves on it, which contained martial arts techniques and secret books.

"Is there any technique like the "Red Flame Body Tempering Technique"?" Xian Wu picked up a little book and asked while flipping through it.

Li Fu smiled awkwardly and replied: "Dear guest, please stop joking. The "Red Flame Body Tempering Technique" is a secret that is not passed down to the Silver Wing family. How can we, the Shenyan family, have it?"

Is this person mentally ill?Which family would be so foolish as to sell their family's inherited martial arts and do something that would destroy their foundation?
"Forget it, let's go to the next floor!" Xian Wu put the little book back on the bookshelf and continued to go upstairs.

The ones sold on the second floor are all basic exercises, which are on the same level as "Five-Shaped Fist", and most of them are incomplete copies.

Xian Wu is no longer interested in this level of martial arts. The Drunken Fist, Flame Palm, and Yang Family Marksmanship he practices are all legendary. If you want to buy them, buy them at this level.

However, no family would sell this level of skills, right?
After walking until the sixth floor, something interesting to Xian Wu appeared.

The weapon hangs a two-handed sword.

This sword is completely black, and black flames burst out from time to time, burning the surrounding area.

"What kind of sword is this?" Xian Wu squatted on the ground and observed it for a while, then pointed at the big black sword and turned to ask.

The "Red Flame Body Tempering Technique" practiced by Sikong Hongyue is a technique that can absorb flames and increase combat power. This big sword burning with flames should be suitable for her.Hearing Xian Wu's question, Li Fu came over and introduced with a smile: "This sword is forged from the gold of black flames. It is extremely sharp and can easily break through the physical defense of gold-level experts. It can also cause damage to black gold-level experts. It must hurt.”

"There is a flame crystal installed in the center of the sword grid, which can stimulate the black flame power of black flame gold to burn the enemy when attacking."

"The black flame itself has gold-level power. If it is engraved with a gold-level holy fire inscription..."

"Damn it!" Xian Wu withdrew his hand from the hilt and said angrily, "What kind of broken sword is this, the hilt is so hot that you can't even pick it up, let alone use it."

"If we can use it freely, we won't sell it." Li Fu shrugged, "The goods on the sixth floor only accept barter. What do you want to exchange for it?"

"Do you want the bone of a legendary monster?" Xian Wu took out a crescent-shaped rib from the poking ring (trash can space ring), which belonged to the Void Beast.

Li Fu took the rib, lifted it up, and smelled it with his nose. It was indeed exuding the scent of a legendary monster.

After biting it twice with his teeth, the hardness of the bones was also legendary, and it didn't look like a fake.

Boom boom boom!
Li Fu asked while banging the bones: "Where did this legendary demon bone come from? It looks very fresh."

Legendary monsters are full of treasures, and the soup cooked with legendary monster bones is of great help to a warrior's training.

If a warrior at the peak of black gold drinks it, it can greatly increase the probability of breakthrough.

If the Shenyan family had two legendary warriors, they would no longer have to fear that old thief Sikong Yi.

However, would people from the Silver Wing Family be so kind as to send the demon bones?You won't put poison in it, right?

"Where else could it come from? Of course it was removed from the corpse of the legendary monster." Xian Wu recalled, "About three or four days ago, we killed that legendary monster and crippled us. It’s Kung Fu.”

Kill the legendary monster?Li Fu swallowed.

The legendary monsters in the Hell World are all overlord-level existences, and a single slap can kill a legendary warrior.

This person actually led people to hunt down a legendary monster?

Bragging, it must be bragging!
Seeing the disbelief written all over Li Fu's face, Xian Wu snapped his fingers and asked Nie Li to take out the demon crystal of the Void War Beast and show it to Li Fu.

" this the demon crystal of a legendary monster?" The terrifying energy contained in the demon crystal made Li Fu tremble. If there hadn't been a wall behind him, he would have sat down on the ground.

Did they really hunt down a legendary monster? !
Li Fu's mouth opened wide, like a hippopotamus in heat.

"How about it? Do you want to change it?" Xian Wu got impatient with the wait. He came to buy things, not to see the fat man pretending to be a wooden man.

"Change, change." Li Fu nodded quickly, "Come here, wrap up the Black Flame Sword for the distinguished guests."

Li Fu gave an order, and the shopping guide on the sixth floor quickly took out the iron pliers from under the counter, took out the black flame sword, and put it into the sword box made of cold iron.

"Dear guest, I wonder if this legendary demon crystal is for sale?" Li Fu rubbed his hands and asked expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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