The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 291 Two Crazy Old Men

Chapter 291 A crazy old man
After Xian Wu left, a crazy old man came to the gate of the Silver Wing family's palace.

The old man was wearing tattered clothes, his hair was disheveled, his steps were staggering, and his eyes were dull and confused.

"Where did this old beggar come from to beg for food in our Silver Wing Family? Get out of here, or I'll stab you in the heart." The guard at the palace gate scolded with a look of disgust.

This was the first time in his history that he saw someone dare to beg from the Silver Wing Family. He didn't know how to write the word "death", right?
"The infinite has no beginning, and the beginning is endless, hahaha..." The crazy old man suddenly laughed wildly, and walked into the palace regardless of the guards' obstruction.

"Seeking death!" The gate guard became angry, grabbed a spear and stabbed it.

He didn't want to kill anyone, but since this old gang leader was seeking death himself, he couldn't be blamed.

The moment the guard took action, the crazy old man also took action. He grabbed the guard's face and pushed him into the ground. The guard's silver helmet was pressed into a discus, and the end was very miserable.

"Enemy..." Seeing this, another guard was about to shout an enemy attack when his throat was scratched to pieces by the crazy old man's eagle-clawed hand.

The guard clutched his throat and fell to the ground, gasping for breath but unable to make any sound.

"The infinite has no beginning, and without beginning there is no end..." The crazy old man muttered ten words over and over again, and stumbled into the palace door.

At this time, Nie Li had just finished lunch and was sitting at the table, playing with the treasures he found in the trading town to digest his food. He was not aware of the approaching crisis.

"The six legendary inscription scrolls have been repaired. Now it's the turn of these three precious flying knives made of Tianyi Divine Crystal!" Nie Li excitedly took out the exquisite wooden box from the space ring.

Slowly pour soul power into the flying knives, and the inscriptions on the blades gradually light up. One contains the power of fire, one contains the power of ice, and the last one contains the power of darkness.

"Chiyan, Chihan, Chixu..." Nie Li slowly recited the ancient characters on the blade. These should be the names of the three flying knives.

The inscriptions on the flying knife are all legendary level by visual inspection. Coupled with its own special material, it is not a problem to kill legendary level experts in an instant.

Although he is now a Black Gold Level Demon Spirit Master and can only exert [-]% to [-]% of the power of the three flying knives, there is no problem in cooperating with the Shadow Demon Spirit to secretly attack and kill legendary level experts.

"The legendary scroll and the three flying knives are with me. I don't need Xian Wu to protect me. I am still capable of fighting." Nie Li thought to himself, and then silently ran the Divine Art of Heaven to refine the remaining Yimu spirit liquid.

The three flying knives of Chiyan, Chihan and Chixu were quietly suspended around Nie Li, constantly devouring the overflowing soul power.

Not long after practicing, there were rapid footsteps and angry shouts of killing coming from outside the door.

Before Nie Li could stand up, the door was suddenly knocked open.

Fortunately, Nie Li dodged in time, otherwise he would have been crushed by something rushing into the door.

"It's you, Sikong Zhan, what's wrong with you?" Nie Li took a closer look and found that the person who broke into his room was one of the two black gold masters from the Silver Wing Family.

Sikong Zhan's chest was sunken and he was lying on the ground, with red blood pouring out of his mouth, looking like he was about to die.

" away..." Before he could finish his words, Sikong Zhan tilted his head and lost his breath completely.

Nie Lining frowned, not understanding what was happening outside.

Could it be that a hostile family broke in?No, Ziyun!

Just as Nie Li was about to rush out, the door was blocked by an old man in ragged clothes. Nie Li keenly sensed a terrifying aura.

This murderous aura almost penetrated from the pores of the body, sending chills down the spine and making people shiver.

Nie Li felt a slight shiver in his heart. I'm afraid he would have to kill at least a million creatures to gather such terrifying murderous intent, right?

Although Xian Wu had also killed millions of monsters, the murderous aura in him could not even compare to the old man's.

"Who are you?" Nie Li slowly backed away and secretly took out the red flame flying knife.

"The infinite has no beginning, and there is no end without beginning. I finally found the last inheritor of the Cross Mantra, hahaha..."...

The territory of Canglang Family.

Xian Wu, who was directing the war spirit puppets to bomb Canglang Castle, suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head, like a needle pricking him, and he swayed and fell to the ground.

"Master, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Come, lie in my arms and have a rest." Hua Huo picked up Princess Xianwu.

Hooking her slippery jade neck, feeling the temperature of a burning flame on the beauty's delicate body, and smelling the faint fragrance of roses, Xian Wu's headache eased a little.

"Consort, the city wall has been blown up, let's..." Sikong Hongyue came over excitedly, but was stunned mid-sentence, "What are you... doing?"

Xian Wu Mi juice blushed and explained: "Suddenly I had a headache, so I lay in Hua Hua's arms to take a rest."

"The city wall exploded? Well, order the soldiers to attack the city and crush them." Xian Wu jumped out of Hua Huo's arms and fell to the ground.

"Yes!" Sikong Hongyue glared at Huahuo with hostility, then turned to convey the order.

The territory of the Canglang Family is located in a canyon that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the mountain walls are too steep to climb.

The only entrance and exit is a valley entrance, where thick and tall city walls are built and powerful defensive equipment is erected. Once the city gate is closed, no one can even think of breaking into the territory.

If it were any other aristocratic family, they would definitely not be able to defeat the Canglang Family in a short time.

Unfortunately, this time Xian Wu personally led the team.

The spirit puppet inlaid with red blood crystal is an extremely terrifying war machine.

No matter how thick the city wall is, it cannot withstand the repeated bombardment of hundreds of war spirit puppets.

It is worth mentioning that even if it stays in the space ring, the Thunder God's Meteor Sword can absorb the souls of the dead within a hundred miles.

There are now more than 1 souls in the sword body, and this number is still rising at an extremely terrifying speed.

Therefore, the souls required to create war spirit puppets are very abundant.


"Come on!"

The War Spirit Puppet took the lead, followed by the Silver Wing Family's army, and poured into the territory of the Canglang Family.

Since there is only one entrance and exit, no one from the Canglang family in the territory has escaped except those who went out.

Anyone who tried to resist was killed.

Sitting on the wolf-skin throne of the Canglang Family, Xian Wu crossed his legs and looked at the group of captives below with great interest.

Those kneeling on His Highness's side were either representatives of his direct lineage or representatives of his branch lines, all of whom were anxiously awaiting their upcoming fate.

"Hongyue, what do you think should be done with them?" Xian Wu turned around and asked.

Xiao Ning'er stood on the left side of the throne, Sikong Hongyue stood on the right side of the throne, and Hua Huo lay in Xian Wu's arms, drawing circles on his chest from time to time.

"Keeping them is a waste of food, why not kill them all!" Sikong Hongyue said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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