Chapter 289

"Boy, what did you say? Do you have the guts to say it again?" Molcha felt that he could do it again because of Mo Ya's support.

Even the old thief Sikong Yi from the Silver Wing Family didn't dare to scream in front of so many people. Why should a little prince consort?
Moercha walked over proudly, carrying the ghostly knife.

Sikong Zhan and Sikong Dou pulled out the Western swords from their waists, guarded Xian Wu on the left and right, and then scolded: "Morcha, what do you want to do when you come over here? If you want to fight, we two brothers will accompany you."

Molcha only has one black and gold star, while the two brothers have one black and gold star two and one three-star black and gold. There is no problem in killing him instantly.

The problem is that once Morcha is killed, Mo Ya will definitely take action, and the allies of the Canglang Family will also follow suit.

Mo Ya is a legendary powerhouse, and they only have five black-gold level experts.

Sikong Zhan and Sikong Dou didn't know that Xian Wu was a legendary powerhouse, and Si Kong Yi never mentioned it.

The one who could destroy Sikong Yi was either Legend or Heijin. They had never seen such a young Legend.

They believed that Xian Wu was just a black gold leveler and that Sikong Yi needed to be eliminated through some special means.

When the fight between the two occurred that day, they were patrolling the territory outside.

When I came back, the battle was over and the main hall had collapsed.

Although Xian Wu can use special means to kill legendary level players, facing so many black gold level masters, his special means may not be good enough.

Therefore, it is best to escape unscathed, whether it is possible to avoid a war or not to start a war.

"Fight? Are you kidding? Either you will die today or we will live!" Morcha said aggressively, "Of all the families present, there is no one who has not been oppressed by your Silver Wing family."

"I will kill you today, and tomorrow we will unite to attack the territory of the Silver Wing family, kill the old thief Sikong Yi, and carve up the Red Blood Crystal mine! Kill all the men of the Silver Wing family, and sleep off the women of the Silver Wing family, haha... …”

Morcha's laughter stopped abruptly.

Under the angry gazes of Sikong Zhan and Sikong Dou, Morcha turned into a headless corpse and fell to the ground.


What happened?
Before Sikong Zhan and Sikong Dou could understand what was happening, Mo Ya, the head of the Canglang Family, took action.

"You little brat, if you dare to kill the elders of my Canglang family, you will not be allowed to live with me!" Mo Ya used his hands and feet to use the Canglang family's ancestral martial art "Lang Fang Wind Fist".

Xian Wu instantly appeared behind Mo Ya and "clicked" the irregular spherical object in his hand.

"If anyone else wants to take action, let's go together, so you can save me the trouble of killing them one by one." Xian Wu shook the red and yellow thing in his hand and said angrily.

The demon's left hand, combined with the art of invisibility and thunder god's wrath, can instantly kill any enemy below the legendary peak.

It was just a legendary two-star warrior, killing him was just a joke.

You don't want to take action, do you really think you are easy to bully?Today, no one from the Canglang family can hope to return alive.

After speaking, Xian Wu instantly appeared behind a robber, cut off his head, and instantly broke it into countless atoms.

"Come together!" Upon seeing this, Sikong Zhan and Sikong Dou followed Xian Wu's footsteps and killed the Canglang Family together.

"Listen to me, everyone, that kid has enough food for us to last for several lifetimes. Let's get on shoulder to shoulder, kill this kid, and share the food!" The strong man from the Canglang Family encouraged his allies to take action.

When he heard about the food, Duan Feilong, the head of the Black Dragon Family, was the first to stand up: "From the Black Dragon Family, follow me!"

Seeing that someone was taking the lead, all the Canglang Family's allies also took action.

"Master, shall we come?" The strong man from the Shenyan Family asked excitedly. "I'm going to paralyze you. Didn't you see that Mo Laogou was beaten to death? What are you doing up there, killing people?" Li Xiao scolded, "Notify everyone in the Shenyan Family to retreat!"

Li Xiao felt a strong death threat. Since Xian Wu could kill Mo Ya instantly, he could also kill him instantly.

It's terrible, it's terrible. It's so terrible at such a young age. Will it happen again in the future?
Li Xiao lamented: "The hell world is about to change..."

Seeing that the Shenyan Family withdrew from the battlefield, the Silver Wing Family's allies, who had been standing still, also joined the battlefield and began to help the Silver Wing Family.

The battle became one-sided, and the Canglang family and its allied families were all killed.

"Sikong Zhan, Sikong Dou, go back and inform Lao Yi to gather troops and prepare to conquer the territory of the Canglang family and its allies!"

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the two immediately flew back to the Silver Wing Family with excitement.

"Prince-in-law, what about us..." the heads of the allied families asked anxiously.

In the battle just now, Xian Wu killed [-]% of the enemies, killing them instantly with one blow every time.Killing them instantly is no problem.

Xian Wu was not as cruel as Sikong Yi. He did not pursue the allies and their families for being late in helping the war. The family sent him a hundred bags of ordinary grain and sent them away.

As soon as the Shenyan Family retreated, those neutral families also ran away.

Even the legendary powerhouses were so scared that they fled, let alone a few of them.

"The annoying flies are finally gone." Xian Wu moved his neck and ordered: "Si Kongong, you go and collect all the corpses, and I will burn them all in a while. Si Kongong? Did you hear me? "

"Oh, ok, no problem, I'll be there right away." After recovering from the shock, Si Kongong put his sword back into its scabbard and ran to collect the corpses.

Returning to the edge of the pit, Xian Wu squatted on the ground and continued to study the summoned dome.

Ye Ziyun came over, frowned, and asked: "Xian Wu, you have killed these culprits, there is no need to attack their territory anymore, right?"

She recalled the tragic situation of the Holy Family.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

One general's achievements will cause thousands of bones to wither, but the kindness of a woman cannot accomplish great things.

"I... I'm just reminding you, why are you like this? Treating other people's kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs." Ye Ziyun stamped her feet angrily, "Ning'er, take care of your Xian Wu."

"Don't make trouble unreasonably, Brother Wu is right." Xiao Ning'er pushed Ye Ziyun away.

Xiao Xue silently put the Dragon Soul Arrow on the ground into the space ring and remained silent the whole time.

Ye Ziyun is Xian Wu's sworn sister. It is a family matter of his own and it is not convenient for her as an outsider to get involved.

"Xian Wu, if you have something to say, please say it properly and don't be so aggressive, okay?" Nie Li complained. Ziyun also had good intentions and didn't want to commit more crimes.

Too lazy to talk to Nie Li Lao Deng, Xian Wu turned back and continued to study the dome.

Attaching soul power to her eyes, she focused on the cracks in the egg while injecting the law of magma into it.

Sure enough, after swallowing the law of magma, the cracks on the dome slowly grew bigger and bigger.


I don't know how many magma laws were injected, and the dome exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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