The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 288 The Robber and the Three Aristocratic Families

Chapter 288 Robbers and Thirteen Aristocratic Families

Xian Wu had been staring at the robber leader, and he took action as soon as the other party fired an arrow.

"It's the Dragon Soul Arrow again, can you get some fresh ones!" Xian Wu complained as he casually threw the arrows into the pile of arrows on the ground.

A group of guys who overestimate their abilities and really don't know how to write the word "death".

"The idea is pricking your hands, the wind is blowing hard!" the robber leader shouted and ordered everyone to retreat.

More than half of his younger brother was already dead, if the fight continued, the entire army would have to be wiped out.

"Run? Do I allow you to run?" Xian Wu snorted coldly, activated the magma law in the soul sea, and transformed into a magma superman.

Xian Wu slapped the ground, and a river of magma was instantly generated. Like a winding python, it quickly spread on the surface and surrounded all the robbers in the space.

"Jump over!" the robber leader ordered.

It is not difficult for a gold-level warrior to jump across a river that is only a few dozen meters wide.

A few brave boys jumped up first.

Just when they came to the middle of the magma river and had nowhere to rely on, the lava sharks jumped up high and swallowed several robbers into their belly.

The robbers didn't even scream, they were burned to the bone.

"Monster? There is a monster in the river! It's so scary!"

"Compared to the monsters in the river, the person who created this lava river is more terrifying, right?"

"Boss, what should we do if we encounter a tough situation? Boss, please think of a solution. I don't want to die yet!"

"I'm making you paralyzed!" The leader of the robbers kicked the younger brother over, pulled out his machete, and called on the younger brothers to prepare for a last-ditch fight.

But what no one expected was that an accident happened.

The lava river suddenly changed its course and flowed into the pit, where it was absorbed by the giant egg lying inside.

Xian Wu touched his chin and asked in surprise: "This egg actually sucked away the power of my magma law?"

The river of magma was completely absorbed by the dome, leaving deep ravines on the ground, and white smoke rising from time to time.

The robbers were overjoyed and prepared to escape.

"Wait a minute, I think we don't have to escape." The robber leader stopped the brothers.

Following the direction of the leader's finger, the robber boys discovered that a group of people wearing wolf hats were standing on the treetops, staring at this side with green eyes.

"Family...the head of the house? Brothers, the head of the house is here!"

"The master of the house is here, we are saved!"

"The head of the family is a legendary powerhouse. He will definitely be able to kill that white-haired boy and seize all the belongings."

The leader of the robbers interrupted the discussion of the younger brothers, shook his head and said: "Not only our Canglang family, but also people from the Shenyan family, Silver Wing family and ten other families are here. It is impossible for us to monopolize it. .”

The giant trees around were crowded with people, and every one of them was a black-gold level expert.

"Mo Ya, Li Xiao, and Xian Wu are the consorts of my Silver Wing family. I advise you not to have any ideas about him." The black gold-level expert from the Silver Wing family spoke first.

Mo Ya wore a white wolf head and said coldly: "You are not qualified to talk to me. Let that old thief Sikong Yi come out and talk to me."

The Prince Consort of the Silver Wing Family?It's just farting, it seems that you want to monopolize the huge wealth of that kid.

strangeness?Why are there only two elders from the Silver Wing Family, and why is that old thief Sikong Yi not here?

The Canglang Family and the Silver Wing Family were at war with each other, while the head of the Shenyan Family, Li Xiao, was just watching the show with a smile as if nothing happened.

Li Xiao is a middle-aged man with no neck, fat head and big ears. He is more than twice as fat as Li Fu, the manager of Shenyan Store.With such a physique, he can actually stand firmly on a tree branch as thick as a thumb, which shows his martial arts accomplishments.

"Master, do you want to take the opportunity to kill the two old dogs of the Silver Wing Family?" asked the black gold level expert from the Shenyan Family.

"No rush, let's check the situation first." Li Xiao raised his hand to stop him.

He was attracted by the red light soaring into the sky, and if the wolf family and the silver-wing family dog ​​bite the dog, then he doesn't mind taking advantage of it.

Although the Canglang family and the Shenyan family have formed an alliance, there are no permanent friends in the world, only permanent interests.

He received a secret report that the old thief Sikong Yi was suspected to have had his whole body destroyed.

Now that all the heads of the major families are gathered together, the old thief Sikong Yi has not come, which undoubtedly confirms this information.

Without Sikong Yi, the Silver Wing Family is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out, and there is no threat to the Shenyan Family.

The biggest threat now is the former ally - the Canglang Family.

In addition, I heard from Li Heng that the silver-haired young man Xian Wu had killed legendary monsters, so he was suspected to be a legendary powerhouse.

Not to mention that he had never seen such a young legend, it had never appeared in the entire history of the Ulan Empire.

That Xian Wu was probably bragging, the legendary monster was probably seriously injured and dying, and by chance, he hunted and killed it.

On second thought, the old thief Sikong's cultivation was abolished, and Xian Wu became the prince-in-law of the Silver Wing family again. Maybe he was really a legendary powerhouse.

The more Li Xiao thought about it, the more confused he became, so he could only wait and see.

On the open ground, Xian Wu squatted half-crouched by the pit, his eyes shining, and he carefully observed the oval-shaped dome.

"After absorbing the law of magma, the eggshell actually cracked a shallow gap." Xian Wu muttered.

Nie Li stared vigilantly at the powerhouses of the various families around him, and reminded: "Don't worry about the cracks, we are already surrounded by several black-gold-level powerhouses, hurry up and find a way to break through."

"Their eyes are so scary. They look like they are going to eat us. Brother Xian Wu, let's run." Xiao Xue tugged on Xian Wu's sleeves.

She is a silver woman, surrounded by a group of black golds, so it’s pretty good that she didn’t pee in fear.

"Don't panic, they're just a bunch of ants." Xian Wu clapped his thigh and stood up.

He looked around and asked angrily, "What are you all doing here? Do you want to rob and blackmail us?"


Two black shadows fell from the tree and stood in front of Xian Wu.

"Husband-in-law, Sikong Zhan (Sikong Dou) arrived too late to save me, please atone for your sins." The two masters from the Silver Wing Family said with fists in their hands.

They originally got the crimson light beam through exploration, but unexpectedly they met Xian Wu who was returning from shopping.

"I forgive you." Xian Wu waved his hand.

He knew these two black-gold masters from the Silver Wing Family. They were both Sikong Yi's half-brothers.

"Consort, these corpses on the ground are..."

"We have killed all the gangsters who blocked the road and robbed them." Xian Wu pointed in the direction of the beard.

Looking in the direction of Xian Wu's finger, the two immediately became angry.

"Prince-in-law, these people are not robbers, but people from the Canglang Family. You see, the leader wearing a wolf head is Morcha, one of the three elders of the Canglang Family." Sikong Zhan said indignantly.

"The Canglang Family..." Xian Wu pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "There is no need to exist anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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