Chapter 290 Firebird Clan Fireworks

The giant egg exploded, and everyone's eyes were attracted, and the unhappiness just now disappeared.

After the explosion, clouds of smoke rose from the pit, and the situation inside the pit could not be seen clearly for a while.

You can vaguely see a graceful black figure standing in the pit.

"The Wind God is angry!" Xian Wu said silently in his heart, then spread his wings and fanned a strong wind, blowing away the thick fog in the pit.

After the smoke cleared, everyone was stunned by the scene in the pit.

Standing in the pit was a foreign girl with a red outfit that looked like flames and a hot body.

Her appearance is slightly different from that of humans. Her hair is fiery red and her ears are drooping. It is a purple-red color.

Her red short skirt only barely covered her buttocks. The curvature and curves were extremely amazing, as well as her white and tight thighs, which gave people a strong visual impact.

At the same time, the clothes on her body are also extremely hot and sexy, and her bulging moon seems to be about to burst out of the clothes.

The girl looked around blankly, feeling confused.

"Where is this? Who are you?" A very strong voice came out from the girl's tender lips.

Xian Wu swallowed his saliva, jumped into the pit, took the girl's white and tender hand, and said: "This is the world of the underworld, and I am your master. Come on, let's go home."

"The Dark Hell World..." the girl murmured to herself. She was clearly practicing the power of the law in seclusion in the family forbidden area of ​​the Netherworld family. Why did she suddenly come to the Dark Hell World?

"Baby, what's your name?" As he asked, Xian Wu waved his hand and threw a ball of hell demon fire, burning the pile of corpses on the ground.

Baby?The girl was not angry yet, but Xiao Ning'er was not happy.

She pouted her little mouth angrily, pinched her waist, and stared at the red-haired girl with hostility.

First it was Sikong Hongyue, and then there was a woman in red clothes. Brother Wu has such a good rapport with women!
Xiao Ning'er was so angry that she turned to glare at Nie Li.

It's all this guy's fault. If he hadn't given Brother Wu that summoning scroll, Brother Wu wouldn't have summoned a woman.

Facing Xiao Ning'er's murderous gaze, Nie Li shrugged innocently. He didn't know he would summon the beauty.

Xiao Xue lowered her head to look at her own, then turned her head to look at Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er's, and found that the girl of the foreign race was the biggest.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Xue decisively stood on a united front with Xiao Ning'er, staring at the foreign girl with hostility.

"My name is Hanabi, from the world of the underworld, the eldest daughter of the Firebird clan, the legendary five-star..." The foreign girl suddenly screamed, "No, I have reached the realm of demigods. This is... the law of magma!"

She had been cultivating the power of the law but could not get it. Why did she suddenly get it?

"Hua Huo..." Xian Wu touched his chin and muttered: "As beautiful as a flower, as passionate as fire... What a good name!"

Hua Huo and Sikong Hongyue are both from different races and both cultivate their bodies.

The difference is that Sikong Hongyue trains his whole body, while Hua Huo focuses on training his legs.

Xian Wu was secretly shocked by what a pair of beautiful legs they were, more than ten times stronger than Sikong Hongyue's.

While Hanabi was concentrating on playing with the magma law she had just obtained, Xian Wu generated a ball of magma from his palm.

"Why do you have one too?" Hanabi opened her charming and passionate eyes.

With one hand behind his back, Xian Wu raised his chin and said proudly: "Your magma law is bestowed by me, why do you think I have it?"

"Want more magma laws? Then please me, your master."

I thought that after I said this, Hanabi would be angry or reject him outright.

did not expect……

"It's so... so passionate. If you can't stand it anymore, come down first." Xian Wu gasped for air and almost suffocated from Hanabi's kiss.

"Come down, bitch!" Xiao Ning'er's eyes were full of fire and she wanted to pull Hua Huo off Xian Wu.Unexpectedly, the fireworks were so powerful that they easily threw Xiao Ning'er away.

Hanabi is a sub-god (the pinnacle of legend who masters the power of law), and Xiao Ning'er only has five black and gold stars, so it would be strange not to be thrown away.

"Who are you! What does it have to do with you if I please my master?" Hua Huo wrapped her arms around Xian Wu's waist, stuck out her tongue at Xiao Ning'er, and made faces.

Xian Wu slapped Hua Huo and scolded softly: "Don't be the same age as your sixth sister, or I'll spank you."

"Sixth sister?" Hanabi was stunned for a moment, "So, you have married six wives?"

"Wrong, it's number seven!" Xian Wu corrected, "You are number eight."

Fireworks: ...

After climbing over mountains and ridges, everyone finally returned to the Silver Wing Family.

"Prince-in-law, the troops have been assembled and ready to go at any time." Sikong Yi reported excitedly.

Xian Wu nodded: "Huahuo, Hongyue, you two come with me, and the others stay to look after the house."

"Brother Wu, I want to go with you too." Xiao Ning'er begged pitifully while grabbing Xian Wu's arm.

Xian Wu grabbed Xiao Ning'er's little hand and asked with concern: "You've been shopping for a long time, aren't you tired?"

"I'm not tired. Being with Brother Wu, Ning'er is not tired at all." Xiao Ning'er said with a serious look on her face, staring at her big bright eyes.

Sikong Hongyue poured cold water on her and said, "Sister Ning'er, we are going to fight, not to go home. You should stay at home and wait for our triumphant return. Don't cause any trouble."

"Why are you causing trouble? I think you are the one who is going to cause trouble!" Xiao Ning'er retorted unceremoniously.

"I know the road, do you?" As soon as Sikong Hongyue said this, Xiao Ning'er was speechless.

Xiao Ning'er bit her delicate lips, looking like she was about to cry.

"Who is she?" Hua Huo asked Xian Wu in a low voice.

"Old Seven."

"Lao Qi dares to talk to Lao Liu like that? It's not too big or small, why is she so naughty!" Huahuo was a little annoyed.

Xian Wu shrugged and explained in a low voice: "There is nothing we can do. We are now in the seventh family's natal family, and we have the support of our natal family."

"My natal family? When will the master go to see my natal family?" Hua Huo squinted and patted Xian Wu's buttocks.

Xian Wu's face turned red, and he coughed dryly and said, "After we leave the underworld, we will go to your house."

It was the first time I was teased by a female gangster, and I was still a little uncomfortable with it.

"I love you so much, Master!" Huo Huo was so excited that he kissed Xian Wu on the face.

"Hey, who are you? Why are you kissing my consort!" Sikong Hongyue pointed her finger at Hua Huo and pushed her.

Xiao Ning'er had a soft temper, and Hanabi couldn't tolerate it, so she raised her hand and pushed her back.

"I kiss my master, it's none of your business, try pushing me again?"

"So what if I push you!" Sikong Hongyue was not afraid of threats.

Seeing that his daughter was about to make the same mistake again, Sikong Yi coughed dryly and interrupted: "Consort, it's getting late. The soldiers are all waiting. Isn't it time to set off?"

"Brother Wu~" Xiao Ning'er begged softly, staring at her big watery eyes.

"Go, but pay attention to safety." Xian Wu nodded.

"The whole army is following the order, target the territory of Canglang Family, set off!"

(End of this chapter)

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