The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 287 Legendary Summoning Scroll

Chapter 287 Legendary Summoning Scroll
Leaving the town, the group stopped in an open area and waited quietly for Xian Wu to activate the legendary summoning inscription scroll.

Under normal circumstances, black gold level inscriptions will summon black gold level creatures, and legendary level inscriptions will summon legendary level creatures.

But the scroll in hand has been repaired by the clearing potion, and the quality of the inscription will have declined to a certain extent.

It may have been reduced to the black gold level.

Moreover, the soul power originally stored in the scroll has dissipated with time, so Xian Wu can only refill it with soul power.

"More than 400 million..." Xian Wu slowly spit out a number.

This is the soul power consumed to reactivate the scroll, which is equivalent to a legendary four-star powerhouse.

Seeing the inscription scroll burst into bright red light, Nie Li hurriedly reminded: "That's it. Throw the scroll on the ground."

When the summoned creature appears, it will step directly on the scroll.

If Xian Wu has been holding the scroll, the summoned creature is likely to throw a butt when it appears.

Moreover, if the summoned creature is too large, it may crush the people around it and suffocate them alive.

"Retreat!" Nie Li shouted from a distance after Xian Wu threw the scroll on the ground.

With one step back, Xian Wu retreated to Xiao Ning'er without even looking back.

As a legendary [-]-star healer, his perception has become so powerful that he can know what's around him even without looking.

"Huh???" Stopping, Xian Wu found a group of people hurriedly rushing towards this direction. The leader was a black gold level strongman. I wonder what they wanted to do?
At this time, the scroll on the ground erupted with an even more dazzling red light, and a barrel-thick beam of light rose into the sky and shot into the vast void.

The pillar of light rising into the sky immediately attracted the attention of all forces, and some powerful men from aristocratic families rushed over with their people.

The beam of light came and went quickly.

When the light dissipated, a red fireball fell from the sky and landed on the scroll that had burned to ashes, creating a huge crater.

Seeing this, everyone approached the pit and took a closer look.

"Is this the dimensional world creature summoned by Brother Xian Wu?" Xiao Xue asked doubtfully, pointing to the meteorite burning with red flames in the pit.

The meteorite was oval, as long as a person, and lay quietly in the pit.

As time goes by, the fire on the meteorite becomes weaker and weaker until it disappears completely.

"Don't tell me that this big stone is a creature from that dimensional world." Ye Ziyun was originally looking forward to it, but now she was completely disappointed when she saw this thing.

A legendary inscription scroll only summoned a big stone, so it would be a loss no matter what.

Nie Li scratched his head, frowned and said, "Maybe it's not a stone, but an egg? Look carefully, there are many small inscription patterns engraved on it."

"Egg? Is it the same creature as a golden egg?" Xiao Ning'er's pretty face turned red.

Everyone in the Haozhen family knew the process of hatching a golden egg, and if this egg was hatched in the same way, they would be willing to sacrifice themselves.

Xian Wu shook his head and said: "I don't think so. This egg is larger than a golden egg. It is obviously not the same species, and the hatching method should be different."

As soon as he saw Xiao Ning'er blushing, Xian Wu knew that she was thinking about something weird again.

Didn't I tell you to wait two more years? You, Brother Wu, and I are people with principles and bottom lines, so you want to seduce me into committing a crime.

Just as the six people were pointing around the dome in the pit, the group of people that Xian Wu had sensed earlier arrived.The leading middle-aged man raised his fist to signal the team to stop, and then gestured to both sides to signal the team to outflank them.

"Xian Wu, we are surrounded." Nie Li reminded him coldly.

Although his realm is not as good as Xian Wu's, he is still a Black Gold Level Demon Spirit Master. How could he not sense when the enemies are approaching?

Xian Wu nodded, but did not speak.

I was feeling angry in the town and had nowhere to vent my worries, so it came at the right time.

Soon, Xian Wu, Xiao Ning'er, Ye Ziyun and Xiao Xue stood back to back, leaving only Nie Li and Si Konggong standing there in shock.

"Damn! Your actions are too fast." Nie Li strongly protested.

Not long after, a middle-aged man wearing a wolfskin hat and a full beard came over, holding a huge bow in his hand and a mountain-climbing sword hanging on his back.

"I built this mountain and planted this tree. If you want to live from now on, leave money to buy the road! If you dare to say no, you will be killed and not buried." The bearded man said a series of slanderous words.

The meaning is obvious - robbery!
The tree attracts the wind, and they swept away the trading town. The wealth they carried was astonishing. After robbing them, they could live comfortably for the rest of their lives. It was worth the risk for many desperadoes.

What's more important is that they purchased so many things, but they didn't even have a guard. As the saying goes, "two fists are hard to beat with four hands." This will undoubtedly increase the success rate of robbery.

"Presumptuous! You dare to rob our Silver Wing Family, you are impatient." Si Kong Kong pulled out the sword from his waist.

"Silver Wing Family? You bastards are the ones who robbed!" The bearded man shot an arrow without saying a word.

At the same time, several arrows flew out from the nearby woods, trying to kill several people randomly.

Xian Wu narrowed his eyes. These arrows were all made of dragon soul crystals and were very sharp.

"The Six-Character Five-Shaped Fist Secret Style - Hunyuan Lightning Five Continuous Whips!"

Arrows struck, Xian Wu took action instantly, and all the dragon soul arrows were caught by him.

Xian Wu clapped his hands and threw a large armful of dragon soul arrows on the ground.


After running out of arrows, the robbers lurking in the woods rushed out of the woods, charged with swords, guns, swords and halberds.

"A bunch of ants, come on and crush them!" Xian Wu ordered the girls to take action, while he crossed his arms and stared at the bearded man to prevent the old scheming man from sneaking up on him from behind.

Xiao Ning'er held the war spear in her hand, attached the power of thunder to it, and stabbed the robber with one spear, and the robber was instantly electrocuted into a skeleton.

"Bang!" A spirit pill shell was shot from Ye Ziyun's mechanism umbrella, directly blowing a robber who wanted to sneak attack Xiao Ning'er into an idiot.

"Whoosh!" Taking advantage of the moment when the man turned into an idiot, Xiao Xue opened the jade waist bow, filled it with dragon soul arrows, and sealed the robber's throat with one arrow.

Nie Li Laoden urged the tiger-toothed panda to possess him and stopped the robbers who wanted to attack the two shooters.

With a bear's paw, the robbers were either dead or injured.

Si Kongkong, on the other hand, was more arrogant and was beaten by several gold-level warriors. If Xian Wu hadn't taken action, he would have almost died.

"Damn it, how could they be so strong!" Seeing his younger brothers being slaughtered crazily by several people, the bearded man couldn't bear it anymore and stretched his bow to sneak attack Xiao Xue, the weakest member of the team.

(End of this chapter)

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