The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 286 Spear Umbrella Bow Skirt Knife

Chapter 286 Spear Umbrella Bow Skirt Knife
He bought seven legendary inscription scrolls for zero yuan, and Nie Li also bought three flying knives.

"Why did you buy this crap? Do you want to practice 'Xiaoli Flying Knife'?" Xian Wu joked.

The three girls had already finished picking, leaving Nie Li still fussing, picking here and there like an old lady buying vegetables at the market.

Xiao Ning'er picked a war spear.

Under normal circumstances, the longer the war spear, the better, but Xiao Ning'er's spear was extremely short, only reaching the collarbone.

What's even more peculiar is that this spear can also be disassembled and transformed into a nine-section whip.

The nine-section whip is known as the dragon among soldiers. It is the most difficult to practice and the most difficult to defend against.

People in the Black Hell World are all pursuing quick cultivation and will not waste time practicing the Nine-Section Whip Technique. It is understandable even if you don't care about this war spear.

Ye Ziyun chose a mechanical umbrella.

However, the umbrella cover had all rotted away, leaving only the bare ribs.

After injecting the soul power into the umbrella handle, the soul power will be compressed into spirit pill cannonballs. By pressing the mechanism of the umbrella handle, the spirit pill cannonballs will be fired from the umbrella tip, causing considerable damage to the enemy's soul.

Since most people in the Hell World practice martial arts and do not practice soul power, and the process of compressing soul power is extremely long, this mechanism umbrella is also sold as an insignificant thing.

Xiao Xue chose a jade waist bow and a purple fairy skirt with wide sleeves.

Xian Wu was stunned when he saw the two treasures.

It's not that he doesn't want to buy it for Xiao Xue, but these two treasures remind Xian Wu of a poor girl.

Why are there these two things in the store of Shenyan Family?strangeness……

Having said that, Li Heng didn't have much reaction when he saw the treasures selected by the three girls, but when he saw the box Nie Li was holding, Li Heng became uneasy.

"These three flying knives are inherited from ancient times and are extremely powerful. Although no one has been able to activate them so far, our Shenyan family does not intend to sell them casually unless..." Li Heng stopped talking.

Nie Li knew what Li Heng wanted, so he took out the Void War Beast's legendary demon crystal from the space ring.

"How about trading this?"

"make a deal!"

When paying the bill, Xian Wu directly stuffed the grain into the bucket ring and gave it to Li Heng.

Counting the same number is too much trouble, it is better to give it out directly.

"Brother Xianwu, are really too generous." Li Heng took the ring, trembling with excitement, "So, how about I host a banquet in the mansion to treat a few of you as a landlord, how about it?"

"No, we have to go shopping in other shops." Xian Wu refused.

Instead of talking nonsense with Li Heng, Xian Wu took the lead and walked downstairs.

Nie Li waved to Li Heng and said, "See you later, Mr. Li. Next time you have something good for sale, remember to inform us at Silver Wing Family."

After sending the group of people out of the door, Li Heng felt a little regretful. He originally wanted to discuss with Xian Wu about returning to the outside world.

Forget it, let’s discuss it with my father first.

The outside world should be under his rule now, otherwise, where would he get so much food.

If the Shenyan Family returns to the outside world, they will have to submit to Xian Wu. No one will easily have unruly forces appear on their territory.

This matter needs to be carefully considered.

They wouldn't be able to leave for a while anyway, so it wouldn't be too late to negotiate with Xian Wu once they had thought things through.

After leaving Shenyan Shop, Xian Wu scanned other small shops.Hundreds of radiant stones alone were collected, and thousands more were collected from black flame gold, flame crystal and other ores.

"Buy whatever you like, it's so fun, isn't it? Haha..." Nie Li crossed his fingers behind his head, smiling broadly.

A group of five people walked on the deserted streets, talking and laughing, and were very satisfied with today's shopping.

Xian Wu gave Nie Li a blank look, and complained, "You are happy, and I pay the bill, can you be unhappy?"

Apart from giving him a Legendary Demon Crystal, Nie Li bought everything else for him himself.

There is no free lunch in the world. Fortunately, it was me. If it were Brother Jie, he would check in with Nie Li after he went back after shopping.

"Don't be so stingy. Who among us is following the other? Here, I'll give you something fun." Nie Li took out a scroll from the space ring and handed it over.

"What a crappy thing? Didn't Li Heng say this thing can't be used?" Xian Wu took the scroll, opened it and found that the inscriptions inside were brand new.

"Did you moisten it with demon blood?"

Nie Li shook his head: "What I used was not the demon blood, but the purifying potion prepared by myself, which re-energized the power of the demon blood on the scroll."

The legendary demon blood used to draw each inscription scroll is different.

It would be better to re-moisten it with demon blood, but where could he find the exact same demon blood?

The only option is to use Qing Rong medicine.

Although the effect of the scroll will be much worse than the original effect, it is still better than not being able to use it.

"What kind of scroll did you give me?" The scroll looked like ghostly symbols, and Xian Wu felt dizzy.

I only know gold-level inscriptions and some black gold-level inscriptions. To me, legendary-level inscriptions are the same as heavenly books.

Nie Li put his right hand back behind his head, and then slowly spit out four words: "Summoning Scroll."

"Summoning scroll?" Ye Ziyun screamed.

Her grandfather said that the abyss troll that destroyed most of the city lord's palace was also summoned from the summoning scroll.

Nie Li consoled her, "Don't worry about Ziyun. Most of the summoned creatures will obey the summoner's orders. There are only a very few summoned creatures that will not obey the orders."

"However, in order to prevent the summoned creatures from not obeying orders, I have drawn a blood oath circle on the back. Xian Wu only needs to drop blood into the circle first, and then he can 100% summon obedient creatures."

"What will be summoned?" Xian Wu sucked his bitten finger, and he had already dripped blood into the magic circle.

Nie Li shook his head: "I don't know, it should be a creature from another dimension."

"What is the dimensional world?" Xiao Xue asked, and she couldn't wait to put on the wide-sleeved fairy skirt.

Although it looked a little big, once she put it on, the skirt automatically adjusted to fit her figure.

"The dimensional world exists dependent on the main world." Nie Li stamped his foot, "The Black Prison World is the dimensional world, and our Glory City is located in the main world."

"The main world is ten times and a hundred times the size of the dimensional world. It is rich in resources and suitable for survival. However, the competition among the major races is also very fierce, especially the human race and the demon race."

"After the dark age, the human race was massacred by the monster race, and some of the human race were fled into the dimensional world to avoid the slaughter, such as the major families in the black prison world."

"The living conditions in the dimensional world are generally relatively harsh. In addition to the black prison world, I know that there are also snowstorm world, thunder world and lava world."

"The abyss demon who attacked the city lord's mansion should have been summoned from the lava world."

"The world of lava..." Xian Wu touched his chin. The law of magma in his soul sea may be related to the world of lava.

(End of this chapter)

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